• ArjunDhar
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 Documents show how to set the Company Profile Currency. But I cant find the API to get the currency (Company Profile).


UserInfo.getDefaultCurrency() is perhaps not the same as Company Currency. Neither can I find any Standard Object representing "Company Profile".

I need to get certain Account details of a User in the Controller.


However I find that the "UserInfo" object does not expose any Account Id. It exposes access to organization name and Id.



Q1) Conceptually how is Account different from Organization? (Where is this documented)

Q2) How can I get access to Account Object from the User (assuming Account & Organization are not the same)






 am sure this is a regular question but I beat myself to find it on the forums. The Documents alsways state the sissy  Standard & Custom "Accounts" example.



So here goes, I have the following entity relation:

(Parent, many)  Shop

  |____ (Child , many) Goods


Its a many to many relation. From a Shop you can naturally see all the goods but not the other way round. So I wrote a SOQL to do that. Works.


Problem Statement:

However, am struggling with writing the Controller to show me a List of "Goods" (based on a Page query Param called Category), and for each Good there is a <apex:pageBlock > that should LIST the Shops that have that Good.


I addition to the solution in concept, I'd be greatful  if the following questions are also answered:


Places where I have difficulty understanding:

Q1) Can we get away with simply writing NO controller and using the "Goods" Standard Object as my Standard Contrroller? (I doubt, as I dont see Apex providing that much flexibility in scripts)


Q2) When I write a Standard Controller with Extensions; I try to write a method (see getShops) like:

   private final GOODS__r good;
   .... //Rest of controller code ...

   public ApexPages.StandardSetController goodsRecords{
     Get Shops for current Good
    public List<SHOP__c> getShops() {
        String goodsId =  this.good.id;
        return [SELECT .....
                FROM SHOP__c WHERE GOODS__r.id = :goodsId];

        //Problem: this.good.id is not pointing to anything, means the approach is bogus! :( Whats the point of a Class that has a member variable and also 
	//thinks its gets Lists via ApexPages.StandardSetController?!?


Q3) If I write Custom methods, Apex code does not allow me to pass params. So if I write a method like:

getShops(goodId); I cant use that because I cant pass the parent record Id to my function in Apex and get the list either.

Or is there a way ???


Like this does not work: (where someId maybe derived from the parent list of Goods)

               <apex:dataTable id="dataTable" value="{!getShops('someId')}" var="subRec">
                    <apex:column value="{!subRec.Name}" />


But if I had a methodd "getShops()" then using "shops" in Apex code would bind it to the getter. But as showin in my controller getShops() itself does not work




I'm using Shibboleth for SAML 2 based SSO integration with Sales Force.

On Sales Forice Configuration I get a URL like: (some of the encoded values changed since am exposing to public)



When I hit this URL, and look at the Live header request/responses ..none of them go to "wwww.mymachince.com" = My IDP host.


On using some other Sample Test SAML2, I've noticed that when you hit the SP first, it does redirect to the IDP and you can catch that via your browser. ..on using the Sales Force URL It doesnt.


Am i looking at the wrong URL? Can someone please explain this? SAML 2 requests all go via the browser and I should see the redirect to my Idp Login Screen, is that not a corect expectation?






 for SAML 1.1 it is necessary for the Idp (Identity Provider) to communicate with the SP (Service Provider); SF docs also mention that the Idp should be on a public domain (not just IP).


However, for SAML 2 which is SP first (SP = Sales Force / SF) in this case, I wanted to have a localhost implementation of SSO server + SAML. Is it practical to consider this testing scenario since all requests are routed through the browser as per SAML 2.0 afaik.


Someone please share some light on this... am having a tough time setting up to test this stuff out.

As of now, even the latest released version of CAS (SSO) does not support SAML 1.1.


Anyone got CAS to SSO with SalesForce?


Bascially I have a demo site, powered by CAS SSO and on the site when the user clicks a page it should open a VisualForce Page (without challenging the user for auth).




 Documents show how to set the Company Profile Currency. But I cant find the API to get the currency (Company Profile).


UserInfo.getDefaultCurrency() is perhaps not the same as Company Currency. Neither can I find any Standard Object representing "Company Profile".

I need to get certain Account details of a User in the Controller.


However I find that the "UserInfo" object does not expose any Account Id. It exposes access to organization name and Id.



Q1) Conceptually how is Account different from Organization? (Where is this documented)

Q2) How can I get access to Account Object from the User (assuming Account & Organization are not the same)






 am sure this is a regular question but I beat myself to find it on the forums. The Documents alsways state the sissy  Standard & Custom "Accounts" example.



So here goes, I have the following entity relation:

(Parent, many)  Shop

  |____ (Child , many) Goods


Its a many to many relation. From a Shop you can naturally see all the goods but not the other way round. So I wrote a SOQL to do that. Works.


Problem Statement:

However, am struggling with writing the Controller to show me a List of "Goods" (based on a Page query Param called Category), and for each Good there is a <apex:pageBlock > that should LIST the Shops that have that Good.


I addition to the solution in concept, I'd be greatful  if the following questions are also answered:


Places where I have difficulty understanding:

Q1) Can we get away with simply writing NO controller and using the "Goods" Standard Object as my Standard Contrroller? (I doubt, as I dont see Apex providing that much flexibility in scripts)


Q2) When I write a Standard Controller with Extensions; I try to write a method (see getShops) like:

   private final GOODS__r good;
   .... //Rest of controller code ...

   public ApexPages.StandardSetController goodsRecords{
     Get Shops for current Good
    public List<SHOP__c> getShops() {
        String goodsId =  this.good.id;
        return [SELECT .....
                FROM SHOP__c WHERE GOODS__r.id = :goodsId];

        //Problem: this.good.id is not pointing to anything, means the approach is bogus! :( Whats the point of a Class that has a member variable and also 
	//thinks its gets Lists via ApexPages.StandardSetController?!?


Q3) If I write Custom methods, Apex code does not allow me to pass params. So if I write a method like:

getShops(goodId); I cant use that because I cant pass the parent record Id to my function in Apex and get the list either.

Or is there a way ???


Like this does not work: (where someId maybe derived from the parent list of Goods)

               <apex:dataTable id="dataTable" value="{!getShops('someId')}" var="subRec">
                    <apex:column value="{!subRec.Name}" />


But if I had a methodd "getShops()" then using "shops" in Apex code would bind it to the getter. But as showin in my controller getShops() itself does not work




I want to create a visualforce page that has two tabs that when clicked display two separate visualforce pages. When the page is open the first visualforce page is display, when the tab is clicked the second page is displayed. This would work similarly to the "tabbed accounts in 30 seconds tutorial" but with visualforce pages, not standard objects. Is this possible?