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Any updates on when one is planned for Summer '11?


The community wiki page is pretty explicit about skipping Spring '11, but doesn't address anything beyond that.

1) I am trying again to get selected rows (with getSelected() on the controller) from an Enhanced list view in a VF page. Am I doing something wrong or is it just not possible to pass the EnhancedList records to a custom controller? It seems that the Enhanced list recordset should be bound to the controller records but I cannot figure out where this should happen.


2) BTW, I also try to change the FilterID in the EnhancedList but it does not refresh properly. Is this a known issue?


Here is the code. Any help would be great.

<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="pgContactHomeController" showHeader="true" tabStyle="Contact" recordSetVar="myContacts">

	<apex:form >
        <apex:selectList value="{!FilterID}" size="1">
            <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="listPanel"/>
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!listviewoptions}"/>
	<apex:outputPanel layout="block" id="listPanel">
		<apex:enhancedList height="300" ListId="{!FilterID}" rowsPerPage="10" id="ContactList" customizable="True"  reRender="debugPanel"/>

	<apex:outputPanel layout="block" id="debugPanel">
    	<apex:pageblock id="myBlock">
	  		<apex:outputText value="Records={!recordCount}" /> <br/>
			<apex:outputText value="Selected={!selectedCount}" /> <br/>
			<apex:outputText value="FilterID={!FilterID}" /> <br/>
public with sharing class pgContactHomeController {
    private ApexPages.StandardSetController myController;
    public pgContactHomeController(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdController) {
     this.myController = stdController;
public Integer getRecordCount(){
return ((List<Contact>)myController.getRecords()).size();
public Integer getSelectedCount(){
return ((List<Contact>)myController.getSelected()).size();
public Id getFilterID(){
return (myController.getFilterID());
public void setFilterID(ID newID){




I have exactly the same issue as in MD Chen post on ideas. How do you get selected records from a enhancedList? Here is the code:




<apex:page standardController="ProfileHierarchy__c" recordSetvar="profiles" extensions="testController">
  <apex:enhancedlist type="ProfileHierarchy__c" height="200" rerender="c1,c2" />
  <apex:outputText id="c1" value="c1={!c1}" /> <br>
  <apex:outputText id="c2" value="c2={!c2}" /> <br>



public class testController {

  public testController (ApexPages.StandardSetController controller){

  public ApexPages.StandardSetController li{get;set;}

  public Integer getC1(){
    return ((List<ProfileHierarchy__c>)li.getRecords()).size();

  public Integer getC2(){
    return ((List<ProfileHierarchy__c>)li.getSelected()).size();

Thank you.




I hope it is ok to post this here, because it has to do with a managed package.


In the dev org of our managed app I create a custom formula field on one of our custom objects.


When I reference a custom label in the formula,  I always get a blank field. I used the 'Insert field' dialog to add this:




There is no error upon saving so I think the custom label is recognized as valid but when I add the field to the listview, it is empty.


I tried the protected/unprotected checkbox for the label but with no effect.


Is this supported or is it a bug ?


Is the custom label added to the package when I uploaded it (as for VF pages), because I cannot add it manually.

