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I have a requirement to send the sales stage id with my opportunity outbound message.  Any ideas on how I can get this field exposed on the Oppty object?  Its not available via a 'Formula' field thru a lookup.  Is it possible to get this populated to a custom field on the oppty via  trigger?  Thanks

It looks like a lot of people have built the work around with a workflow to display the activity comments on a related list.  I have a custom comments field (255) that a workflow updates from the standard comments field.  The problem is that with the new outlook sidebar functionality our users get an error when sending an e-mail to outlook.  The problem is that the workflow throws an error if the body of the email exceeds 255.  Has anyone figured out a workaround for this?  Thanks

We have a process where the Campaign Record is created and the Leads are loaded and attached to the campaign a few weeks before the mailers are sent out.   What I want to do is not have those leads show up in the sales rep search results  until the 'Drop Date' on the campaign in TODAY or Less.  Any ideas on this?  Thanks



I have migrated my changes to another sandbox and when sending an outbound message the delivery failure reason is 'version mismatch'.  It worked fine in the other sandbox.  Has anyone seen this before?  Any ideas?  Thanks

Is there a way to set up a private group and only have one admin have access?  We currently have 4 admins and there is a requirement to set up a Private Group for Executive's and only have one of the admins have access.  The way I understand it is that all admins can see the Chatter in Private groups.  Thanks


I am cereating a button that will create a new task.  Is there a way to default the 'Due Date' to Today and also have the record automatically save?  I am using 'tsk4' to try and default due date but its not working. Here is my code.  Thanks


&tsk4 ={!TODAY()}
&00N70000002OQDq=Left Message
&tsk6=Left Message



I cant figure out why I am getting this error when trying to query an object.  Any suggestions?  Thanks


I am trying to send attachments from salesforce to our other crm system.  My first question is does salesforce support sending attachments with outbound messages?  If yes how can I convert it to base64 before it enters our webservices gateway server?  If no then I need to make a call to salesforce and get the attachment but I still need to convert it to base64 before the message comes thru our gateway server.  The current version of OWSM does not support attachments.  Thanks



Is there a way to set up a private group and only have one admin have access?  We currently have 4 admins and there is a requirement to set up a Private Group for Executive's and only have one of the admins have access.  The way I understand it is that all admins can see the Chatter in Private groups.  Thanks


I am cereating a button that will create a new task.  Is there a way to default the 'Due Date' to Today and also have the record automatically save?  I am using 'tsk4' to try and default due date but its not working. Here is my code.  Thanks


&tsk4 ={!TODAY()}
&00N70000002OQDq=Left Message
&tsk6=Left Message



I cant figure out why I am getting this error when trying to query an object.  Any suggestions?  Thanks


Hello All,


We're integrating SF with our internal systems using Outbound Messages when certain conditions are met on object save.  We're considering the impact / contingencies required due to system failures / interruption to service issues.


When dealing with Outbound Messages, I'm aware that delivery failures can be tracked by looking at the O/B Message Delivery Status screen.  However, this relies on a user pro-actively checking this page.


Is there any mechanism available to automatically raise an alert (by email?) if a message delivery has failed after X attempts or Y minutes?  Can these delivery status queues be accessed via the API?


Thanks in advance

Ultimately I am wanting to create a custom field called PO Received Month which pulls the month of the PO Received Date field, but in text format, not number format.


Currently this is the formula I put in the Formula Text field but its spitting out "4" for April and "5" for May and I want it to read "April" and "May".



TEXT(( YEAR( PO_Received_Date__c )))

 Thanks in advance!