• agaber
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I have a WSDL for a webservice (apex class) that was created in a SFDC sandbox. I'm making another application post SOAP messages to this web service.


To set the sessionId, I'm using the response from the Partner WSDL's login operation (posting to this endpoint: https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/27.0).


Now, for the custom web service's endpoint, this article says that I should be posting to the "serverUrl" from the login response (https://cs11.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/27.0/00DZ0000000p6R9). When I do so though, I'm getting "No operation available for request {http://soap.sforce.com/schemas/class/WebServiceName}operationName"


The WSDL for the custom webservice has this endpoint in it: https://cs11.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/WebServiceName, which I can successfully post to using SOAP UI; but I can't get my application to successfully post to it (I'll elaborate, if the answer is that I should be posting to this one).


Could somone please tell me?:


1. Should I be pointing the custom web service to the endpoint in its WSDL, or should I point it to the "serverUrl" returned in the login response?


2. If I should be posting the the endpoint from the login response, how can I overcome the "No operation available for request {http://soap.sforce.com/schemas/class/..." issue?






Short version:

Is there a way for my test class to utilize the code in the "ActionPlansUtilitiesTest" class in an EE org running the managed version of Action Plans?


Long version:

Our company is utilizing the managed version of Action Plans.  I've written a trigger to give us more flexibility with the app, but I'm having trouble getting the test class to pass testing.


Initially, I made the trigger and test class based on the unmanaged version, but we want to be able to upgrade the app if there are new releases, so I altered the object and field names in my trigger and test class to work with the managed version.


In my test class, I pasted a lot of code from the "ActionPlansUtilitiesTest" class...and this worked with the unmanaged package.  But with the managed version, my code coverage drops dramatically.  It looks a method (within the code I pasted) is unable to make calls to the "ActionPlansUtilities" class.


Classes and methods are pretty new to me, so maybe (hopefully) there's something simple I'm missing.  Any help would be greatly appreciated though.


I didn't include code here b/c it's quite a bit, but I'd be happy to provide.




  • February 12, 2011
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I have a WSDL for a webservice (apex class) that was created in a SFDC sandbox. I'm making another application post SOAP messages to this web service.


To set the sessionId, I'm using the response from the Partner WSDL's login operation (posting to this endpoint: https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/27.0).


Now, for the custom web service's endpoint, this article says that I should be posting to the "serverUrl" from the login response (https://cs11.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/27.0/00DZ0000000p6R9). When I do so though, I'm getting "No operation available for request {http://soap.sforce.com/schemas/class/WebServiceName}operationName"


The WSDL for the custom webservice has this endpoint in it: https://cs11.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/WebServiceName, which I can successfully post to using SOAP UI; but I can't get my application to successfully post to it (I'll elaborate, if the answer is that I should be posting to this one).


Could somone please tell me?:


1. Should I be pointing the custom web service to the endpoint in its WSDL, or should I point it to the "serverUrl" returned in the login response?


2. If I should be posting the the endpoint from the login response, how can I overcome the "No operation available for request {http://soap.sforce.com/schemas/class/..." issue?






Short version:

Is there a way for my test class to utilize the code in the "ActionPlansUtilitiesTest" class in an EE org running the managed version of Action Plans?


Long version:

Our company is utilizing the managed version of Action Plans.  I've written a trigger to give us more flexibility with the app, but I'm having trouble getting the test class to pass testing.


Initially, I made the trigger and test class based on the unmanaged version, but we want to be able to upgrade the app if there are new releases, so I altered the object and field names in my trigger and test class to work with the managed version.


In my test class, I pasted a lot of code from the "ActionPlansUtilitiesTest" class...and this worked with the unmanaged package.  But with the managed version, my code coverage drops dramatically.  It looks a method (within the code I pasted) is unable to make calls to the "ActionPlansUtilities" class.


Classes and methods are pretty new to me, so maybe (hopefully) there's something simple I'm missing.  Any help would be greatly appreciated though.


I didn't include code here b/c it's quite a bit, but I'd be happy to provide.




  • February 12, 2011
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What is the best method for populating a scratch org with custom objects and their fields from a sandbox? I have tried the following process and have been unsucessful- am I missing a step or doing something incorrectly?
  1. Within the sandbox, I've created an unmanaged package containing the custom object. I noticed that the package also automatically pulls in dependent classes, pages, etc. 
  2. I've pulled the package to my local environment using:
    sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -s -r packages -u Sandbox -p objectexport
  3. I've unzipped the downloaded package.
  4. I've converted the package to DX format using:
    sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r packages\objectexportunzipped
  5. I then try pushing the converted object to the scratch org:
    sfdx force:source:push
The attempt errors out with dozens of "variable does not exist" and "invalid type" errors. From what I can see, it looks like the order the objects and classes are being pushed is causing the system to not see the dependent fields.

My end goal is to have a repeatable process to replicate custom objects from my sandbox to scratch orgs.