• kruti tandel
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I have created a custom service cloud console app. I do not see an option to include Home tab to the service cloud console. Could any one tell me if we need to do some settings in order to include home tab to our service cloud console app.

  • May 25, 2011
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There is a need to creata link to create a new case from the Visual force page.


The following code does it for account. 


<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Account.New)}">
    Create New Account

But it does not work for the "Case" if we replace with "$Action.Case.New". It throws an error "Error: Field $Action.Case.New does not exist. Check spelling."


Please let us know why it doesnot  work for Case but for Account or Opportunities.


Thanks in advance!!


Hello friends


I am new to salesforce and i am having confusion about how to use outbound messages in workflow or approval process.Please guide me to proper place or send me link of .pdf in which examples are there for outbound messages.

Any help would be appreciated.



how to get value of storage usage in our controller 


I want to create a visualforce page same as standard salesforce page..in that i want to display the related object list also..


I have tried <apex:detail relatedlist ="true"> but by this standard page is also displaying.i want to display visualforce related list.

and  <apex:relatedlist list="Order_Item__c"> this is also not working for me..

can anyone tell me the solution for this..?



   I have created the visualforce page for some our requirement, using the javascript i will show the child window using through the given below code.

  <apex:page standardController="Shipment_Detail__c" extensions="editSerialNumber" tabStyle="Shipment_Detail__c">


  function showModalWindow(number)
             window.showModalDialog("/apex/VFPopupSerial?"+number,'',"resizable: yes");



<apex:image styleclass="lookupIcon" id="theImage1" onclick="showModalWindow('{!details.Id}')" style="cursor: pointer;  cursor: hand;" value="/s.gif" rendered="true">


the given below another visual force page for child window


<apex:page Controller="SerialPopup" wizard="true">


      function Close()





    <apex:form >

        <apex:pageBlock >

            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Items}" var="d">

                <apex:column headerValue="Serial Numbers">

                     <a value="{!d.Name}" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="javascript.window.close()">{!d.Name} </a>                        







i need child window is to be close the on click event for list of values in child window. but the child window never closed. i have used window.close(); and also self.close(); how to close that window.. please help


Thanks in advance.




I have created a custom service cloud console app. I do not see an option to include Home tab to the service cloud console. Could any one tell me if we need to do some settings in order to include home tab to our service cloud console app.

  • May 25, 2011
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There is a need to creata link to create a new case from the Visual force page.


The following code does it for account. 


<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Account.New)}">
    Create New Account

But it does not work for the "Case" if we replace with "$Action.Case.New". It throws an error "Error: Field $Action.Case.New does not exist. Check spelling."


Please let us know why it doesnot  work for Case but for Account or Opportunities.


Thanks in advance!!



global class remoteTest1 {  



     global static Contact[] findContacts(string Name) {  

        Name = '%'+Name+'%';  

         Contact[] c = [SELECT ID, Name, Phone, Email from Contact where NAME LIKE :Name ];      
             return c;  






 this is the code for remoting 

in that i am not getting values of account 

please help me


Hello Everybody,


    Please help me... I need to show in the Case page the following "The Account's Owner Name". All what I can reach now is the Account.OwnerID... How can I reach the Account Owner Name? I am new in salesforce so please try to give me as much as possible details on how to do it.


Thank You,


I am trying to create a custom header for the partner portal.


I created an html with the following contect:

<div> this is the header </div>


I created a salesforce.com document for this html file.


On the partner portal settings page I change the 'Header' to the document created in the previous step.


When I log into the partner portal I get this at the top of my page:


this is the header



For some reason it's not interpreting the html code.  I tried adding doc type but no luck.  I have looked at examples and they look exactly the same as mine.


Any ideas?


Thank you,


Hi All,


I need to get the salesforce login URL in Trigger.
i am using String hostname=ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host');
String domain='https://'+hostname;
< a href ="domain">link</a>
but it is giving me null pointer exception, am i doing any thing wrong.
and i have customer portal login url  https://tapp0.salesforce.com/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=00DT00000005ZRt&portalId=060T00000000SOS
i have to get that customer portal loginurl in trigger,how to get that


how can i append  object id to login url .


Thank you



  • January 21, 2011
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I have 10 custom objects.


I would like to retrieve all my custom objects into a picklist using Apex code...



Please suggest me.




Thanks & Regards:






  • January 12, 2011
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