• daveLondon
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After creating an opportunity, we add products which require a number of custom fields to be filled out. The problem is if you select one or more products to add on the edit opportunity screen, and then go on to edit the products, there are so many picklists etc. that they cause horizontal scroll bars and it looks awful. I have been using Salesforce for about a week so obviously I'm very new to things but I experimented with trying to create a visualforce page I would eventually use to replace the poor-looking add products to opportunities. But is this possible? Looking at the data model I got very confused as to how to 'drive' the visualforce page, ie. should it be driven off an opportunity standardcontroller or something else? Also if I start with Opportunity, can I do {!opportunity.product2} or some such to access the products for that opportunity, so that I could then layout my own custom table/sections with appropriate input fields.


All help/pointers/adise appreciated!

