• ilauder
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I have a Word VBA application that logins into to salesforce via the VB API passing in the userid, pwd and token.


Its been working for years no problem on all versions of Windows XP to 8, Word 2003 to 2013.


But now I have one customer from the UK who keeps getting an error searching (they get connected okay), and I've tested their userid, pwd and token here in the US and get the same errors.


They swear they have updated their password and token mulitple times, and since it connects, they seem to be legit.   Ive never seen this error message except in cases where the password has actually expired and logging into salesforce via the web makes you change your password.


The SF error message returned when executing the search API call is:


Unable to search SalesForce.com database. SalesForce error: # -2147467259. Check that your SalesForce.com account password has not expired.


As mentioned this users has just reset their password and token multiple times trying to get past this error.  And when entering the new userid, pwd and token it does connect without errors.  It just keeps generating errors doing the search function.


Is there any other issue with salesforce.com or the VB API that would cause this error even if the password and token have just been reset?


Does SalesForce.com's VBA api support Office 2010 64-bit?


If so what's the trick to setting it up.   I have no problems accessing SalesForce api in Office 2010 32-bit VBA, but whenever I try it on the Office 2010 64-bit platform  (and all the test machines for both Office 2010 32/64-bit are 64-bit Windows 7) I get


ActiveX 429 errors trying to create the sales force toolkit object.


The dll is installed and the functions show in the VBA object browser, and the DLL is checked in the Tools->Refererences.


I have the Salesforce Toolkit installed, and the SForceOfficeToolkitLib4 is showing up in the VBA object browser and is enabled and in the VBA Tools -> References the SForceOfficeToolkit4 v4.0 is showing and is checked.


When I run the following code to login I get a VBA error 429 ActiveX cannot create object on the CreateObject call.


I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and Office 2010 64-bit.  


Dim g_sfApi As SForceOfficeToolkitLib4.SForceSession4


Public Function SF_Login() As Long

        Set g_sfApi = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkitLib4.SForceSession4")
        If g_sfApi.Login("XXX", "YYY") = False Then
            MsgBox (g_sfApi.ErrorMessage)
        End If
end function


What am I missing in this setup?   Does SalesForce.com not work with the latest release of Office 2010 or Windows 7?



Okay, I'm new here, spent the last 5 hours going in circles just trying to find the Office toolkit and dlls.  I can find the manuals and references to go to the developers home page and download the toolkit, but I can not find it anywhere and most references to links I'm finding are dated 2006-2007.


What I'm ultimately trying to accomplish is this:    I have a macro enabled Word document with an extensive application written in Visual Basic for Applications that generates proposals.  It is currently installed on a users PC as a standalone Word document with a collection of Word document templates that are converted into a final proposal document merged with users contact information and clients contact information.


I want to integrate my existing VBA application with SalesForce.com to pull in contact information from SalesForce.com and output our assembled proposals in a way/location that works with SalesForce.com


The development environment for our VBA application is Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 7.0 (the Office 2010 version however it works with versions back to Office 2002).   Also ours works with both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Office 2010.  Does Salesforce.com's Office Toolkit support the new Office 2010 32-bit and 64-bit?


I have found references to an older Office Toolkit with a demo that sounds like it along the lines of what I'm doing.  Is there a link to that demo (it was described in a 2007 support posting as a Word document with a macro that shows how integrate with Salesforce)? 


I can not find any links or ways to download or install the "Office Toolkit" from either my developer login, or my force.com login in the Setup area.   All I can find is the Office Toolkit manual.


How do I get started?



I have the Salesforce Toolkit installed, and the SForceOfficeToolkitLib4 is showing up in the VBA object browser and is enabled and in the VBA Tools -> References the SForceOfficeToolkit4 v4.0 is showing and is checked.


When I run the following code to login I get a VBA error 429 ActiveX cannot create object on the CreateObject call.


I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and Office 2010 64-bit.  


Dim g_sfApi As SForceOfficeToolkitLib4.SForceSession4


Public Function SF_Login() As Long

        Set g_sfApi = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkitLib4.SForceSession4")
        If g_sfApi.Login("XXX", "YYY") = False Then
            MsgBox (g_sfApi.ErrorMessage)
        End If
end function


What am I missing in this setup?   Does SalesForce.com not work with the latest release of Office 2010 or Windows 7?



Okay, I'm new here, spent the last 5 hours going in circles just trying to find the Office toolkit and dlls.  I can find the manuals and references to go to the developers home page and download the toolkit, but I can not find it anywhere and most references to links I'm finding are dated 2006-2007.


What I'm ultimately trying to accomplish is this:    I have a macro enabled Word document with an extensive application written in Visual Basic for Applications that generates proposals.  It is currently installed on a users PC as a standalone Word document with a collection of Word document templates that are converted into a final proposal document merged with users contact information and clients contact information.


I want to integrate my existing VBA application with SalesForce.com to pull in contact information from SalesForce.com and output our assembled proposals in a way/location that works with SalesForce.com


The development environment for our VBA application is Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 7.0 (the Office 2010 version however it works with versions back to Office 2002).   Also ours works with both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Office 2010.  Does Salesforce.com's Office Toolkit support the new Office 2010 32-bit and 64-bit?


I have found references to an older Office Toolkit with a demo that sounds like it along the lines of what I'm doing.  Is there a link to that demo (it was described in a 2007 support posting as a Word document with a macro that shows how integrate with Salesforce)? 


I can not find any links or ways to download or install the "Office Toolkit" from either my developer login, or my force.com login in the Setup area.   All I can find is the Office Toolkit manual.


How do I get started?

