• num5labonte
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I have a fullcalendar control which pulls data from a json responder. It works just fine in FF, Chrome, and IE as a standalone component in the page. However when I embed the control within a tabpanel the calendar doesn't fire the event to pull in the json data in IE(Chrome and FF render just fine. I have a debug line in the responder and it never kicks off when the page is rendered in IE. The calendar displays just fine, it just doesn't pull the events, if I paste the json response code in it displays just fine.



var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();

j$(document).ready(function() {

var date = new Date();

var d = date.getDate();

var m = date.getMonth();

var y = date.getFullYear(); 



header: {

left: 'prev,next today',

center: 'title',

right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'


editable: false,


events: "Training_CalendarJsonResponder" ,




