• jcotten
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I am trying to copy workflows (field updates and rules) from one org to another using eclipse force.com ide.  I used this source code copy/paste method for fields, validation rules, record types, etc. with no problem.  What went wrong?  I am getting "Error parsing file: Element fieldUdates is duplicated at this location in type Workflow"
Any idea how to fix this?
I have a custom task button that I will add to the related list on several different objects.  The button is to trigger flow that will create a new task record. But I need to relate the task to the record from where in the button was clicked.  I need to capture the record Id so that I can populate the WhatId field on the new task.  I don't know how to do this since the Id could come from a variety of different object.  How do I complete this URL?


where to insert the report IDs?


Process Pay Cycle button Visualforce code:


<apex:page id="Process_Pay_Cycle" standardController="Pay_Cycle__c" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
	<link  href="/sCSS/8.0/Theme2/default/common.css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link  href="/css/assistive.css" media="aural,braille,embossed" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link  href="/sCSS/8.0/Theme2/allCustom.css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script>
    <script src="/soap/ajax/8.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src="/soap/ajax/8.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

	<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.Pay_Cycle, 'inc/css/pay_Cycle.css')}" />
	<script type="text/javascript">
    	var totalDays = 0;
    	var remainingDays = 0;
    	var type;
    	var pay_cycle_proccessed_text;
    	function setupPage(mode) {
    		sforce.connection.sessionId = '{!$Api.Session_ID}';
    		pay_cycle_proccessed_text = "{!JSENCODE(TEXT(Pay_Cycle__c.Processed__c))}";
    		type = mode;
    		if ((type == 'process' && pay_cycle_proccessed_text == "")) { 
	    		//function contains all code to execute after page is rendered
				var state = { //state that you need when the callback is called
					output : document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv"),
					startTime : new Date().getTime()
				var callback = {
					//call layoutResult if the request is successful
					onSuccess: layoutResults,
					//call callailed if the api request fails
					onFailure: callFailed,
					source: state
				var endDateSfdc = '{!JSENCODE(TEXT(Pay_Cycle__c.End_Date__c))}';
				var soql;
				if(type == 'process') soql = "Select count() from Requested_Day__c where (Pay_Cycle__c = null) and ((Time_Off_Request__r.Status__c = 'Approved') or (Time_Off_Request__r.Status__c = 'Processed')) and (Time_Off_Request__r.Payroll_System__c = '{!Pay_Cycle__c.Payroll_System__r.Id}') and (Requested_Day__c <= " + endDateSfdc + ") and (IsDeleted = false) and (Do_not_include_in_Pay_Cycle__c = false)";
				else soql = "Select count() from Requested_Day__c where (Pay_Cycle__c = '{!Pay_Cycle__c.Id}')  and (IsDeleted = false)"
				//do the query
				sforce.connection.query(soql, callback);
    			document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = "Processing...";
    		} else {
				if(type == 'process') document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML="<h3>This Pay Cycle has already been processed, and must be reset before it can be processed again.<h3>";
				else document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML="<h3>This Pay Cycle has not yet been processed, and so it cannot be reset.<h3>";				
				document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML += "<div class=\"buttons\"><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close();\" value=\"Close\" class=\"btn\"></div>";
    	function layoutResults(queryResult, source){
   			totalDays = queryResult.size;
   			if(totalDays == 0) {
   				if(type == 'process') document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML =  "No approved requests within the date range for this pay cycle";
   				else document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML =  "There are no processed requests to reset";
   				document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML += "<div class=\"buttons\"><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close();\" value=\"Close\" class=\"btn\"></div>";
   			} else {
   				document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = totalDays + " Total Days To be Processed";
				//now loop until we've processed them all
				remainingDays = totalDays;
    	function process() {
    		var state = { //state that you need when the callback is called
				output : document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv"),
				startTime : new Date().getTime()
    		var callback = {
				//call layoutResult if the request is successful
				onSuccess: updateProgress,
				//call callailed if the api request fails
				onFailure: callFailed,
				source: state
			var webServiceName = "reset_pay_cycle";
    		if(type == 'process') webServiceName = "process_pay_cycle";
    		sforce.apex.execute("pto_web_services", webServiceName, {a:"{!Pay_Cycle__c.Id}" },callback)

    	function updateProgress(result) {
    	    remainingDays -= result;
    		if(remainingDays > 0) window.setTimeout(process, 100); 
    		else {
				if(type == 'process') document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = "<h3>Pay Cycle has been successfully processed</h3>";
				else document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = "<h3>Pay Cycle has been successfully reset</h3>";
				document.getElementById("Process_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML += "<div class=\"buttons\"><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close();\" value=\"Close\" class=\"btn\"></div>";
    	function callFailed(error, source) {
			source.output.innerHTML = "An error has occurred: " + error;
	<apex:outputPanel id="detailPage" styleClass="customTab41 detailPage" layout="block">
		<apex:outputPanel id="bodyProcessPayCycle" styleClass="bodyDiv" layout="block">
			<apex:outputPanel id="bPageTitle" styleClass="bPageTitle" layout="block">
				<apex:outputPanel id="ptBody" styleClass="ptBody secondaryPalette" layout="block">
					<apex:outputPanel id="customContent" styleClass="customContent" layout="block">
						<img src="/s.gif" alt="Pay Cycle" class="pageTitleIcon" title="Pay Cycle"/>
						<h1 class="pageType">
							Process Pay Cycle
							<apex:outputPanel styleClass="titleSeparatingColon">:</apex:outputPanel>
						<h2 class="pageDescription">
			<apex:outputPanel id="bodyDiv" styleClass="bodyDiv" layout="block">
				<h3>Are you sure you want to process this Pay Cycle?</h3>
				<apex:outputPanel id="buttons" styleClass="buttons" layout="block">
					<input type="button" onclick="setupPage('process');" value="Yes" class="btn">&nbsp;
					<input type="button" onclick="window.close();" value="No" class="btn">

 Reset Pay Cycle button Visualforce code:


<apex:page id="Reset_Pay_Cycle" standardController="Pay_Cycle__c" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">

	<link  href="/sCSS/8.0/Theme2/default/common.css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link  href="/css/assistive.css" media="aural,braille,embossed" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
	<link  href="/sCSS/8.0/Theme2/allCustom.css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script>
    <script src="/soap/ajax/8.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src="/soap/ajax/8.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

	<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.Pay_Cycle, 'inc/css/pay_Cycle.css')}" />
		<script type="text/javascript">

    	var totalDays = 0;
    	var remainingDays = 0;
    	var type;
    	var pay_cycle_proccessed_text;
    	function setupPage(mode) {
    		sforce.connection.sessionId = '{!$Api.Session_ID}';
    		pay_cycle_proccessed_text = "{!JSENCODE(TEXT(Pay_Cycle__c.Processed__c))}";
    		type = mode;
    		if (type == 'reset' && pay_cycle_proccessed_text != "") { 
	    		//function contains all code to execute after page is rendered
				var state = { //state that you need when the callback is called
					output : document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv"),
					startTime : new Date().getTime()
				var callback = {
					//call layoutResult if the request is successful
					onSuccess: layoutResults,
					//call callailed if the api request fails
					onFailure: callFailed,
					source: state
				var endDateSfdc = '{!JSENCODE(TEXT(Pay_Cycle__c.End_Date__c))}';
				var soql;
				if(type == 'process') soql = "Select count() from Requested_Day__c where (Pay_Cycle__c = null) and ((Time_Off_Request__r.Status__c = 'Approved') or (Time_Off_Request__r.Status__c = 'Processed')) and (Time_Off_Request__r.Payroll_System__c = '{!Pay_Cycle__c.Payroll_System__r.Id}') and (Requested_Day__c <= " + endDateSfdc + ") and (IsDeleted = false) and (Do_not_include_in_Pay_Cycle__c = false)";
				else soql = "Select count() from Requested_Day__c where (Pay_Cycle__c = '{!Pay_Cycle__c.Id}')  and (IsDeleted = false)"
				//do the query
				sforce.connection.query(soql, callback);
    			document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = "Processing...";
    		} else {
				if(type == 'process') document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML="<h3>This Pay Cycle has already been processed, and must be reset before it can be processed again.<h3>";
				else document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML="<h3>This Pay Cycle has not yet been processed, and so it cannot be reset.<h3>";				
				document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML += "<div class=\"buttons\"><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close();\" value=\"Close\" class=\"btn\"></div>";
    	function layoutResults(queryResult, source){
   			totalDays = queryResult.size;
   			if(totalDays == 0) {
   				if(type == 'process') document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML =  "No approved requests within the date range for this pay cycle";
   				else document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML =  "There are no processed requests to reset";
   				document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML += "<div class=\"buttons\"><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close();\" value=\"Close\" class=\"btn\"></div>";
   			} else {
   				document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = totalDays + " Total Days To be Processed";
   				//now loop until we've processed them all
				remainingDays = totalDays;
    	function process() {
    		var state = { //state that you need when the callback is called
				output : document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv"),
				startTime : new Date().getTime()
    		var callback = {
				//call layoutResult if the request is successful
				onSuccess: updateProgress,
				//call callailed if the api request fails
				onFailure: callFailed,
				source: state
			var webServiceName = "reset_pay_cycle";
    		if(type == 'process') webServiceName = "process_pay_cycle";
    		sforce.apex.execute("pto_web_services", webServiceName, {a:"{!Pay_Cycle__c.Id}" },callback)

    	function updateProgress(result) {
    	    remainingDays -= result;
    		if(remainingDays > 0) window.setTimeout(process, 100); 
    		else {
    			if(type == 'process') document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = "<h3>Pay Cycle has been successfully processed</h3>";
				else document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML = "<h3>Pay Cycle has been successfully reset</h3>";
				document.getElementById("Reset_Pay_Cycle:bodyDiv").innerHTML += "<div class=\"buttons\"><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close();\" value=\"Close\" class=\"btn\"></div>";
    	function callFailed(error, source) {
			source.output.innerHTML = "An error has occurred: " + error;
	<apex:outputPanel id="detailPage" styleClass="customTab41 detailPage" layout="block">
		<apex:outputPanel id="bodyResetPayCycle" styleClass="bodyDiv" layout="block">
			<apex:outputPanel id="bPageTitle" styleClass="bPageTitle" layout="block">
				<apex:outputPanel id="ptBody" styleClass="ptBody secondaryPalette" layout="block">
					<apex:outputPanel id="customContent" styleClass="customContent" layout="block">
						<img src="/s.gif" alt="Pay Cycle" class="pageTitleIcon" title="Pay Cycle"/>
						<h1 class="pageType">
							Process Pay Cycle
							<apex:outputPanel styleClass="titleSeparatingColon">:</apex:outputPanel>
						<h2 class="pageDescription">
			<apex:outputPanel id="bodyDiv" styleClass="bodyDiv" layout="block">
				<h3>Are you sure you want to reset this Pay Cycle? 
				This will restore all the processed days to an unprocessed state.</h3>
				<apex:outputPanel id="buttons" styleClass="buttons" layout="block">
					<input type="button" onclick="setupPage('reset');" value="Yes" class="btn">&nbsp;
					<input type="button" onclick="window.close();" value="No" class="btn">




I am trying to copy workflows (field updates and rules) from one org to another using eclipse force.com ide.  I used this source code copy/paste method for fields, validation rules, record types, etc. with no problem.  What went wrong?  I am getting "Error parsing file: Element fieldUdates is duplicated at this location in type Workflow"
Any idea how to fix this?