• Virendra Naruka
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Have salesforce professional edition. We have recently been attempting to create a apex/visualforce code that will allow non-admin users to be able to mass transfer leads to others.


We previously created a apex/visualforce code that allows this function for mass changing lead status. Here is the lead status change code:



<apex:page standardController="Lead" recordSetVar="allLeads">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:sectionHeader title="Change status for Leads"/>
        <apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageblockSection title="Change">
                <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Status}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Selected Leads">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="l">
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="All Leads">
                <apex:pageblocktable value="{!allLeads}" var="AL" id="leadTable">
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>



The above code works great for allowing non-admin users to mass change lead status'. Now we attempted to modify the code to allow the same function however now be able to mass change the Lead Owner field with the following code:



<apex:page standardController="Lead" recordSetVar="allLeads">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:sectionHeader title="Change OWNER for Leads"/>
        <apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageblockSection title="Change">
                <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Owner}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Selected Leads">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="l">
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="All Leads">
                <apex:pageblocktable value="{!allLeads}" var="AL" id="leadTable">
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>


The code seems to validate ok when saving it as a visual force page, however when we run it in the lead view the following error occurs:


  Error:j_id0:j_id1:j_id3:j_id31:j_id32: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.

  = Required Information Change
Lead Owner
Error: j_id0:j_id1:j_id3:j_id31:j_id32: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.


This is after selecting "Save".


Does anyone know whats wrong with the code? or could anyone please help us in finding a method for users in Professional edition to be able to Mass change lead status as a non-admin user?



  • December 09, 2010
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I have a visualforce page with an extension and the New button on a custom object is overridden with this visualforce page. I have a method in the extension controller that is invoked onchange of a date field and does some validation and disables certain fields on the page. The issue I have is that when I create a new record and change the date, the controller method does not get invoked. The same piece of code works fine when I edit a record.


Is there something am missing, please help.


VF Page


<apex:inputField value="{!location__c.Start_Date__c}" onchange="processStartDt();"/>
<apex:actionFunction action="{!methodOne}" name="processStartDt" rerender="DeliverySection"/>
public with sharing class extLOC {
    private final location__c L;
    public extLOC(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        this.L = (location__c)stdController.getRecord();
     public void methodOne(){
        integer month = L.Start_Date__c.Month();
        if(month == 12){
            system.debug(month); // I am not seeing this debug statement



  • December 13, 2010
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I have a custom Object linked to CASE object called RASolution__c. They are linked by a  Lookup Relationship  which  Creates a relationship that links this RASolution__c to CASE object. The relationship field is the CASE NUMBER which links to the case id of Case.
Now for each case, in the details, I have to display the RASolution__c fields .. I am not sure how to do this. Any help regarding this will be highly appreciated.




  • December 09, 2010
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I've attached a file in a opportunity and i have to display the name of this file on a visual force page.

I have informations about the opportunity in this page and i just want to display the name file.

Can someone help me with this?




Have salesforce professional edition. We have recently been attempting to create a apex/visualforce code that will allow non-admin users to be able to mass transfer leads to others.


We previously created a apex/visualforce code that allows this function for mass changing lead status. Here is the lead status change code:



<apex:page standardController="Lead" recordSetVar="allLeads">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:sectionHeader title="Change status for Leads"/>
        <apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageblockSection title="Change">
                <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Status}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Selected Leads">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="l">
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="All Leads">
                <apex:pageblocktable value="{!allLeads}" var="AL" id="leadTable">
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>



The above code works great for allowing non-admin users to mass change lead status'. Now we attempted to modify the code to allow the same function however now be able to mass change the Lead Owner field with the following code:



<apex:page standardController="Lead" recordSetVar="allLeads">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:sectionHeader title="Change OWNER for Leads"/>
        <apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageblockSection title="Change">
                <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Owner}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Selected Leads">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="l">
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!l.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="All Leads">
                <apex:pageblocktable value="{!allLeads}" var="AL" id="leadTable">
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Name}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Email}"></apex:column>
                    <apex:column value="{!AL.Status}"></apex:column>
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>


The code seems to validate ok when saving it as a visual force page, however when we run it in the lead view the following error occurs:


  Error:j_id0:j_id1:j_id3:j_id31:j_id32: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.

  = Required Information Change
Lead Owner
Error: j_id0:j_id1:j_id3:j_id31:j_id32: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.


This is after selecting "Save".


Does anyone know whats wrong with the code? or could anyone please help us in finding a method for users in Professional edition to be able to Mass change lead status as a non-admin user?



  • December 09, 2010
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I am new to metadata api. I have a lot of objects to create. Can I use the file based metadata api to create?

I saw examples only to deploy and retrieve existing objects.

Could you pls show me an example of 'creating' new custom objects using file based metadata api?




Hi all,


How to display blob value into VF Page.


public list<blob> strValue=new list<blob>();

PageReference PageRef1 = Page.test;



    Blob b1 = PageRef1.getContent(); 



 Blob b1 = PageRef1.getContent(); 



I got following error.

core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@1c76af7, core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@13f938e, core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@f08289, core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@a231e, core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@18794f3, core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@440d7d]


    I am having trouble in upgrading to Axis2 since I wasn't the one who implemented our application using Axis version.


--> I see that every tutorial provided by sforce still uses "SoapBindingStub".Most of those methods are now removed.


--> Please provide me any basic material which contains Axis2 stuff. Atleast 2,3 operations like login, query, etc.


For ex:


How to login?  [this answer boosts me for time being and solves atleast 1/3rd part of the whole problem]


BTW, I am using partner.wsdl


Please help!!

Hi All,


In the custom object.. i want to upload a file inside Notes & Attachments using the visualforce page.. please let me know how can i do that....



 I have a  requirement that i need to  create a tool that import the excel sheet into salesforce object.


you may have doubt that why can't  you use Apex data loader  or Excelconnector  ect ,


but this is for the business users they don't be having any knowledge  about  dataloader and excelconnector.


they  need a button when they click on that  button  excel sheet should be imported into  salesforce object witn fiedl mapping .


please please help out me doing this task.


it will be very help full if any one give me an idea how to do and with sample code.


or is there any other tool which can be used by the business users to load excel sheet.


Thank you

  • December 06, 2010
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I'd like to have a link back to the previous page on my custom VF page that I'm using to override the standard Opportunity page. How do I do this? It can either go back to the last page the user was viewing or Back to Opportunity List.


Also - my VF page is tabbed; not sure how that affects things. Thanks.

  • December 02, 2010
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Hello.  I am currently doing pdf generation using an external web service that i wrote - but i'm looking to move the functionality into sfdc using the new apex to pdf.  The pdf that i generate has multiple pages - all with a common header (with images).  I've seen from other threads that this isn't quite supported in any automated fashion (http://community.salesforce.com/sforce/board/message?board.id=Visualforce&thread.id=3205).  So I guess the alternative is to foce page breaks and re-draw the header. 

My pdf will have either one or two dynamic pages (based on the number of line items), and 4 static pages (terms of sale, etc).  So the static pages are easy, but my question is, can I conditionally draw the second dynamic page?  That is, if I have more than 6 line items, draw the second dynamic page.  Otherwise, go straight to the static pages.  Is this possible using the VF markup?  Are there any samples with forced page breaks?  I found one thread where a page break is forced, but there's no conditional logic around it (http://community.salesforce.com/sforce/board/message?board.id=Visualforce&message.id=3880).  Do I just throw all of the necessary logic into the apex:repeat block?

  • August 05, 2008
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