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I have two objects here





I have a field on Transactions named Amount

and a field on Achieved name Total Value


If a user does 7 transactions in a financial year , I want the total of the 7 transaction object  Amount field to add up to the Total Value field on Achieved object.


If the user deletes the transaction, the Total value field should be deducted also.


Financial year is 1 Jan 2012 - 31 DEC 2012. The transaction should be decided based on the created date.


Please help me on this



Is there any way that the system can be set so the original account owner remains on the sharing when changed to another user?


Elaborating on this


If we change the ownership of an account from Owner A to Owner B, the ownership goes to Owner B


Is there any way where we could have the Owner A in the account sharing list automatically when we change the ownership?


Can anyone help me please.





I need a help regarding an issue please.


When a case has been created and if there is no case comment on the case within 48 hours of the case creation time,an email alert should be sent to the owner of the case.


Is it possible to do so?


Can anyone help me with this please


Kind regards



I have a custom field which is Open Activity Count.


I want to have the count of all the tasks that are open on the account to appear on the field.


For example if I create an account , automatically 3 tasks get created. I want the number 3 to appear automatically on the Open Activity Count field.


If I create another account record type, then 4 tasks may get created automatically.


If I manually create a task from the Open Activities related list, then also the number should appear in the Open Activity Count field.


I want the count of all the tasks in the open activities related list which have been created automatically(i.e by a workflow rule, trigger etc) or manually(i.e. by creating it on the open activities related list ) to appear in the Open Activity Count field.


If I close the task then the count should get deducted.


Can anyone please help me with this.


Thanks in advance

How would you determine what object is associated with an event. The Related To field on Events object is a drop down of Objects so how can one determine the selected object at runtime?



A quick question, is it possible to hide Event details (like related account/ contact) while the sharing on account is public?



A quick question, is it possible to hide Event details (like related account/ contact) while the sharing on account is public?




I have to implement a salesforce to SMS function where user will be able to send an sms from salesforce to client. I am facing a bit of challenge in constructing the URL with parameters in it, that is sent to the SMS service. The SMS text is formatted in a sense that it ends with the Sender Name, Mobile and Company Name e.g:



This is the test SMS Text


Sender Name

Mobile Phone





The problem is in the characters used for formatting the text \n and \r.  Below is the code:


public PageReference sendSMS(){
		User u = [select FirstName, LastName, MobilePhone from User where Username =: UserInfo.getUserName()];
		SMS__c sms = [select SMS_Text__c, Account__c from SMS__c
		where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
		Account acc = [Select Phone from Account where Id = :sms.Account__c];
		String smstext = sms.SMS_Text__c+'\n\n'+u.FirstName+' '+u.LastName+'\n'+u.MobilePhone+'\nCyber Consultants';
		//sms.SMS_Text__c = smstext;
		//insert sms;
		String myurl = 'http://mytestcompany.com/sendurlcomma.asp?user=200335466&pwd=jn23e52&senderid=ABC&mobileno='+acc.Phone+'&msgtext='+smstext+'&priority=High&CountryCode=+971';

		PageReference mypage = new PageReference(myurl);
	    return myPage;

 Pleas if anyone can lead me to the right direction in generating the proper URL.




I am writing a trigger on account object. Whenever a flag is updated in accounts, trigger updates the corresponding Owner in the User object. Follwing is the code:


trigger ServiceBreachTrigger on Account (after update) {
	for(Account a: trigger.new){
		if(a.service.breach__c == true){
			user u = [Select Id,times_service_breached__c from User where Id = :a.OwnerId LIMIT 1];
			a.Service_Breach__c = false;
			if(u.times_service_breached__c == 0){
				u.times_service_breached__c = 1;
			update a;
			update u;

 I am getting referential integrity error which specifically states:


Invalid Foreign Key Relationship: Account .Service at line (a.Service_Breach__c = false;)


Any help?





I wrote a trigger that serves to update a custom field on an object. The field actually gets updated with the change in price of the item. Now am kind of stuck with it if I use the before update trigger, it shows the second last change in the price. I cannot use the After update as record gets locked and I cannot update the field value. Below is the trigger code:


trigger TrackPRICEupdate on pb__InventoryItem__c(before update) {
pb__InventoryItem__History invh = new pb__InventoryItem__History();
	for(pb__InventoryItem__c inv: trigger.new){
		invh = [Select NEWVALUE, FIELD, OLDVALUE, CREATEDDATE, PARENTID from pb__InventoryItem__History
		where PARENTID = :inv.id and FIELD = 'pb__PurchaseListPrice__c' 
		if(invh.oldvalue <> null && invh.newvalue <> null)
		 string a = string.valueof(invh.oldvalue);
		 string b = string.valueof(invh.newvalue);
		 decimal old = decimal.valueof(a);
		 decimal newv = decimal.valueof(b);
		 inv.price_change__c = newv - old;
		//update inv;

 Anyone can help?

Can someone please explian the following?


Public Class AController{


Public AController(){}


Private boolean a = false;


Public firstupdatea{

this.a = true;




// this is called from the VF page in an action tag.

Public PageReference updatea(){

if (this.a == true){

    // further actions..






Can someone please tell if the boolean a will retain the value (set to true) in the firstupdatea() function, when checked in the if condition in updatea()? if not? why and how can to make it work so it retains the value..



Can someone please explain the standard way to update a custom object from an APEX class?





I am working on creating a time based workflow to notify the admin of the persons birthday. If i use the evaluation criteria  = When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria. Should the workflow update all the existing records if they are edited?

Hi Code Gurus,


Can someone plesae tell if we can use a List of standard objects with all its available methods like size() etc in a constructor?



this.email_c = parameters.get('PersonEmail');
        this.dup = [SELECT id from Account WHERE PersonEmail =: email_c];
        	this.duplicatelead = true;

 this code should set the duplicatelead to true everytime there's a duplicate record on the basis of email. But its not happening, the list size stays 0 always. Any idea why?


The below code runs fine in testing environment, it's actually generating a PDF document.



public with sharing class PDFTransactionSlip {
public PDFTransactionSlip() {

public PDFTransactionSlip(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

private String getXmlString(pb__Agreement__c c)
//datetime todayis = system.now();

double skcomdue = c.Buyer_Agency_Fee__c + c.Seller_Agency_Fee__c;
double premiumseller = c.pb__PurchaseListPrice__c - c.Inventory_Original_Price__c;
String s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
'<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">' +
'<f href="https://na*.salesforce.com/resource/1298882850000/Transaction_Slip"/>' +
'<fields>' +
'<field name="Transaction_Type"><value>' + c.pb__AgreementType__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Type"><value>' + c.Buyer_Type__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Name"><value>' +c.Buyer_Name__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_No"><value>' + c.Buyer_Phone_No__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Address"><value>' + c.Buyer_Address__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Pasport"><value>' + c.Buyer_Passport_No__c+ '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Nationality"><value>' + c.pb__AccountRegistrationCountry__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Type"><value>' + c.Seller_Type__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Name"><value>' + c.pb__SellerFullName__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_No"><value>' + c.seller_Phone_no__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Address"><value>' + c.Seller_Address__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Pasport"><value>' + c.Seller_Passport_No__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Nationality"><value>' + c.Seller_Country__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Developer"><value>' + c.pb__DeveloperRegistrationNumber__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="PSA Date"><value>' + c.pb__AgreementDate__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Unit_Details"><value>' + c.pb__UnitName__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="No_Of_Bedrooms"><value>' + c.pb__UnitBedrooms__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Sqft"><value>' + c.pb__TotalAreaSqft__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Built_Up"><value>' + c.pb__TotalAreaSqft__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Original_Price"><value>' + c.Inventory_Original_Price__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Net_Purchase_Price"><value>' + c.pb__PurchaseListPrice__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Amount_Paid"><value>' + c.Amount_Paid_on_Property__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Premium_Seller"><value>' + premiumseller + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Deposit Amount"><value>' + c.Deposit_Amount__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Transfer_Fee"><value>' + c.Transfer_Fee__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Total_Purchase"><value>' + c.Total_Purchase_Price_AED__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Agency"><value>' + c.Buyer_Agency_Fee__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Agency"><value>' + c.Seller_Agency_Fee__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Conveyance_Fees"><value>' + c.Conveyance_Fees__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="SK_Commission_Due"><value>' + skcomdue + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Total_Commission"><value>' + skcomdue+ '</value></field>' +
'</fields><ids original="6CF3C495DE77414F85BC24E6CFC3F692" modified="EF5CB2FB7A5BAA4FB634933ADC944031"/>' +

return s;

public PageReference XFDFInit()
LIST<pb__Agreement__c> c = [Select Agreed_Price__c,pb__AgreementType__c,
pb__AccountRegistrationCountry__c , Amount_Paid_on_Property__c, Buyer_Agency_Fee__c,
Buyer_Conveyance_Fee__c,Buyer_Phone_No__c, Buyer_Address__c, Buyer_Passport_No__c,
Buyer_Type__c, Cheque_Data__c, Conveyance_Fees__c,
Deposit_Amount__c,Buyer_Name__c, Deposit_Status__c, Id, Initial_Term_SKadded__c,
Inventor_Title_No__c, Inventory_Completion_Status__c, Inventory_Original_Price__c,
Landlord_Commision__c, Mortgage_Discharge_Fee__c, Mortgage_Registration_Fee__c,
Name, Net_Achievable_Price_to_Seller1__c, NOC_Fee_to_Developer__c,
Number_of_Cheques_Required__c, pb__AccountId__c, pb__DeveloperId__c,
pb__DeveloperRegistrationNumber__c, pb__DownPaymentsComplete__c,
pb__FeesComplete__c, pb__InventoryId__c, pb__ItemCompletionStatus__c,
pb__OfferId__c,seller_phone_no__c, pb__PurchaseListPrice__c, pb__PurchasePrice__c,
pb__SellerFullName__c, pb__SellerId__c, pb__Status__c, pb__TotalAmount__c,
pb__TotalAreaSqft__c, pb__TotalAreaSqm__c, pb__UnitBedrooms__c,
pb__UnitFloorNumber__c, pb__UnitName__c, pb__UnitType__c,
Seller_Address__c, Seller_Agency_Fee__c, Seller_Conveyance_Fee__c,
Seller_Country__c, pb__AgreementDate__c , Seller_Passport_No__c, Seller_Type__c,
Service_Maintenance_Fee_Pro_rata__c, Tenant_Commission__c,
Title_Deed__c, Total_Purchase_Price_AED__c, Transfer_Date__c,
Transfer_Fee__c, Unit_Number__c from pb__Agreement__c
WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') limit 1];

if(c.size() > 0){
pb__Agreement__c nc = c[0];
String xmlContent = getXmlString(nc);
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(xmlContent);
attachment.Name = 'Transaction_Slip_' + c[0].Name + '_' + System.now() + '.XFDF';
attachment.ParentId = c[0].Id;
insert attachment;
PageReference contactPage = new PageReference('/' + c[0].id);
return contactPage;
PageReference contactPage = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
return contactPage;


Problem is when try to execute it in production, it gives the following exception:


System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Class.PDFTransactionSlip.getXmlString: line 12, column 26 Class.PDFTransactionSlip.XFDFInit: line 85, column 29 External entry point



Hi, am working on a pretty simple code that restricts the Lead duplication.Leads are coming in from web pages, parameters are extracted and checked below if its a duplicate:




// 1. Leads coming in get the parameters extracted.  
// 2. Now checking for duplication based on Record type and Email

List <RecordType> R = [SELECT Id from RecordType WHERE SObjectType =: 'Account' AND Name =: r_name]; if(R.size()>0){ LIST <Account>ifdup = [SELECT Id, OwnerId from Account WHERE PersonEmail =: r_email AND RecrodTypeId =: R[0].Id]; if (ifdup.size()>0){ Task tsk = new Task(); tsk.WhoId = ifdup[0].Id; tsk.OwnerId = ifdup[0].OwnerId; tsk.Status = 'Open'; tsk.Priority = 'High'; insert tsk;
duplicateLead = true; exceptionThrown = true; PageReference p = new PageReference(this.fail_page); p.setRedirect(true); return p; }

// 3. Since not a dupliate, account creation.


In case of duplicate lead, code shall return Failure along with task creation for the existing lead owner. But somehow its not working this way, Leads are getting duplicated. My understanding is when the If condition returns the page P, its the end of the code execution.



Can someone help me fix it please? Thanks



I am trying to create an Event through apex, everything seems fine in the Sandbox but the deployment fails


System.DMLException:Insert Failed. First exception on row 0; First error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, UpdateCalendar, Execution of Before Insert.


with the following warning in IDE.


WARN [2011-02-15 14:34:40,447] (DeploymentController.java:deployWork:993) - Deployment FAILED.  Got the following deploy messages [3]:
 (1)  filename = classes/UnitTestsUpdateCalendar.cls, result = SUCCESS, affect = changed, id = 01pA00000023yriIAA, fullname = UnitTestsUpdateCalendar
 (2)  filename = package.xml, result = SUCCESS, affect = changed, id = null, fullname = package.xml
 (3)  filename = triggers/UpdateCalendar.trigger, result = SUCCESS, affect = changed, id = 01qA0000000dSiqIAE, fullname = UpdateCalendar



The trigger is below, its basically creating an event using values from another object..



trigger UpdateCalendar on SFDC_PTO_Request__c (before insert) {
    if (trigger.isInsert){
        for(SFDC_PTO_Request__c pto: trigger.new){
            Event evt = new Event();
            evt.StartDateTime = pto.Request_Start_Date__c;
            evt.EndDateTime = pto.Request_End_Date__c;
            evt.Description = 'The user is having a ' + pto.Request_Type__c;
            //evt.ShowAs = 'Out of Office';
            SFDC_Employee__c emp = [Select Name from SFDC_Employee__c
            WHERE Id =: pto.Employee__c];
            User u = [SELECT Id from User WHERE Name =: emp.Name];
            evt.OwnerId = u.Id;
            evt.Subject = pto.Request_Type__c;
            insert evt;            




The test class is below:



private class UnitTestsUpdateCalendar {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
        SFDC_PTO_Request__c pto = new SFDC_PTO_Request__c();
        DateTime dT = System.now();
        Date myDate = date.newinstance(dT.year(), dT.month(), dT.day());

        pto.Request_Start_Date__c = myDate;
        pto.Request_End_Date__c = myDate;
        list<SFDC_Employee__c> emp= [Select Id from SFDC_Employee__c where Name =: 'Admin Support Propertybase'];
       if (emp.size()>0){
               pto.Employee__c  = emp[0].Id;    

        insert pto;





Got this piece of code that needs to be tested, am aware of unit testing to some extent but still a newbie. Can someone help me write/guide simple test class (called by a visual force page) for the code below, greatly appreciated. :)



public class PDFMerger
    public PDFMerger(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {


    private String getXmlString(pb__InventoryItem__c c, User u)
       datetime todayis = system.now();
       String s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
           '<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">' +
           '<f href="https://*****.salesforce.com/resource/1295957476000/Work_Assurance_Inspection"/>' +
           '<fields>' +
           '<field name="property address"><value>' + c.Unit_No__c + ' ' + c.Project__c + ' '+ c.Area__c + '</value></field>' + 
           '<field name="agent name"><value>' + u.Name + '</value></field>' + 
            '<field name="Date"><value>' + todayis + '</value></field>' +
            '<field name="Property Type"><value>' + c.pb__UnitType__c + '</value></field>' +
            '<field name="Number of Bedrooms"><value>' + c.pb__UnitBedrooms__c + '</value></field>' +
           '</fields><ids original="E348711A455B6041A503958ABEF555F0" modified="D4A9F66D55B86D47A4F3991DD9F07E18"/>' +
       return s;
    public PageReference XFDFInit() 
        pb__InventoryItem__c c = [SELECT Id, Ownerid, Name, pb__UnitType__c, pb__UnitBedrooms__c, Unit_No__c, Project__c, Area__c FROM pb__InventoryItem__c
        WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
        User u = [SELECT id, Name FROM User
        WHERE id = :c.Ownerid];
        String xmlContent = getXmlString(c, u);
        Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
        attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(xmlContent);
        attachment.Name = c.Name + '.XFDF';
        attachment.ParentId = c.Id;
        insert attachment;
        PageReference contactPage = new PageReference('/' + c.id);
        return contactPage;



I have two objects here





I have a field on Transactions named Amount

and a field on Achieved name Total Value


If a user does 7 transactions in a financial year , I want the total of the 7 transaction object  Amount field to add up to the Total Value field on Achieved object.


If the user deletes the transaction, the Total value field should be deducted also.


Financial year is 1 Jan 2012 - 31 DEC 2012. The transaction should be decided based on the created date.


Please help me on this





I have a custom field which is Open Activity Count.


I want to have the count of all the tasks that are open on the account to appear on the field.


For example if I create an account , automatically 3 tasks get created. I want the number 3 to appear automatically on the Open Activity Count field.


If I create another account record type, then 4 tasks may get created automatically.


If I manually create a task from the Open Activities related list, then also the number should appear in the Open Activity Count field.


I want the count of all the tasks in the open activities related list which have been created automatically(i.e by a workflow rule, trigger etc) or manually(i.e. by creating it on the open activities related list ) to appear in the Open Activity Count field.


If I close the task then the count should get deducted.


Can anyone please help me with this.


Thanks in advance

A quick question, is it possible to hide Event details (like related account/ contact) while the sharing on account is public?




I have to implement a salesforce to SMS function where user will be able to send an sms from salesforce to client. I am facing a bit of challenge in constructing the URL with parameters in it, that is sent to the SMS service. The SMS text is formatted in a sense that it ends with the Sender Name, Mobile and Company Name e.g:



This is the test SMS Text


Sender Name

Mobile Phone





The problem is in the characters used for formatting the text \n and \r.  Below is the code:


public PageReference sendSMS(){
		User u = [select FirstName, LastName, MobilePhone from User where Username =: UserInfo.getUserName()];
		SMS__c sms = [select SMS_Text__c, Account__c from SMS__c
		where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
		Account acc = [Select Phone from Account where Id = :sms.Account__c];
		String smstext = sms.SMS_Text__c+'\n\n'+u.FirstName+' '+u.LastName+'\n'+u.MobilePhone+'\nCyber Consultants';
		//sms.SMS_Text__c = smstext;
		//insert sms;
		String myurl = 'http://mytestcompany.com/sendurlcomma.asp?user=200335466&pwd=jn23e52&senderid=ABC&mobileno='+acc.Phone+'&msgtext='+smstext+'&priority=High&CountryCode=+971';

		PageReference mypage = new PageReference(myurl);
	    return myPage;

 Pleas if anyone can lead me to the right direction in generating the proper URL.




I wrote a trigger that serves to update a custom field on an object. The field actually gets updated with the change in price of the item. Now am kind of stuck with it if I use the before update trigger, it shows the second last change in the price. I cannot use the After update as record gets locked and I cannot update the field value. Below is the trigger code:


trigger TrackPRICEupdate on pb__InventoryItem__c(before update) {
pb__InventoryItem__History invh = new pb__InventoryItem__History();
	for(pb__InventoryItem__c inv: trigger.new){
		invh = [Select NEWVALUE, FIELD, OLDVALUE, CREATEDDATE, PARENTID from pb__InventoryItem__History
		where PARENTID = :inv.id and FIELD = 'pb__PurchaseListPrice__c' 
		if(invh.oldvalue <> null && invh.newvalue <> null)
		 string a = string.valueof(invh.oldvalue);
		 string b = string.valueof(invh.newvalue);
		 decimal old = decimal.valueof(a);
		 decimal newv = decimal.valueof(b);
		 inv.price_change__c = newv - old;
		//update inv;

 Anyone can help?

I am not understanding why I am getting this exception when I run tests on the apex test class that is related to a trigger. The exception is being thrown at the following line(where I am querying for total child cases) in trigger when I 'Run tests' on the respective test class. Any help is very much appreciated.


List<Case> parToTotalChildsCases = [Select Id, Status, parentID from Case where ParentId IN :offParList and IsDeleted = false];
    // get total child cases for each parent
    for (case c: parToTotalChildsCases){
    	system.debug('child ID in total==='+c.Id);
    	parToTotalChilds.put(c.parentId, totalCount++);


Can someone please explian the following?


Public Class AController{


Public AController(){}


Private boolean a = false;


Public firstupdatea{

this.a = true;




// this is called from the VF page in an action tag.

Public PageReference updatea(){

if (this.a == true){

    // further actions..






Can someone please tell if the boolean a will retain the value (set to true) in the firstupdatea() function, when checked in the if condition in updatea()? if not? why and how can to make it work so it retains the value..



Can someone please explain the standard way to update a custom object from an APEX class?



Hi Code Gurus,


Can someone plesae tell if we can use a List of standard objects with all its available methods like size() etc in a constructor?



this.email_c = parameters.get('PersonEmail');
        this.dup = [SELECT id from Account WHERE PersonEmail =: email_c];
        	this.duplicatelead = true;

 this code should set the duplicatelead to true everytime there's a duplicate record on the basis of email. But its not happening, the list size stays 0 always. Any idea why?


The below code runs fine in testing environment, it's actually generating a PDF document.



public with sharing class PDFTransactionSlip {
public PDFTransactionSlip() {

public PDFTransactionSlip(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

private String getXmlString(pb__Agreement__c c)
//datetime todayis = system.now();

double skcomdue = c.Buyer_Agency_Fee__c + c.Seller_Agency_Fee__c;
double premiumseller = c.pb__PurchaseListPrice__c - c.Inventory_Original_Price__c;
String s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
'<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">' +
'<f href="https://na*.salesforce.com/resource/1298882850000/Transaction_Slip"/>' +
'<fields>' +
'<field name="Transaction_Type"><value>' + c.pb__AgreementType__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Type"><value>' + c.Buyer_Type__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Name"><value>' +c.Buyer_Name__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_No"><value>' + c.Buyer_Phone_No__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Address"><value>' + c.Buyer_Address__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Pasport"><value>' + c.Buyer_Passport_No__c+ '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Nationality"><value>' + c.pb__AccountRegistrationCountry__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Type"><value>' + c.Seller_Type__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Name"><value>' + c.pb__SellerFullName__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_No"><value>' + c.seller_Phone_no__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Address"><value>' + c.Seller_Address__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Pasport"><value>' + c.Seller_Passport_No__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Nationality"><value>' + c.Seller_Country__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Developer"><value>' + c.pb__DeveloperRegistrationNumber__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="PSA Date"><value>' + c.pb__AgreementDate__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Unit_Details"><value>' + c.pb__UnitName__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="No_Of_Bedrooms"><value>' + c.pb__UnitBedrooms__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Sqft"><value>' + c.pb__TotalAreaSqft__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Built_Up"><value>' + c.pb__TotalAreaSqft__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Original_Price"><value>' + c.Inventory_Original_Price__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Net_Purchase_Price"><value>' + c.pb__PurchaseListPrice__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Amount_Paid"><value>' + c.Amount_Paid_on_Property__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Premium_Seller"><value>' + premiumseller + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Deposit Amount"><value>' + c.Deposit_Amount__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Transfer_Fee"><value>' + c.Transfer_Fee__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Total_Purchase"><value>' + c.Total_Purchase_Price_AED__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Buyer_Agency"><value>' + c.Buyer_Agency_Fee__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Seller_Agency"><value>' + c.Seller_Agency_Fee__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Conveyance_Fees"><value>' + c.Conveyance_Fees__c + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="SK_Commission_Due"><value>' + skcomdue + '</value></field>' +
'<field name="Total_Commission"><value>' + skcomdue+ '</value></field>' +
'</fields><ids original="6CF3C495DE77414F85BC24E6CFC3F692" modified="EF5CB2FB7A5BAA4FB634933ADC944031"/>' +

return s;

public PageReference XFDFInit()
LIST<pb__Agreement__c> c = [Select Agreed_Price__c,pb__AgreementType__c,
pb__AccountRegistrationCountry__c , Amount_Paid_on_Property__c, Buyer_Agency_Fee__c,
Buyer_Conveyance_Fee__c,Buyer_Phone_No__c, Buyer_Address__c, Buyer_Passport_No__c,
Buyer_Type__c, Cheque_Data__c, Conveyance_Fees__c,
Deposit_Amount__c,Buyer_Name__c, Deposit_Status__c, Id, Initial_Term_SKadded__c,
Inventor_Title_No__c, Inventory_Completion_Status__c, Inventory_Original_Price__c,
Landlord_Commision__c, Mortgage_Discharge_Fee__c, Mortgage_Registration_Fee__c,
Name, Net_Achievable_Price_to_Seller1__c, NOC_Fee_to_Developer__c,
Number_of_Cheques_Required__c, pb__AccountId__c, pb__DeveloperId__c,
pb__DeveloperRegistrationNumber__c, pb__DownPaymentsComplete__c,
pb__FeesComplete__c, pb__InventoryId__c, pb__ItemCompletionStatus__c,
pb__OfferId__c,seller_phone_no__c, pb__PurchaseListPrice__c, pb__PurchasePrice__c,
pb__SellerFullName__c, pb__SellerId__c, pb__Status__c, pb__TotalAmount__c,
pb__TotalAreaSqft__c, pb__TotalAreaSqm__c, pb__UnitBedrooms__c,
pb__UnitFloorNumber__c, pb__UnitName__c, pb__UnitType__c,
Seller_Address__c, Seller_Agency_Fee__c, Seller_Conveyance_Fee__c,
Seller_Country__c, pb__AgreementDate__c , Seller_Passport_No__c, Seller_Type__c,
Service_Maintenance_Fee_Pro_rata__c, Tenant_Commission__c,
Title_Deed__c, Total_Purchase_Price_AED__c, Transfer_Date__c,
Transfer_Fee__c, Unit_Number__c from pb__Agreement__c
WHERE id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') limit 1];

if(c.size() > 0){
pb__Agreement__c nc = c[0];
String xmlContent = getXmlString(nc);
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Body = Blob.valueOf(xmlContent);
attachment.Name = 'Transaction_Slip_' + c[0].Name + '_' + System.now() + '.XFDF';
attachment.ParentId = c[0].Id;
insert attachment;
PageReference contactPage = new PageReference('/' + c[0].id);
return contactPage;
PageReference contactPage = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
return contactPage;


Problem is when try to execute it in production, it gives the following exception:


System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Class.PDFTransactionSlip.getXmlString: line 12, column 26 Class.PDFTransactionSlip.XFDFInit: line 85, column 29 External entry point



Hi Folks,


I created two record types, custom page for one record type and standard page for another record type. how to write code for setting this pages with different pagelayouts. Functionality is different for two pages.






I am trying to create an Event through apex, everything seems fine in the Sandbox but the deployment fails


System.DMLException:Insert Failed. First exception on row 0; First error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, UpdateCalendar, Execution of Before Insert.


with the following warning in IDE.


WARN [2011-02-15 14:34:40,447] (DeploymentController.java:deployWork:993) - Deployment FAILED.  Got the following deploy messages [3]:
 (1)  filename = classes/UnitTestsUpdateCalendar.cls, result = SUCCESS, affect = changed, id = 01pA00000023yriIAA, fullname = UnitTestsUpdateCalendar
 (2)  filename = package.xml, result = SUCCESS, affect = changed, id = null, fullname = package.xml
 (3)  filename = triggers/UpdateCalendar.trigger, result = SUCCESS, affect = changed, id = 01qA0000000dSiqIAE, fullname = UpdateCalendar



The trigger is below, its basically creating an event using values from another object..



trigger UpdateCalendar on SFDC_PTO_Request__c (before insert) {
    if (trigger.isInsert){
        for(SFDC_PTO_Request__c pto: trigger.new){
            Event evt = new Event();
            evt.StartDateTime = pto.Request_Start_Date__c;
            evt.EndDateTime = pto.Request_End_Date__c;
            evt.Description = 'The user is having a ' + pto.Request_Type__c;
            //evt.ShowAs = 'Out of Office';
            SFDC_Employee__c emp = [Select Name from SFDC_Employee__c
            WHERE Id =: pto.Employee__c];
            User u = [SELECT Id from User WHERE Name =: emp.Name];
            evt.OwnerId = u.Id;
            evt.Subject = pto.Request_Type__c;
            insert evt;            




The test class is below:



private class UnitTestsUpdateCalendar {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
        SFDC_PTO_Request__c pto = new SFDC_PTO_Request__c();
        DateTime dT = System.now();
        Date myDate = date.newinstance(dT.year(), dT.month(), dT.day());

        pto.Request_Start_Date__c = myDate;
        pto.Request_End_Date__c = myDate;
        list<SFDC_Employee__c> emp= [Select Id from SFDC_Employee__c where Name =: 'Admin Support Propertybase'];
       if (emp.size()>0){
               pto.Employee__c  = emp[0].Id;    

        insert pto;



I can't seem to find documentation explaining why a trigger does not have the "Is Valid" flag checked on the Setup interface.


Can somebody shed some light on this or reference me to a resource explaining this?


Much appreciated.