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Getting around 1000 record collection size limit in pageBlockTable
On a VF page, I have a pageBlockTable. There are times where there are more than 1000 records in the collection to be rendered. When this occurs, the Visualforce collection limit of 1000 is hit and the page doesn't load. I need to figure out a creative solution for getting around this. In the end...
- I need all records to render on the page. If I do any pagination, it'll happen client-side after the records are loaded in the HTML. I know the first responses to this will be about whether I really need to have all those records on the page and how there is doubt about whether I need to, but for the purposes of this forum post, please work with me here.
- I want to keep the look and feel of a pageBlockTable if possible.
When not using pageBlockTables, I have used a construct similar to the following to get through a collection of more than 1000 items.
<apex:repeat value="{!myCollection}" var="item" rows="1000" first="0"> {!item.text} </apex:repeat> <apex:repeat value="{!myCollection}" var="item" rows="1000" first="1000"> {!item.text} </apex:repeat> <apex:repeat value="{!myCollection}" var="item" rows="1000" first="2000"> {!item.text} </apex:repeat>
pageBlockTable has the rows and first parameters, but if I do that, I'd be getting a new pageBlockTable everytime.
The options I can think of are:
- Get a creative solution from the forums to actually utilize the pageBlockTable (purpose of this post)
- Use apex:dataTable and try to use style classes to mimix the pageBlockTable look and feel. This is a nice possibility I haven't tried yet.
- Use apex:repeat tags and make up my own HTML styling
Any help is appreciated.
- hemm
- September 13, 2010
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- 0
Help with Formula Field on date time fields
I have 2 date time fields, iam trying to calculate the time in days and hours with formula field in 2 decimals, below is the formula i have but right now it only displays in round number, how can i update it so it shows in days and hours
CASE(MOD( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) - DATE(1985,6,24),7),
0 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,6,5,1),
1 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,4,6,5,1),
2 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,4,6,5,1),
3 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,2,3,2,4,3,5,4,6,5,1),
4 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,1,2,1,3,2,4,3,5,4,6,5,1),
5 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,0,2,1,3,2,4,3,5,4,6,5,0),
6 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,5,0),
(FLOOR(( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) )/7)*5)
- sam_Admin
- July 08, 2022
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- 0
Update master detail field for trigger
Trigger updates account info from opp and opp and account info from Quote, so now since we changed it to master details, account is required field and how to modify the trigger so account info gets populated from opp before saving?
Trigger Description:
Updates the Opportunity and account information from Quote
trigger UpdateQuoteAccOppty on Order_Management__c (before insert, before update) {
list<Order_Management__c>olist = new list<Order_Management__c>();
list<Id>qId= new list<Id>();
list<Id>oId = new list<id>();
for(Order_Management__c o : Trigger.New)
list<cafsl__Oracle_Quote__c> bqlist = [Select b.cafsl__Opportunity__c,b.cafsl__Opportunity__r.Amount,b.cafsl__Opportunity__r.CurrencyIsoCode,b.cafsl__Opportunity__r.Owner.Name, b.cafsl__Opportunity__r.CloseDate, b.cafsl__Opportunity__r.AccountId, b.Id From cafsl__Oracle_Quote__c b where b.Id in:qId];
map<Id,Id>QuoOppMap = new map<Id,Id>();
map<Id,Id>QuoAccMap = new map<Id,Id>();
map<Id,Decimal>QuoAmtMap = new map<id,Decimal>();
map<Id,String>QuoOwnerMap = new map<Id,String>();
map<Id,String>QuoCURmap = new map<Id,String>();
map<Id,String>QuoSCmap = new map<Id,String>();
for(cafsl__Oracle_Quote__c bq: bqlist){
// QuoSCmap.put(bq.id,bq.cafsl__Opportunity__r.Sales_Channel__c);
for(Order_Management__c o : Trigger.New){
o.Opportunity__c = QuoOppMap.get(o.Oracle_Quote__c);
o.Account__c = QuoAccMap.get(o.Oracle_Quote__c);
o.Amount__c = QuoAmtMap.get(o.Oracle_Quote__c);
o.Opp_Owner__c = QuoOwnerMap.get(o.Oracle_Quote__c);
o.CurrencyIsoCode = QuoCURmap.get(o.Oracle_Quote__c);
// o.Sales_Channel__c = QuoSCmap.get(o.Oracle_Quote__c);
list<Opportunity>opptylist = [Select o.Id,o.Amount,o.CurrencyIsoCode,o.AccountId, o.OwnerId, o.Owner.Name, o.CloseDate From Opportunity o where o.Id in: oId];
map<Id,Id>OppAccMap = new map<Id,Id>();
map<Id,Decimal>OppAmtMap = new map<Id,Decimal>();
map<Id,String>OppOwnerMap = new map<Id,String>();
map<Id,String>OppCurMap = new map<Id,String>();
map<Id,String>OppSCMap = new map<Id,String>();
for(Opportunity o:opptylist){
// OppSCMap.put(o.Id,o.Sales_Channel__c);
for(Order_Management__c o : Trigger.New){
o.Account__c = OppAccMap.get(o.Opportunity__c);
o.Amount__c = OppAmtMap.get(o.Opportunity__c);
o.Opp_Owner__c = OppOwnerMap.get(o.Opportunity__c);
o.CurrencyIsoCode = OppCurMap.get(o.Opportunity__c);
// o.Sales_Channel__c = OppSCMap.get(o.Opportunity__c);
- sam_Admin
- May 26, 2021
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- 0
Apex test class coverage
trigger OppDemoDate on CSActivity__c (before insert, before update)
Opportunity opt = new Opportunity();
opt = [select Id,Demo_Date__c from Opportunity where id =:trigger.new[0].OpportunityName__c];
list<CSActivity__c> cslist = [Select c.Start_Date_Time__c, c.OpportunityName__c, c.Id, c.CreatedDate, c.ActivityType__c From CSActivity__c c where c.OpportunityName__c =: opt.id and c.ActivityType__c=:'Demo' order by c.CreatedDate limit 1];
if(trigger.new[0].Id == cslist[0].Id){
opt.Demo_Date__c = trigger.new[0].Start_Date_Time__c;
update opt;
if(trigger.new[0].ActivityType__c == 'Demo'){
opt.Demo_Date__c = trigger.new[0].Start_Date_Time__c;
update opt;
Test Class:
private class OppDemoDate_test {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// TO DO: implement unit test
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'test', phone = '1234567890');
insert acc;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(SaleType__c = 'new', Name = 'test', AccountId = acc.Id ,
Amount = 50, CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', CloseDate = Date.newInstance(2009,02,01), StageName = 'Closed',
ForecastCategoryName = 'omitted', Probability_SonoWin__c = '10', Probability_Any_Order__c = '20', SystemType__c = 'Other',
SystemQty__c = 0, Demo_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2019,02,01) );
insert opp;
CSActivity__c ccr = new CSActivity__c(Name = 'Test', ActivityType__c = 'Demo', Clinical_Support_Type__c = 'Test', Start_Date_Time__c = Date.newInstance(2009,02,01), Start_Time__c = '0', End_Time__c = '1', Sales_Region__c = 'Test', OpportunityName__c = opp.Id);
insert ccr;
- sam_Admin
- April 20, 2020
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- 0
Add Cc or To in Visualforce page
VF: <apex:page standardcontroller="Lead" extensions="DistributorEmailController" showheader="false" lightningstylesheets="true">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Please select the Distributor below">
<!--<p>Fill out the fields below to test how you might send an email to a contact.</p>-->
<apex:pageMessages />
<b><apex:outputLabel value="To" for="To"/>:</b><br />
<apex:inputField value="{!leadRecord.Contact__c}" id="To" />
<br />
<b><apex:outputLabel value="Cc" for="Cc"/>:</b><br />
<apex:inputField value="{!leadRecord.Contact__c}" id="Cc" />
<br />
<b><apex:outputLabel value="Subject" for="Subject"/>:</b><br />
<apex:outputText value="{!ET.subject}" id="Subject" />
<br />
<br />
<!-- <b><apex:outputLabel value="Body" for="Body"/>:</b><br /> (READ-ONLY: if you want to make changes to content, please update Email template and try again.)-->
<apex:inputTextArea value="{!htmlBody}" id="Body" rows="30" cols="80" richText="true" disabled="true" />
<br /><br /><br />
<apex:commandButton value="Send Email" action="{!send}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel & Return" action="{!Cancel}" />
Apex Class: /*Controller to send This lead to any selected Contact */
public class DistributorEmailController {
public Lead leadRecord {get;set;}
public String TemplateID {get;set;}
public String subject { get; set; }
public String body { get; set; }
public String htmlBody { get; set; }
public EmailTemplate ET{ get; set; }
public DistributorEmailController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
String lid = '';
TemplateID = '';
htmlBody ='';
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') != null )
lid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
system.debug('lidid ' + lid );
leadRecord = [select Status,ID,Contact__c,Name,Company,NumberOfEmployees,Street,City,State,PostalCode,Country,Website,Salutation,FirstName,
Description,Marketing_Comments__c from Lead where id = : lid];
//Change the Template name below.
ET = [Select ID,HTMLValue,Subject from EmailTemplate where name = 'Distributor Lead Email' ];
if (ET != null){
TemplateID = ET.id;
htmlBody = ET.HTMLValue ;
Subject = ET.Subject;
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,e.getMessage()));
public void ReplaceTags(){
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Id}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Id}',nullToString(leadRecord.Id));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Name}',nullToString(leadRecord.Name));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Company}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Company}',nullToString(leadRecord.Company));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.NumberOfEmployees)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Address}') >-1){
String Address = '' ;
Address = Address + nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street));
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.City);
Address = Address + ','+ nullToString(leadRecord.State);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.Country);
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Address}',Address);
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Street}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Street}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.City}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.City}',nullToString(leadRecord.City));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.State}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.State}',nullToString(leadRecord.State));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.PostalCode}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.PostalCode}',nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Country}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Country}',nullToString(leadRecord.Country));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Website}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Website}',nullToString(leadRecord.Website));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Salutation} ') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Salutation} ',nullToString(leadRecord.Salutation) );
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.FirstName} ') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.FirstName} ',nullToString(leadRecord.FirstName) );
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.LastName}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.LastName}',nullToString(leadRecord.LastName));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Title}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Title}',nullToString(leadRecord.Title));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Department__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Department__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Department__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Email}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Email}',nullToString(leadRecord.Email));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Phone}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Phone}',nullToString(leadRecord.Phone));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.MobilePhone}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.MobilePhone}',nullToString(leadRecord.MobilePhone));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Fax}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Fax}',nullToString(leadRecord.Fax));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Product__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Product__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Product__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Industry}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Industry}',nullToString(leadRecord.Industry));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Specialty__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Specialty__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Specialty__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Rating}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Rating}',nullToString(leadRecord.Rating));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.BuyingTimeframe__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.BuyingTimeframe__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.BuyingTimeframe__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.LeadSource}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.LeadSource}',nullToString(leadRecord.LeadSource));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.WebFormDetail__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.WebFormDetail__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.WebFormDetail__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Description}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Description}',nullToString(leadRecord.Description));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Marketing_Comments__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Marketing_Comments__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Marketing_Comments__c));
public PageReference send() {
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> email = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
if(leadRecord.Contact__c == null){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Please select contact and Try again.'));
return null;
if (TemplateID != null){
// Query Contact Email ID
Contact c = [Select Id,Email,Name from Contact where ID =: leadRecord.Contact__c];
if (c.Email != null && c.Email != ''){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Contact.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Contact.Name}',nullToString(c.name));
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {c.email};
String[] ccAddresses = new String[] {c.email};
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Email sent successfully!'));
leadRecord.Status = 'Dealer (ISR Only)';
update leadRecord;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Selected Contact has no Valid Email Address, kindly update the contact and Try again.'));
return null;
}catch(Exception e){}
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
public String nullToString(String s){
if (s== null)
return '';
return s;
public PageReference cancel(){
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
- sam_Admin
- December 18, 2019
- Like
- 0
Case Insensitive trigger
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, after update)
List <PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList;
List <PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList;
Map <ID, PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap;
Map <ID, ID> oppIdvsAccountIdMap;
Map<ID, Account> accountWithContactMap;
ID cid;
String status;
String connName;
if(Trigger.isafter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
//This would ideally return multiple active Connections if they exist hence its best you use a
//criteria to ensure only the appropriate connection record is returned.
connMap = new Map<ID, PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[Select ID, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName
From PartnerNetworkConnection
Where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
//get connection details
for(ID connId :connMap.keySet()){
cid = connMap.get(connId).ID;
status = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionStatus;
connName = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionName;
//Populate a map of Opp Ids and associated Account Ids
oppIdvsAccountIdMap = new Map<ID, ID>();
for(Opportunity oppRecord :Trigger.new){
//System.debug('Opp Id: ' + oppRecord.ID + '-> Account Id: ' + oppRecord.AccountId);
oppIdvsAccountIdMap.put(oppRecord.ID, oppRecord.AccountId);
//Get associated Accounts and Contacts for every US opportunity if they exist
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet().size() > 0){
accountWithContactMap = new Map<ID, Account>(
[Select ID, Name,
(Select ID, Name, Account.Id From Account.Contacts)
From Account
Where ID IN :oppIdvsAccountIdMap.values()]);
//Create PartnerNetworkRecordConnections for sharing the records
for(ID oppId : oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet()){
ID accountId = oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId);
//Share Opportunity
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = oppId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share Account
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId) != null){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = accountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share associated Contacts
if(accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts != null){
for(Contact contact :accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = contact.ID,
//ParentRecordId = Contact.AccountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Insert record connections
insert prncList;
catch(System.Dmlexception dmlExceptionInstance){
System.debug('Record Share Error:' + dmlExceptionInstance.getMessage());
- sam_Admin
- September 24, 2018
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- 0
Schedule Apex is not updating records
Apex class:
global class UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Schedulable{
global String Query;
global UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty(){
query = 'Select Id, contactId, opportunityId,isPrimary from OpportunityContactRole where (createddate = today or lastmodifieddate = today) and opportunity.CampaignId = null';
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC){
UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty upc = new UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(upc);
global DataBase.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
System.debug('scope size = '+scope.size());
set<Id> conIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> optyIds = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id,Id> optyConMap = new Map<Id,Id>();
for(sObject s : scope){
OpportunityContactRole ocr = (OpportunityContactRole)s;
optyConMap.put(ocr.OpportunityId, ocr.ContactId);
System.debug('conIds size = '+conIds.size());
System.debug('optyIds size = '+optyIds.size());
System.debug('optyConMap size = '+optyConMap.size());
List<CampaignMember> cmList = [Select id, CampaignId, ContactId, Campaign.createddate from CampaignMember where ContactId IN :conIds];
System.debug('cmList size = '+cmList.size());
Map<Id,CampaignMember> contactCampaignMap = new Map<Id,CampaignMember>();
for(CampaignMember cm : cmList){
if(contactCampaignMap.containsKey(cm.contactId) && cm.Campaign.createddate > contactCampaignMap.get(cm.contactId).Campaign.CreatedDate ){
contactCampaignMap.put(cm.contactId, cm);
contactCampaignMap.put(cm.contactId, cm);
List<Opportunity> optyList = [Select Id, CampaignId from Opportunity where Id IN :optyIds];
for(Opportunity opty : optyList){
if(optyConMap.containsKey(opty.id) && contactCampaignMap.containsKey(optyConMap.get(opty.Id))){
opty.CampaignId = contactCampaignMap.get(optyConMap.get(opty.Id)).CampaignId;
update optyList;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
- sam_Admin
- January 15, 2018
- Like
- 0
Trigger help for mapping values
trigger RollupLocation on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
Map<ID, Account > parentOpps = new Map<ID, Account>();
Set<Id> listIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Opportunity childObj : Trigger.new) {
parentOpps = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT id, Opp_Location__c ,
(SELECT ID, Location_Type__c FROM Opportunities)
FROM Account WHERE ID IN :listIds]);
List<Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>();
for(Account acct:parentOpps.values())
List<String> strType = new List<String>();
for(Opportunity opty:acct.Opportunities)
acct.Opp_Location__c = String.join(strType,',');
update parentOpps.values();
- sam_Admin
- October 02, 2017
- Like
- 0
Test class help for 2 triggers
trigger AccountName_Opp on Opportunity (before insert, before update ){
Map<String, Opportunity> OppMap = new Map<String, Opportunity>();
for(Opportunity opp:Trigger.new)
OppMap.put(opp.Account_Name__c, opp);
List<Account> accLst = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account where Name in :OppMap.keySet()];
for(Account acct : accLst){
OppMap.get(acct.Name).AccountId = acct.ID;
trigger AccountName_Contact on Contact (before insert, before update ){
Set<String> conaccounts = new Set<String>();
for(Contact con:Trigger.new)
List<Account> accLst = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account where Name in :conaccounts];
for(Account acct : accLst){
for(Contact co : Trigger.new){
if(co.Account_Name__c == acct.Name)
co.accountid = acct.id;
public class FFCNAccountName
static testmethod void myTest()
Map<String, Opportunity> OppMap = new Map<String, Opportunity>();
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'test', phone = '1234567890');
insert acc;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(SaleType__c = 'new', Name = 'test', AccountId = acc.Id, Amount = 50, CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD');
insert opp;
Contact con = new Contact( LastName = 'Test2', Email = 'test.user@gmail.com', AccountId = acc.Id );
insert con;
- sam_Admin
- September 06, 2017
- Like
- 0
Help with test class for S2S trigger
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, after update)
List <PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList;
List <PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList;
Map <ID, PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap;
Map <ID, ID> oppIdvsAccountIdMap;
Map<ID, Account> accountWithContactMap;
ID cid;
String status;
String connName;
if(Trigger.isafter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
//This would ideally return multiple active Connections if they exist hence its best you use a
//criteria to ensure only the appropriate connection record is returned.
connMap = new Map<ID, PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[Select ID, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName
From PartnerNetworkConnection
Where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
//get connection details
for(ID connId :connMap.keySet()){
cid = connMap.get(connId).ID;
status = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionStatus;
connName = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionName;
//Populate a map of Opp Ids and associated Account Ids
oppIdvsAccountIdMap = new Map<ID, ID>();
for(Opportunity oppRecord :Trigger.new){
if(oppRecord.Name.contains('US')|| oppRecord.Name.contains('VSI')){
//System.debug('Opp Id: ' + oppRecord.ID + '-> Account Id: ' + oppRecord.AccountId);
oppIdvsAccountIdMap.put(oppRecord.ID, oppRecord.AccountId);
//Get associated Accounts and Contacts for every US opportunity if they exist
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet().size() > 0){
accountWithContactMap = new Map<ID, Account>(
[Select ID, Name,
(Select ID, Name, Account.Id From Account.Contacts)
From Account
Where ID IN :oppIdvsAccountIdMap.values()]);
//Create PartnerNetworkRecordConnections for sharing the records
for(ID oppId : oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet()){
ID accountId = oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId);
//Share Opportunity
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = oppId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share Account
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId) != null){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = accountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share associated Contacts
if(accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts != null){
for(Contact contact :accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = contact.ID,
// ParentRecordId = Contact.AccountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Insert record connections
insert prncList;
catch(System.Dmlexception dmlExceptionInstance){
System.debug('Record Share Error:' + dmlExceptionInstance.getMessage());
- sam_Admin
- September 06, 2017
- Like
- 1
Exception in trigger while editing a record
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, after update)
List <PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList;
List <PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList;
Map <ID, PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap;
Map <ID, ID> oppIdvsAccountIdMap;
Map<ID, Account> accountWithContactMap;
ID cid;
String status;
String connName;
if(Trigger.isAfter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
//This would ideally return multiple active Connections if they exist hence its best you use a
//criteria to ensure only the appropriate connection record is returned.
connMap = new Map<ID, PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[Select ID, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName
From PartnerNetworkConnection
Where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
//get connection details
for(ID connId :connMap.keySet()){
cid = connMap.get(connId).ID;
status = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionStatus;
connName = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionName;
//Populate a map of Opp Ids and associated Account Ids
oppIdvsAccountIdMap = new Map<ID, ID>();
for(Opportunity oppRecord :Trigger.new){
if(oppRecord.Department__c == 'US'){
//System.debug('Opp Id: ' + oppRecord.ID + '-> Account Id: ' + oppRecord.AccountId);
oppIdvsAccountIdMap.put(oppRecord.ID, oppRecord.AccountId);
//Get associated Accounts and Contacts for every US opportunity if they exist
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet().size() > 0){
accountWithContactMap = new Map<ID, Account>(
[Select ID, Name,
(Select ID,Name From Account.Contacts)
From Account
Where ID IN :oppIdvsAccountIdMap.values()]);
//Create PartnerNetworkRecordConnections for sharing the records
for(ID oppId : oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet()){
ID accountId = oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId);
//Share Opportunity
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = oppId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share Account
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId) != null){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = accountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share associated Contacts
if(accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts != null){
for(Contact contact :accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = contact.ID,
ParentRecordId = Contact.AccountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Insert record conneections
insert prncList;
catch(System.Dmlexception dmlExceptionInstance){
System.debug('Record Share Error:' + dmlExceptionInstance.getMessage());
- sam_Admin
- August 28, 2017
- Like
- 0
Trigger to forward related contacts with account in s2s
Trigger Description: Whenever Department is set to "US" then the Opp automatically gets forwarded to Connection
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, before update)
String UserName = UserInfo.getName();
String orgName = UserInfo.getOrganizationName();
List<PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
List<PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>
([select Id, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName from PartnerNetworkConnection where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
for(Integer i =0; i< Trigger.size; i++)
Opportunity opp = Trigger.new[i];
String oId = opp.Id;
String accId = opp.AccountId;
for(PartnerNetworkConnection network : connMap)
String cid = network.Id;
String status = network.ConnectionStatus;
String connName = network.ConnectionName;
if(opp.Department__c == 'US')
PartnerNetworkRecordConnection newAccRecord = new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection();
newAccRecord.ConnectionId = cid;
newAccRecord.LocalRecordId = accId;
newAccRecord.SendClosedTasks = true;
newAccRecord.SendOpenTasks = true;
newAccRecord.SendEmails = true;
System.debug('Inserting New Record'+newAccrecord);
insert newAccrecord;
PartnerNetworkRecordConnection newOpprecord = new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection();
newOpprecord.ConnectionId = cid;
newOpprecord.LocalRecordId = oId;
newOpprecord.SendClosedTasks = true;
newOpprecord.SendOpenTasks = true;
newOpprecord.SendEmails = true;
System.debug('Inserting New Record'+newOpprecord);
insert newOpprecord;
- sam_Admin
- August 23, 2017
- Like
- 0
Restrict duplicate contact role on opportunity
Ex: I have "Test opportunity" and under contact roles i have contact "Joseph" that's been assigned twice as primary with different roles. I just want to know if there is any possibility to restrict assigning same contact again if it already exists under contact role
- sam_Admin
- November 03, 2016
- Like
- 0
Email sent via custom button doesn't show under Activity history on lead
Apex class:
/*Controller to send This lead to any selected Contact */
public class EmailController {
public Lead leadRecord {get;set;}
public String TemplateID {get;set;}
public String subject { get; set; }
public String body { get; set; }
public String htmlBody { get; set; }
public EmailTemplate ET{ get; set; }
public EmailController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
String lid = '';
TemplateID = '';
htmlBody ='';
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') != null )
lid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
system.debug('lidid ' + lid );
leadRecord = [select Status,ID,Contact__c,Name,Company,NumberOfEmployees,Street,City,State,PostalCode,Country,Website,Salutation,FirstName,
Description,Marketing_Comments__c from Lead where id = : lid];
//Change the Template name below.
ET = [Select ID,HTMLValue,Subject from EmailTemplate where name = 'Lead Email' ];
if (ET != null){
TemplateID = ET.id;
htmlBody = ET.HTMLValue ;
Subject = ET.Subject;
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,e.getMessage()));
public void ReplaceTags(){
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Id}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Id}',nullToString(leadRecord.Id));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Name}',nullToString(leadRecord.Name));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Company}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Company}',nullToString(leadRecord.Company));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.NumberOfEmployees)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Address}') >-1){
String Address = '' ;
Address = Address + nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street));
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.City);
Address = Address + ','+ nullToString(leadRecord.State);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.Country);
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Address}',Address);
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Street}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Street}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.City}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.City}',nullToString(leadRecord.City));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.State}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.State}',nullToString(leadRecord.State));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.PostalCode}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.PostalCode}',nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Country}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Country}',nullToString(leadRecord.Country));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.FirstName} ') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.FirstName} ',nullToString(leadRecord.FirstName) );
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.LastName}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.LastName}',nullToString(leadRecord.LastName));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Title}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Title}',nullToString(leadRecord.Title));
public PageReference send() {
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> email = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
if(leadRecord.Contact__c == null){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Please select contact and Try again.'));
return null;
if (TemplateID != null){
// Query Contact Email ID
Contact c = [Select Id,Email,Name from Contact where ID =: leadRecord.Contact__c];
if (c.Email != null && c.Email != ''){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Contact.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Contact.Name}',nullToString(c.name));
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Email sent successfully!'));
leadRecord.Status = 'Tracking';
update leadRecord;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Selected Contact has no Valid Email Address, kindly update the contact and Try again.'));
return null;
}catch(Exception e){}
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
public String nullToString(String s){
if (s== null)
return '';
return s;
public PageReference cancel(){
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
VF Page: <apex:page standardcontroller="Lead" extensions="EmailController" showheader="false">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Please select the Contact below">
<apex:pageMessages />
<b><apex:outputLabel value="To" for="To"/>:</b><br />
<apex:inputField value="{!leadRecord.Contact__c}" id="To" />
<br />
<br />
<b><apex:outputLabel value="Subject" for="Subject"/>:</b><br />
<apex:outputText value="{!ET.subject}" id="Subject" />
<br />
<br />
<apex:inputTextArea value="{!htmlBody}" id="Body" rows="30" cols="80" richText="true" disabled="true" />
<br /><br /><br />
<apex:commandButton value="Send Email" action="{!send}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel & Return" action="{!Cancel}" />
- sam_Admin
- June 03, 2016
- Like
- 0
Track email from activity history when using custom detail button
/*Controller to send This lead to any selected Contact */
public class EmailController {
public Lead leadRecord {get;set;}
public String TemplateID {get;set;}
public String subject { get; set; }
public String body { get; set; }
public String htmlBody { get; set; }
public EmailTemplate ET{ get; set; }
public EmailController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
String lid = '';
TemplateID = '';
htmlBody ='';
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') != null )
lid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
system.debug('lidid ' + lid );
leadRecord = [select Status,ID,Contact__c,Name,Company,NumberOfEmployees,Street,City,State,PostalCode,Country,Website,Salutation,FirstName,
Description,Marketing_Comments__c from Lead where id = : lid];
//Change the Template name below.
ET = [Select ID,HTMLValue,Subject from EmailTemplate where name = 'Lead Email' ];
if (ET != null){
TemplateID = ET.id;
htmlBody = ET.HTMLValue ;
Subject = ET.Subject;
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,e.getMessage()));
public void ReplaceTags(){
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Id}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Id}',nullToString(leadRecord.Id));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Name}',nullToString(leadRecord.Name));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Company}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Company}',nullToString(leadRecord.Company));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.NumberOfEmployees)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Address}') >-1){
String Address = '' ;
Address = Address + nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street));
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.City);
Address = Address + ','+ nullToString(leadRecord.State);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.Country);
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Address}',Address);
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Street}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Street}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.City}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.City}',nullToString(leadRecord.City));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.State}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.State}',nullToString(leadRecord.State));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.PostalCode}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.PostalCode}',nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Country}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Country}',nullToString(leadRecord.Country));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Website}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Website}',nullToString(leadRecord.Website));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Salutation} ') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Salutation} ',nullToString(leadRecord.Salutation) );
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.FirstName} ') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.FirstName} ',nullToString(leadRecord.FirstName) );
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.LastName}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.LastName}',nullToString(leadRecord.LastName));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Title}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Title}',nullToString(leadRecord.Title));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Department__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Department__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Department__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Email}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Email}',nullToString(leadRecord.Email));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Phone}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Phone}',nullToString(leadRecord.Phone));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.MobilePhone}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.MobilePhone}',nullToString(leadRecord.MobilePhone));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Fax}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Fax}',nullToString(leadRecord.Fax));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Product__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Product__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Product__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Industry}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Industry}',nullToString(leadRecord.Industry));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Specialty__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Specialty__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Specialty__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Rating}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Rating}',nullToString(leadRecord.Rating));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.BuyingTimeframe__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.BuyingTimeframe__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.BuyingTimeframe__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.LeadSource}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.LeadSource}',nullToString(leadRecord.LeadSource));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.WebFormDetail__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.WebFormDetail__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.WebFormDetail__c));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Description}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Description}',nullToString(leadRecord.Description));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Marketing_Comments__c}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Marketing_Comments__c}',nullToString(leadRecord.Marketing_Comments__c));
public PageReference send() {
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> email = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
if(leadRecord.Contact__c == null){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Please select contact and Try again.'));
return null;
if (TemplateID != null){
// Query Contact Email ID
Contact c = [Select Id,Email,Name from Contact where ID =: leadRecord.Contact__c];
if (c.Email != null && c.Email != ''){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Contact.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Contact.Name}',nullToString(c.name));
// mail.setWhatId('{lead.id}');
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Email sent successfully!'));
leadRecord.Status = 'Tracking';
update leadRecord;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Selected Contact has no Valid Email Address, kindly update the contact and Try again.'));
return null;
}catch(Exception e){}
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
public String nullToString(String s){
if (s== null)
return '';
return s;
public PageReference cancel(){
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
- sam_Admin
- June 02, 2016
- Like
- 0
Email opt out from converted Lead
trigger updateLeadOnEmailOptOut on Lead (after update) {
List<Lead> duplicateLeads = new List<Lead>();
Map<String, Lead> leadEmailMap = new Map<String, Lead>();
Map<Id, Lead> leadIdMap = new Map<Id, Lead>();
Map<Id, Contact> contacts = new Map<Id, Contact>();
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {
if (Trigger.old[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail != Trigger.new[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail) {
leadEmailMap.put(Trigger.old[i].email, Trigger.new[i]);
leadIdMap.put(Trigger.old[i].id, Trigger.new[i]);
If (leadIdMap.size()>0) {
for (Lead dupLead : [SELECT Id, Name, Email, HasOptedOutOfEmail
WHERE Email IN : leadEmailMap.KeySet()
AND Id NOT IN : leadIdMap.KeySet()
AND IsConverted = FALSE]) {
Lead lead = leadEmailMap.get(dupLead.Email);
If (dupLead.HasOptedOutOfEmail <> lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail) {
dupLead.HasOptedOutOfEmail = lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail;
If (duplicateLeads.size()>0) update duplicateLeads;
for(Lead record: Trigger.new) {
if(record.ConvertedContactId != null) {
contacts.put(record.ConvertedContactId, new Contact(Id=record.ConvertedContactId, HasOptedOutOfEmail=record.HasOptedOutOfEmail));
update contacts.values();
- sam_Admin
- October 08, 2015
- Like
- 0
Syntax error in visualforce
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Expires</apex:facet>
<apex:outputText style="font-weight: bold;color:{!if(ib.verboseWarrantyExpirationDate < {!today()}, 'red', if(ib.verboseWarrantyExpirationDate > {!today()},'green'))};" value="{!ib.verboseWarrantyExpirationDate}"/>
- sam_Admin
- July 09, 2015
- Like
- 0
Is it possible to override approval process (approve/reject) with the Visual force page
- sam_Admin
- April 03, 2015
- Like
- 0
Help with custom Button
missing ; before statement". Here is my code
var Status = '{!ELA__c.Status__c}';
if(Status == "Active") {window.location = "/a02/e?retURL={!ELA__c.Id}&RecordType=01240000000M83B&00N40000002Hvox="ELA"&00N40000003BOiQ={!ELA__c.Name}&00N40000002HvWZ="IRB""}
else if(Status == "Inactive"){window.location = "/a02/e?retURL={!ELA__c.Id}&RecordType=01240000000M83B&00N40000002Hvox="BLA"&00N40000003BOiQ={!ELA__c.Name}&00N40000002HvWZ="CRB""}
- sam_Admin
- March 06, 2015
- Like
- 0
Help with Javascript Button
I tried creating this button but iam getting this error "A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:invalid regular expression flag e". What iam doing wrong?
var Status = '{!ELA__c.Status__c}';
if(Status == "Active")
{window.location = /a02/e?
else if(Status = "Inactive")
{window.location = /a02/e?
- sam_Admin
- March 06, 2015
- Like
- 0
How to clone related records
- sam_Admin
- February 04, 2015
- Like
- 0
Help with test class for S2S trigger
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, after update)
List <PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList;
List <PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList;
Map <ID, PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap;
Map <ID, ID> oppIdvsAccountIdMap;
Map<ID, Account> accountWithContactMap;
ID cid;
String status;
String connName;
if(Trigger.isafter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
//This would ideally return multiple active Connections if they exist hence its best you use a
//criteria to ensure only the appropriate connection record is returned.
connMap = new Map<ID, PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[Select ID, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName
From PartnerNetworkConnection
Where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
//get connection details
for(ID connId :connMap.keySet()){
cid = connMap.get(connId).ID;
status = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionStatus;
connName = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionName;
//Populate a map of Opp Ids and associated Account Ids
oppIdvsAccountIdMap = new Map<ID, ID>();
for(Opportunity oppRecord :Trigger.new){
if(oppRecord.Name.contains('US')|| oppRecord.Name.contains('VSI')){
//System.debug('Opp Id: ' + oppRecord.ID + '-> Account Id: ' + oppRecord.AccountId);
oppIdvsAccountIdMap.put(oppRecord.ID, oppRecord.AccountId);
//Get associated Accounts and Contacts for every US opportunity if they exist
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet().size() > 0){
accountWithContactMap = new Map<ID, Account>(
[Select ID, Name,
(Select ID, Name, Account.Id From Account.Contacts)
From Account
Where ID IN :oppIdvsAccountIdMap.values()]);
//Create PartnerNetworkRecordConnections for sharing the records
for(ID oppId : oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet()){
ID accountId = oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId);
//Share Opportunity
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = oppId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share Account
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId) != null){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = accountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share associated Contacts
if(accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts != null){
for(Contact contact :accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = contact.ID,
// ParentRecordId = Contact.AccountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Insert record connections
insert prncList;
catch(System.Dmlexception dmlExceptionInstance){
System.debug('Record Share Error:' + dmlExceptionInstance.getMessage());
- sam_Admin
- September 06, 2017
- Like
- 1
Help with Formula Field on date time fields
I have 2 date time fields, iam trying to calculate the time in days and hours with formula field in 2 decimals, below is the formula i have but right now it only displays in round number, how can i update it so it shows in days and hours
CASE(MOD( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) - DATE(1985,6,24),7),
0 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,6,5,1),
1 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,4,6,5,1),
2 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,4,6,5,1),
3 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,2,2,2,3,2,4,3,5,4,6,5,1),
4 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,1,2,1,3,2,4,3,5,4,6,5,1),
5 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,0,2,1,3,2,4,3,5,4,6,5,0),
6 , CASE( MOD( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ,7),1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,5,0),
(FLOOR(( DATEVALUE(Time_to_completed__c) - DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) )/7)*5)
- sam_Admin
- July 08, 2022
- Like
- 0
Schedule Apex is not updating records
Apex class:
global class UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Schedulable{
global String Query;
global UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty(){
query = 'Select Id, contactId, opportunityId,isPrimary from OpportunityContactRole where (createddate = today or lastmodifieddate = today) and opportunity.CampaignId = null';
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC){
UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty upc = new UpdPrimaryCampaignOnOpty();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(upc);
global DataBase.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
System.debug('scope size = '+scope.size());
set<Id> conIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> optyIds = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id,Id> optyConMap = new Map<Id,Id>();
for(sObject s : scope){
OpportunityContactRole ocr = (OpportunityContactRole)s;
optyConMap.put(ocr.OpportunityId, ocr.ContactId);
System.debug('conIds size = '+conIds.size());
System.debug('optyIds size = '+optyIds.size());
System.debug('optyConMap size = '+optyConMap.size());
List<CampaignMember> cmList = [Select id, CampaignId, ContactId, Campaign.createddate from CampaignMember where ContactId IN :conIds];
System.debug('cmList size = '+cmList.size());
Map<Id,CampaignMember> contactCampaignMap = new Map<Id,CampaignMember>();
for(CampaignMember cm : cmList){
if(contactCampaignMap.containsKey(cm.contactId) && cm.Campaign.createddate > contactCampaignMap.get(cm.contactId).Campaign.CreatedDate ){
contactCampaignMap.put(cm.contactId, cm);
contactCampaignMap.put(cm.contactId, cm);
List<Opportunity> optyList = [Select Id, CampaignId from Opportunity where Id IN :optyIds];
for(Opportunity opty : optyList){
if(optyConMap.containsKey(opty.id) && contactCampaignMap.containsKey(optyConMap.get(opty.Id))){
opty.CampaignId = contactCampaignMap.get(optyConMap.get(opty.Id)).CampaignId;
update optyList;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
- sam_Admin
- January 15, 2018
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- 0
Trigger help for mapping values
trigger RollupLocation on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
Map<ID, Account > parentOpps = new Map<ID, Account>();
Set<Id> listIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Opportunity childObj : Trigger.new) {
parentOpps = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT id, Opp_Location__c ,
(SELECT ID, Location_Type__c FROM Opportunities)
FROM Account WHERE ID IN :listIds]);
List<Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>();
for(Account acct:parentOpps.values())
List<String> strType = new List<String>();
for(Opportunity opty:acct.Opportunities)
acct.Opp_Location__c = String.join(strType,',');
update parentOpps.values();
- sam_Admin
- October 02, 2017
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- 0
Test class help for 2 triggers
trigger AccountName_Opp on Opportunity (before insert, before update ){
Map<String, Opportunity> OppMap = new Map<String, Opportunity>();
for(Opportunity opp:Trigger.new)
OppMap.put(opp.Account_Name__c, opp);
List<Account> accLst = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account where Name in :OppMap.keySet()];
for(Account acct : accLst){
OppMap.get(acct.Name).AccountId = acct.ID;
trigger AccountName_Contact on Contact (before insert, before update ){
Set<String> conaccounts = new Set<String>();
for(Contact con:Trigger.new)
List<Account> accLst = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account where Name in :conaccounts];
for(Account acct : accLst){
for(Contact co : Trigger.new){
if(co.Account_Name__c == acct.Name)
co.accountid = acct.id;
public class FFCNAccountName
static testmethod void myTest()
Map<String, Opportunity> OppMap = new Map<String, Opportunity>();
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'test', phone = '1234567890');
insert acc;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(SaleType__c = 'new', Name = 'test', AccountId = acc.Id, Amount = 50, CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD');
insert opp;
Contact con = new Contact( LastName = 'Test2', Email = 'test.user@gmail.com', AccountId = acc.Id );
insert con;
- sam_Admin
- September 06, 2017
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- 0
Help with test class for S2S trigger
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, after update)
List <PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList;
List <PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList;
Map <ID, PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap;
Map <ID, ID> oppIdvsAccountIdMap;
Map<ID, Account> accountWithContactMap;
ID cid;
String status;
String connName;
if(Trigger.isafter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
//This would ideally return multiple active Connections if they exist hence its best you use a
//criteria to ensure only the appropriate connection record is returned.
connMap = new Map<ID, PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[Select ID, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName
From PartnerNetworkConnection
Where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
//get connection details
for(ID connId :connMap.keySet()){
cid = connMap.get(connId).ID;
status = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionStatus;
connName = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionName;
//Populate a map of Opp Ids and associated Account Ids
oppIdvsAccountIdMap = new Map<ID, ID>();
for(Opportunity oppRecord :Trigger.new){
if(oppRecord.Name.contains('US')|| oppRecord.Name.contains('VSI')){
//System.debug('Opp Id: ' + oppRecord.ID + '-> Account Id: ' + oppRecord.AccountId);
oppIdvsAccountIdMap.put(oppRecord.ID, oppRecord.AccountId);
//Get associated Accounts and Contacts for every US opportunity if they exist
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet().size() > 0){
accountWithContactMap = new Map<ID, Account>(
[Select ID, Name,
(Select ID, Name, Account.Id From Account.Contacts)
From Account
Where ID IN :oppIdvsAccountIdMap.values()]);
//Create PartnerNetworkRecordConnections for sharing the records
for(ID oppId : oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet()){
ID accountId = oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId);
//Share Opportunity
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = oppId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share Account
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId) != null){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = accountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share associated Contacts
if(accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts != null){
for(Contact contact :accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = contact.ID,
// ParentRecordId = Contact.AccountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Insert record connections
insert prncList;
catch(System.Dmlexception dmlExceptionInstance){
System.debug('Record Share Error:' + dmlExceptionInstance.getMessage());
- sam_Admin
- September 06, 2017
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- 1
Exception in trigger while editing a record
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, after update)
List <PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList;
List <PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList;
Map <ID, PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap;
Map <ID, ID> oppIdvsAccountIdMap;
Map<ID, Account> accountWithContactMap;
ID cid;
String status;
String connName;
if(Trigger.isAfter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
//This would ideally return multiple active Connections if they exist hence its best you use a
//criteria to ensure only the appropriate connection record is returned.
connMap = new Map<ID, PartnerNetworkConnection>(
[Select ID, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName
From PartnerNetworkConnection
Where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
//get connection details
for(ID connId :connMap.keySet()){
cid = connMap.get(connId).ID;
status = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionStatus;
connName = connMap.get(connId).ConnectionName;
//Populate a map of Opp Ids and associated Account Ids
oppIdvsAccountIdMap = new Map<ID, ID>();
for(Opportunity oppRecord :Trigger.new){
if(oppRecord.Department__c == 'US'){
//System.debug('Opp Id: ' + oppRecord.ID + '-> Account Id: ' + oppRecord.AccountId);
oppIdvsAccountIdMap.put(oppRecord.ID, oppRecord.AccountId);
//Get associated Accounts and Contacts for every US opportunity if they exist
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet().size() > 0){
accountWithContactMap = new Map<ID, Account>(
[Select ID, Name,
(Select ID,Name From Account.Contacts)
From Account
Where ID IN :oppIdvsAccountIdMap.values()]);
//Create PartnerNetworkRecordConnections for sharing the records
for(ID oppId : oppIdvsAccountIdMap.keySet()){
ID accountId = oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId);
//Share Opportunity
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = oppId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share Account
if(oppIdvsAccountIdMap.get(oppId) != null){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = accountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Share associated Contacts
if(accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts != null){
for(Contact contact :accountWithContactMap.get(accountId).Contacts){
prncList.add(new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection(
ConnectionId = cid,
LocalRecordId = contact.ID,
ParentRecordId = Contact.AccountId,
SendClosedTasks = true,
SendOpenTasks = true,
SendEmails = true));
//Insert record conneections
insert prncList;
catch(System.Dmlexception dmlExceptionInstance){
System.debug('Record Share Error:' + dmlExceptionInstance.getMessage());
- sam_Admin
- August 28, 2017
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- 0
Trigger to forward related contacts with account in s2s
Trigger Description: Whenever Department is set to "US" then the Opp automatically gets forwarded to Connection
Trigger AutoforwardOpp on Opportunity(after insert, before update)
String UserName = UserInfo.getName();
String orgName = UserInfo.getOrganizationName();
List<PartnerNetworkConnection> connectionList = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>();
List<PartnerNetworkConnection> connMap = new List<PartnerNetworkConnection>
([select Id, ConnectionStatus, ConnectionName from PartnerNetworkConnection where ConnectionStatus = 'Accepted']);
List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection> prncList = new List<PartnerNetworkRecordConnection>();
for(Integer i =0; i< Trigger.size; i++)
Opportunity opp = Trigger.new[i];
String oId = opp.Id;
String accId = opp.AccountId;
for(PartnerNetworkConnection network : connMap)
String cid = network.Id;
String status = network.ConnectionStatus;
String connName = network.ConnectionName;
if(opp.Department__c == 'US')
PartnerNetworkRecordConnection newAccRecord = new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection();
newAccRecord.ConnectionId = cid;
newAccRecord.LocalRecordId = accId;
newAccRecord.SendClosedTasks = true;
newAccRecord.SendOpenTasks = true;
newAccRecord.SendEmails = true;
System.debug('Inserting New Record'+newAccrecord);
insert newAccrecord;
PartnerNetworkRecordConnection newOpprecord = new PartnerNetworkRecordConnection();
newOpprecord.ConnectionId = cid;
newOpprecord.LocalRecordId = oId;
newOpprecord.SendClosedTasks = true;
newOpprecord.SendOpenTasks = true;
newOpprecord.SendEmails = true;
System.debug('Inserting New Record'+newOpprecord);
insert newOpprecord;
- sam_Admin
- August 23, 2017
- Like
- 0
Email sent via custom button doesn't show under Activity history on lead
Apex class:
/*Controller to send This lead to any selected Contact */
public class EmailController {
public Lead leadRecord {get;set;}
public String TemplateID {get;set;}
public String subject { get; set; }
public String body { get; set; }
public String htmlBody { get; set; }
public EmailTemplate ET{ get; set; }
public EmailController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
String lid = '';
TemplateID = '';
htmlBody ='';
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') != null )
lid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
system.debug('lidid ' + lid );
leadRecord = [select Status,ID,Contact__c,Name,Company,NumberOfEmployees,Street,City,State,PostalCode,Country,Website,Salutation,FirstName,
Description,Marketing_Comments__c from Lead where id = : lid];
//Change the Template name below.
ET = [Select ID,HTMLValue,Subject from EmailTemplate where name = 'Lead Email' ];
if (ET != null){
TemplateID = ET.id;
htmlBody = ET.HTMLValue ;
Subject = ET.Subject;
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Error,e.getMessage()));
public void ReplaceTags(){
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Id}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Id}',nullToString(leadRecord.Id));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Name}',nullToString(leadRecord.Name));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Company}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Company}',nullToString(leadRecord.Company));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.NumberOfEmployees}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.NumberOfEmployees)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Address}') >-1){
String Address = '' ;
Address = Address + nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street));
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.City);
Address = Address + ','+ nullToString(leadRecord.State);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode);
Address = Address + ' ' + nullToString(leadRecord.Country);
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Address}',Address);
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Street}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Street}',nullToString(String.valueOf(leadRecord.Street)));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.City}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.City}',nullToString(leadRecord.City));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.State}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.State}',nullToString(leadRecord.State));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.PostalCode}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.PostalCode}',nullToString(leadRecord.PostalCode));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Country}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Country}',nullToString(leadRecord.Country));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.FirstName} ') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.FirstName} ',nullToString(leadRecord.FirstName) );
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.LastName}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.LastName}',nullToString(leadRecord.LastName));
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Lead.Title}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Lead.Title}',nullToString(leadRecord.Title));
public PageReference send() {
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> email = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
if(leadRecord.Contact__c == null){
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Please select contact and Try again.'));
return null;
if (TemplateID != null){
// Query Contact Email ID
Contact c = [Select Id,Email,Name from Contact where ID =: leadRecord.Contact__c];
if (c.Email != null && c.Email != ''){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
if(htmlBody.indexOf('{!Contact.Name}') >-1)
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('{!Contact.Name}',nullToString(c.name));
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Email sent successfully!'));
leadRecord.Status = 'Tracking';
update leadRecord;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Selected Contact has no Valid Email Address, kindly update the contact and Try again.'));
return null;
}catch(Exception e){}
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
public String nullToString(String s){
if (s== null)
return '';
return s;
public PageReference cancel(){
return new PageReference('/' + leadRecord.id);
VF Page: <apex:page standardcontroller="Lead" extensions="EmailController" showheader="false">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Please select the Contact below">
<apex:pageMessages />
<b><apex:outputLabel value="To" for="To"/>:</b><br />
<apex:inputField value="{!leadRecord.Contact__c}" id="To" />
<br />
<br />
<b><apex:outputLabel value="Subject" for="Subject"/>:</b><br />
<apex:outputText value="{!ET.subject}" id="Subject" />
<br />
<br />
<apex:inputTextArea value="{!htmlBody}" id="Body" rows="30" cols="80" richText="true" disabled="true" />
<br /><br /><br />
<apex:commandButton value="Send Email" action="{!send}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel & Return" action="{!Cancel}" />
- sam_Admin
- June 03, 2016
- Like
- 0
Public calendar on Visualforce page?
Is it possible to add public calendar to visual forca page with some standard controller and ID?
Click to "change button" is very uncomfortable way and I want to just show visualforce page with one click tab.
- TiborM
- January 06, 2011
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- 0