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I want to update the class and vforce page for something that was already created for my organization. I want to mimic it to keep everything similar and it was made by a 3rd party developer who decided to stop consulting. Here is the new object and fields i want to replace the existing with. It seems that the class and page is complex for a simple add and remove fields. Simply replace everywhere audienceunitlineitem. Any help would be great.


New Object -



New Fields

Segment_ID__c Segment_Name__c Data_Provider__c Uniques__c Impression_s__c CPMU__c CPM__c Total_Value__c




public with sharing class adUnitLineItemExtension 
  private final Publisher_Site__c   p;
  ApexPages.StandardController     stdController;
  public Publisher_Site__c      publisher      { get; set; }
  public List<AUWrapper>         adUnitLines     { get; set; }
  public String            focusedLi      { get; set; }
  public Integer            wrapperID      { get; set; }
  public Boolean            saveError      { get; set; }
  public String            errorMessage    { get; set; }
  //Extension Constructor
  public adUnitLineItemExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdCont)
    stdController     = stdCont;
    p          = (Publisher_Site__c)stdController.getRecord();
    publisher      = [SELECT Id, Publisher_Tier__c, Name, Geo_Target__c from Publisher_Site__c where Id = :p.Id LIMIT 1];
    adUnitLines     = new List<AUWrapper>{};
    focusedLi      = '';
    wrapperID      = 0;
    saveError      = false;
    errorMessage    = 'You must set an Ad Size, an Ad Position, and one or more Geotargets before you may save an Ad Unit!';
    if (publisher != null)
      List<Ad_Unit__c> auLis = [SELECT Id, 
                    from    Ad_Unit__c
                    where  Publisher_Site__c = :publisher.Id 
                    LIMIT  1000];
      for(Ad_Unit__c l : auLis)
        AUWrapper wrapper = new AUWrapper(wrapperID++);
        wrapper.adUnit   = l;
        wrapper.isNew  = false;
  public void addLine()
    AUWrapper wrapper = new AUWrapper(wrapperID++);
    wrapper.adUnit.Publisher_Site__c   = p.Id;
    focusedLi               = wrapper.wrapperID;
    saveError              = false;
  public void removeLine()
    for(Integer i = 0; i < adUnitLines.size(); i++)
      if (adUnitLines[i].wrapperID == System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('selectedID'))
        if (adUnitLines[i].isNew == false)
          delete adUnitLines[i].adUnit;
        focusedLi = '';
        saveError = false;
  public void saveLine()
    for(Integer i = 0; i < adUnitLines.size(); i++)
      if (adUnitLines[i].wrapperID == System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('selectedID'))
        if(adUnitLines[i].isNew == false)
          saveError =  ((adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == '')       ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == null)      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == '')   ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == null)  ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == '')      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == null));
            update adUnitLines[i].adUnit;
          saveError = ((adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == '')       ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Size__c == null)      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == '')   ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c == null)  ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == '')      ||
                    (adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Geotarget__c == null));
            insert adUnitLines[i].adUnit;
            Ad_Unit__c au =  [SELECT  Id, 
                     from   Ad_Unit__c
                     where  Id = :adUnitLines[i].adUnit.Id
                     LIMIT  1];
            if(au != null)
              adUnitLines[i].adUnit   = au;
              adUnitLines[i].isNew  = false;
        focusedLi = '';
  public void editLine()
    focusedLi = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('selectedID');





<apex:page standardController="Publisher_Site__c" extensions="adUnitLineItemExtension">

<apex:detail relatedList="false" >

<apex:form >	
	<apex:pageBlock id="adUnitLineItems" title="Publisher Ad Units">
		<apex:outputPanel style="color: red; text-aline: center" id="messages">
			<apex:outputPanel style="color: red; text-align: center" id="errorMessage" rendered="{!saveError}">
		<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
         	  <apex:commandButton action="{!addLine}" value="Add Ad Unit" rerender="auLines,messages" status="adding" />
         	  <span style = "color: green">
         	  	<apex:actionStatus id="adding" startText="Adding..." />
         	  <span style = "color: blue">
         	  	<apex:actionStatus id="saving" startText="Saving..." />
			  <span style = "color: red">
			  	<apex:actionStatus id="deleting" startText="Deleting..." />
			  <span style = "color: blue">
			  	<apex:actionStatus id="editing" startText="Loading..." />
		<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
			<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
				<apex:pageBlockTable id="auLines" value="{!adUnitLines}" var="auLi">
					 <apex:column headervalue="Action">
					     <apex:commandLink rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="Edit" action="{!editLine}" rerender="auLines,messages" status="editing">
					     	 <apex:param name="selectedID" value="{!auLi.wrapperID}" />
					     <apex:commandLink rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="Save" action="{!saveLine}" rerender="auLines,messages" status="saving">
					     	 <apex:param name="selectedID" value="{!auLi.wrapperID}" />
						<apex:commandLink value="Del" action="{!removeLine}" rerender="auLines,messages" status="deleting">
							 <apex:param name="selectedID" value="{!auLi.wrapperID}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Name">
					 	<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Unit_Name__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Unit_Name__c}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Size">
						<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Size__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Size__c}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Positioning">
						<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Ad_Positioning__c}" />
					 <apex:column headervalue="Geotarget">
						<apex:outputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID != focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Geotarget__c}" />
						<apex:inputField rendered="{!IF(auLi.wrapperID == focusedLi, true, false)}" value="{!auLi.adUnit.Geotarget__c}" />

<apex:relatedList list="Cases__r" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />
<apex:relatedList list="OpenActivities" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />
<apex:relatedList list="ActivityHistories" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />
<apex:relatedList list="NotesAndAttachments" subject="{!Publisher_Site__c}" />

<apex:pageBlock id="thePageBlock" title="Publisher Site Field History">  
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Publisher_Site__c.Histories}" var="h">
                <apex:column headerValue="Date" >
                	<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm }">       
						<apex:param value="{!h.createddate}" />
                <apex:column headerValue="What">{!h.field}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="From">{!h.oldvalue}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="To">{!h.newvalue}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="User">{!h.createdby.name}</apex:column>




Want to create an apex trigger that when an opportunity is saved it overwrites what a user has entered and puts the account name + a custom field. Can anyone help or give suggestions. Can this be applied to only certain opportunity types?