• Kalluru
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Hi I am trying to deploy one class in production from sanbox in sanbox it showing as 88% coverage in production I am getting fallowing error. Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 68%, at least 75% test coverage is required. But not telling me which class is not covering can you please help me solving this issue

Hi I am trying to deploy one class in production from sanbox in sanbox it showing as 88% coverage in production I am getting fallowing error. Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 68%, at least 75% test coverage is required. But not telling me which class is not covering can you please help me solving this issue


System.debug('opportunityLineItems ------------------'+opportunityLineItems);
for(OpportunityLineItem opportunityLineItem:opportunityLineItems){
System.debug('PricebookEntry Name------------------'+opportunityLineItem.PricebookEntry.Name);




<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!OpportunityLineItems}" var="item" headerClass="headerRow" rowClasses="odd even">
<apex:column value="{!item.PricebookEntry.Name}" headerClass="headerRow" headerValue="Deal Products" />
<apex:column value="{!item.PricebookEntry.ProductCode}" headerClass="headerRow" headerValue="Part Number" />
<apex:column headerClass="headerRow" headerValue="QTY" value="{!item.Quantity}"/>
<apex:column headerClass="headerRow" headerValue="MSRP" value="{!item.ListPrice}" />

  • April 21, 2011
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I am checking few of the sites example and I see them completely different from the salesforce portal.

The UI is completely different than the salesforce portal UI.


I am planning to build a Site and Portal which uses my css and be different from the normal salesforce UI.

I read in this below link that we can customize the UI using the CSS



Is there any way I can get the details of customizing the portal UI using CSS? Are there template CSS which I can apply to my Site and modify them accordingly?


Thanks in advance.

  • February 26, 2010
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I've created a workflow rule that is intended to send a series of emails via  time-dependent email alert workflow actions.  The problem I am having is that I need the workflow rule to be triggered based on a field update from an approval process.  i.e., when a request gets approved, the "approved" checkbox on the record gets selected and that should trigger the rule.  The way my rule is set-up now it will trigger if I manually edit the recorde and select the approved box, but if my approval process checks the box the rule is never triggered.  Anything I can do? 
  • August 12, 2009
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i have created one Apex Trigger under Task section, that is working fine in sandbox account. when i am trying to deploy the same Trigger in to production, i am getting "Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 72%, at least 75% test coverage is required". i am using Eclipse for deployment.


my Requirement is upon clicking save buttion on new Task page, i need to fire an trigger to get last completed task comments to merge with the current comments.



Here is the my Trigger:


trigger Update_Comments_Task on Task (before insert) {


List<Id> whoIds = new List<Id>();


for(Task oTask : Trigger.new){




//Get Existing Tasks

List<Task> exTask =[select Id,Description from Task where WhoId in :whoIds and status = 'Completed' Order by CreatedDate Desc];


for(Task oTask : Trigger.new){

if(exTask.Size() > 0){

for(Task tmpTask:exTask){

if(oTask.Description!=null && tmpTask.Description!=null){oTask.Description = tmpTask.Description +

'\n' + oTask.Description;


else if(oTask.Description==null && tmpTask.Description!=null){

oTask.Description = tmpTask.Description;


else if(oTask.Description!=null && tmpTask.Description==null){

oTask.Description = oTask.Description;


else{oTask.Description = '';










the above Trigger is working fine in sandbox account.

Can you please help me, how can i improve my test  coverage percentage to 75%.