Hey all,
Wondering if it's possible to set a picklistEntry as "selected" programmatically. I know usually a user will be doing this, however, I want to do this programmatically because I'm sending an email to salesforce, and the value is already there.
Scenario: Send an email to salesforce that will create a custom object. The email will have the field for picklist as well as the picklistEntry.value() in a string format. ie. "Programming Languages: PHP, JS, RoR" I have it splitting up into "Programming Languages" and "PHP" "JS" "RoR".
Inside salesforce, there is a multipicklist(multi-select) for Programming Languages, for PHP, JS, RoR and more.
How do I make sure that the custom object field "Programming_Languages" will have PHP, JS, RoR selected and not the other ones?