These notes assume you know how to work with the Messaging.SingleEmailMessage class. If anybody has a better way of doing this, let me know.
While building an APEX class that emails Case Owner, boss wanted to add the last few attachments of a Case to the email being generated.
1.) Instantiate SingleEmailMessage object:
2.) Query Attachments of whatever object type you want attachments
on. I return the results to an Attachment[] array. Note - this is a
good place to limit the number of attachments you want to return.
3.) Create an EmailFileAttachment[] array to hold each file, loop through the query and populate the array.
for(integer i=0;i<queryAttachment.size();i++)
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment fileAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
allAttachments[i] = fileAttachment;
} Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[queryAttachment.size()];
4.) Now that our allAttachments array is populated, pass allAttachments to your mail object's setFileAttachments method:
5.) Do the rest of your mail.methods to generate and send your email.