• fbjean
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I have a Date  filed name "Contract End Date" in my Asset Object.


I need this field to be synchronize with a date field ( Max Support)  on my account tab. So the account field is just a copy off the field in the asset.


I try to create a formulas like


 Max Support (Date) =$asset.Contract_End_date__c


but always get : Error: Field $asset.Contract_End_date__c does not exist. Check spelling.



  • October 29, 2010
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I have a Date  filed name "Contract End Date" in my Asset Object.


I need this field to be synchronize with a date field ( Max Support)  on my account tab. So the account field is just a copy off the field in the asset.


I try to create a formulas like


 Max Support (Date) =$asset.Contract_End_date__c


but always get : Error: Field $asset.Contract_End_date__c does not exist. Check spelling.



  • October 29, 2010
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