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Just want to ask if the assigning of OwnerId to a record in Custom Object will affect the license limit of certain user?

I have this case that the owner id of the custom object was set to Inactive, the reason why it cannot attach a file. What i did is that I temporary assign the owner id of these records to an active account like System Administrator. I also created a trigger that once the 'real' owner of these records becomes Activated, it will automatically update the Owner Id back to the real owner. I just want to upsert some files even though the owner is still Inactive user.


CustomObject. has the following records:

Id = 1 OwnerId = System Administrator

Id = 2 OwnerId = System Administrator

Id = 3 OwnerId = System Administrator


Now,my question is, will this have an effect to the license limit of the System Administrator account?


Your answers will really help a lot.



Hi guys,


Im having problem placing an attribute style in sectionheader. My css is not recognized and I've got error message when I tried to put this one:


<apex:sectionHeader title="{!$Label.FSW_Main}" subtitle="{!PolicyName}" styleClass="hkscs">


It says that styleclass is not an attribute of sectionHeader.


I tried doing the following but to no avail:


1. Inserting div


<div style = "hkscs" >
         <apex:sectionHeader title="{!$Label.FSW_Main}" subtitle="{!PolicyName}">


2. Inserting stylesheet before the sectionheader

<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.ESW2Style_HKSCS ,'newESUIStyle.css')}" />



I need to add style to my text in order for some Chinese text to appear perfectly inside the sectionheader.


Hope you can figure this one out.


Thanks for your help.

Hi guys, Just want to ask how can I create a test coverage with this certain piece of code: if (UserInfo.getLanguage() == 'en_US') { //implementation goes here... } else if (UserInfo.getLanguage() == 'zh_TW') { //implementation goes here... } How can I write test coverage both for English and Chinese language? Is there a method like setLanguage which is good only for executing test coverages? Currently my test coverage is lower than 75% because it cannot cover the other language since it uses the default language set in the portal. Please help!!! Many many thanks for those who will reply... Mikka ^_^


Hi guys,


Kindly help me out... Im having problem converting the datetime value field in my time zone (GMT+08:00) Philippines Time (Asia/Manila) so that when datetime field is captured in email, the correct time settings will be displayed.


So far, here's what I've gone through:

1. Create a Formula text type field that will convert my datetime field.

    MID(TEXT( DueDate__c + _______ ), 12, 5)


    Problem is I dont know what value will be supplied in the blank field or the formula in converting time zone so that I may be able to get the exact date and time values same as what is displayed in SF.


Your help is really appreciated.





Just want to ask if I use the settargetobjectid parameter in sending messages, does it restricts me to use the setToAddresses, setCCAddresses and setBccAddesses methods? This for a fact that settargetobjectid handles the sending of email by identifying the targeted recipient's address? So even if I use for example email.setCCAddresses('aa@abc.com') this will not cause error in compilation but will not send an email on the said address?


Please enlighten me. Your help will be  highly appreciated.



Hi guys, I am currently into sending Email Notification to users who have either new cases or cases whose due date has been lapsed. So far, this is what I've gone: 1. Created a class that implements Schedulable (for Apex Scheduler) 2. Created a class / method that queries list of users who will be notified by the email. 3. Associate the class into Scheduled Jobs and this will run 8 AM daily. My problem is that how can I create a trigger that will fire up and send email notifications every time the scheduled job has finished running? Also the users want to use their existing email template for this. I've got problem using workflow alerts since it limits me to recipients who should also receive this email notification. For example: To: -> the case owner

Cc: -> case owner's supervisor and not the entire supervisor role


Is this possible? Your help will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Hi guys, I am trying to compare two date fields in SF schema and is getting a malformed query error. Can anyone help me how to compare this two date fields please??? My SOQL query is like this: Select c.Status, c.SR_Number__c, c.Id, c.Due_Date__c, c.CreatedDate, c.CaseNumber From Case c where CreatedDate = Due_Date__c I just want to compare if the Created Date has the same date (YYYY-MM-DD) with my due date. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!