• Vincent Ip
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  • Member since 2010

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I'm trying to build the url for a page to be called via Ajax in a Salesforce Sites page which is in the format:




When I do {!$Page.myPage}" in Visualforce it it brings up the full correct reference to the page:




This works great.


However, I cannot find out how to correctly find out the "extension" through native Apex code.


ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders('Host') returns only the first part, "sitename-developer-edition.na3.force.com" without the extension, and there is no other information in any of the Headers element which contains it (i.e. Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, CipherSuite, Connection, Host, Keep-Alive, User-Agent, X-Salesforce-Forwarded-To, X-Salesforce-SIP).














I am currently implementing a VisualForce page within an iFrame and have outputFields that generate Hover upon rollover.


However these Hovers could have fields with links on them and clicking a link will render the page within the iFrame, is there a way apart from DOM traversing to set some sort of Target on the Hovers so the links will open in possibly the Parent, or a New (Tab/Window)?


Any help is much appreciated.



I deployed updated code to an org.  When I attempt to set a custom setting I get an error that says Custom Setting Limit Reached.  I only have 6 custom settings in the org, and very few attributes in the settings.  


Has anyone else seen this?  I really thought I did not have limitations like this on custom settings.