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How a salesforce program run?
How a salesforce program run?
I want to know how a salesforce progrma runs
for example:
A java program run in Jvm and create class file .......
like that how a salesforce program run to provide output.
- Raj.....
- May 10, 2011
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i want to use jquery validation plugin in salesforce
i want to use jquery validation plugin in salesforce.
i name the id in salesforce but when it comes to html the id is changed.
pls help me to solve this problem i am not geting the out put
- Raj.....
- May 02, 2011
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- Raj.....
- April 04, 2011
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How to get lookup values?
I am doing a project. where i need to get values using lookup.
The object and the controller are custom. I want to take value to the visualforce page from controller.
- Raj.....
- March 30, 2011
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browse and view file.
I got this code from internet.
<apex:page controller="FileManager "> <apex:form > <apex:inputFile value="{!file}" /> <apex:commandbutton action="{!go}" value="go"/> </apex:form> </apex:page>
public class FileManager { public PageReference go() { return null; } public Blob file { get; set; } public PageReference submit() { ContentVersion v = new ContentVersion(); v.versionData = file; v.title = 'from VF'; v.pathOnClient ='/foo.txt'; insert v; return new PageReference('/' + v.id); } }
I dont know how the code works? How can i know that location of the file which is uploaded?
Code for retrieving the uploaded file?
- Raj.....
- March 28, 2011
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How to get lookup values?
I am doing a project. where i need to get values using lookup.
The object and the controller are custom. I want to take value to the visualforce page from controller.
- Raj.....
- March 30, 2011
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browse and view file.
I got this code from internet.
<apex:page controller="FileManager "> <apex:form > <apex:inputFile value="{!file}" /> <apex:commandbutton action="{!go}" value="go"/> </apex:form> </apex:page>
public class FileManager { public PageReference go() { return null; } public Blob file { get; set; } public PageReference submit() { ContentVersion v = new ContentVersion(); v.versionData = file; v.title = 'from VF'; v.pathOnClient ='/foo.txt'; insert v; return new PageReference('/' + v.id); } }
I dont know how the code works? How can i know that location of the file which is uploaded?
Code for retrieving the uploaded file?
- Raj.....
- March 28, 2011
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