• Rehan Dawt
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Currently i am displaying help text on VF Page instead of field label names because field names are having many characters in it.

I need to display poup help text on dat VF page where i am displaying  help text instead field label.


  • Help text pop-up are having more than 255 characters in it.
  • Every field is having different description in it.


  • MY Question:Is there anyway i can display  pop up help text on VF Page?


  • Thanks in Advance.Plz help me out 
  • December 12, 2011
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Hi Guys,


I have set the ORG Wide Defaults as private. This means that Sharing rules should be enforced for opening up the restrictions imposed.


But when login as a different user (other than record owner) I still able to view the record which should not had been a case.

Also while trying to Edit this record(using the detail page button) I am facing insufficient privileges.


But at the same time it allows me to edit and save the record using inline edit feature of salesforce. This is a salesforce issue I believe.


Can anyone provide more insight on this?


Thanks in advance!


Hello Guys!


Can we write trigger on Standard Salesforce Case Article object. Please let me know.


Thanks in advance





Can we sort the column of  pageBlockTable on click of Column Header whitespace not on the Text.

I have implemented by clicking on Text. Is there any way that on click on the white space we can sort.

Is there any work around Please Reply.



Rehan Dawt.


Can any one suggest me what i have to do to determine the related child record from related list on detail page apart from describe calls.
I am not able to collect records of child who are related to a particular object.
If any solution is there please let me know...
Warm Regards
Thanks in advance


Please I am trying to figure out how to create a VFP that shows the "Action" (Checkbox) field that is normally visible on a list page.



Hi All,


I am having a custom child object called vehical image, which can accept vehical images in a standard url form, we can upload multiple images for a single vehicle. 


My question  is can i list or dispaly those images in a ascending order or not..??










If yes how to do it..??


It's bit urgent.


Thanks in advance.



Hi All,


I am having a custom child object called vehical image, which can accept vehical images in a standard url form, we can upload multiple images for a single vehicle. 


My question  is can i list or dispaly those images in a ascending order or not..??










If yes how to do it..??


It's bit urgent.


Thanks in advance.



  • April 03, 2013
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I am using the dateTime.format() method to convert to 'MMMMM dd,yyyy' format.

However, the method returns incorrect date.

If the date is '2013-01-14 00:00:00', the method returns 'January 13,2013'.


The local time zone is EST.


Kindly advise.




  • January 23, 2013
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 How to bind user name to an Input field. I knew that we can get user name by passing user id to visual force page as explained in the below link




But i am not able to find user id from the page. We have only one visualforce page which was deployed in the production.

When user acccess that page by entering url in IE, it asks for user name and password to login, after entering login details, VF page displays, but it doesn't have user id in the url. Then how can i get user name to display a message as "Welcome <UserName>".


     <apex:inputField value="{!User.FirstName}" />

 The above binding is not working.  Please let me know how to resolve this issue.



Hi Friends,


Below given is my page and stylesheet .I have create a list if items which I want to show horizontallky .I amn trying to achieve that through CSS but it is not working.I have uploaded css and referred it it in my page.


Am I making some mistake ,can somnebody help?






<apex:page sidebar="False" standardStylesheets="false">
<apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.Stylesheet1}"/>
    <div id="Navbar">
       <div id="holder">
           <a href="#" id="onlink">Home</a>
           <a href="#">Products</a>
           <a href="#">Services</a>
           <a href="#">Gallery</a>
           <a href="#">Contacts</a>



@charset "UTF-8";


#navbar #holder

border-bottom: 1px solid #000;

#navbar #holder ul


#navbar #holder ul li a

font-family:"Arial Black",Gadget,sans-serif;
border:1px solid #000;


#navbar #holder ul li a:hover
test-shadow:1px 1px 1px #0000;

#holder ul li a #onlink

border-bottom:1px solid #fff;


#holder ul li a#onlink:hover




There is a visualforce page with extension controller class.If we click the save button twice , 2 records are creating at a time.

can we disable the button once the button is clicked just like standard functionality. I tried with different ways , can able to disable the button but could not able to prevent the double click .

  • June 14, 2012
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I want to reatin all input,picklist and lookup field values in the visulforce page after saving the record.


Can any one guide me.


Thanks in advance



I am working on a report to be generated in pdf format.

I have to display the column header values in all the pages. Is it possible to handle this in visualforce.


The code is somewhat like this which i am trying. I want the apex:column headerValue="Primary Name"  to appear in all the pages when rendered as pdf.Currently only in the first page the header is coming with values  and in the following pages the values are coming with no header. Is it possible to display the header in all pages in an aligned manner.



<apex:page renderAs="pdf" standardStylesheets="false">

@page :first

margin : 70pt .5in .7in .5in;
        content : element(header);
@top-left {
     content: "Relationship";
          @bottom-left {
        content : element(footer);

            @bottom-right {
    content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages);



margin : 70pt .5in .7in .5in;
        content : element(header);
@top-left {
     content: "Relationship all";
content: element(test1);

          @bottom-left {
        content : element(footer);

            @bottom-right {
    content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages);


div.header {
    position : running(header) ;
div.footer {   
    position : running(footer) ;

position: running(test1);

.table1Value{color: #333333; font-size: 70%;text-align: center;border-bottom:0px double #605E5E;}



<div class="header" align='right'>
    <apex:image value="logo"/>

<div class="test1">
<tr >
<th width="10%" align="left">Relationship </th><th width="10%">AA</th><th width="10%">BB</th><th width="12%">CC</th><th width="10%">DD</th><th width="12%">EE</th><th width="10%">FF</th><th width="12%">GG</th>

<div class="footer" align='left'>
    Date Printed  : {!MONTH(TODAY())}/{!DAY(TODAY())}/{!YEAR(TODAY())}<br/>


     <apex:column headerValue="Primary Name" style="font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt;">




Currently i am displaying help text on VF Page instead of field label names because field names are having many characters in it.

I need to display poup help text on dat VF page where i am displaying  help text instead field label.


  • Help text pop-up are having more than 255 characters in it.
  • Every field is having different description in it.


  • MY Question:Is there anyway i can display  pop up help text on VF Page?


  • Thanks in Advance.Plz help me out 
  • December 12, 2011
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  • 0



Can we sort the column of  pageBlockTable on click of Column Header whitespace not on the Text.

I have implemented by clicking on Text. Is there any way that on click on the white space we can sort.

Is there any work around Please Reply.



Rehan Dawt.

How do I import profiles of the Sandbox for a production environment?


Thx for the replies

Hi Friends,
I have created an object Purchase Order...
in Purchase Order Following are the Fields...
Invoice Created (Picklist-: Yes,No,Partally)
Status (Picklist-: Sent,Open)
Amount (Currency)

Another Object Is-:
Fields of Invoice are

Purchase Order (look up- PO is master)
Date (Date)
Amount (Currency)

i have override the Purchase order tab using visualforce page...
(i am using Page Block table in my Vf Page)

I Donot want to create Invoice From Invoice Tab...
i want to use command button in my Purchase Order Page Block Table...
so I will be able to create Invoice for Each PO...

Suppose i am creating any Invoice By click Create Button Next to any PO record...
i should get navigate to create Invoice Page (Where Purchase Order will be automatically filled)
( i am able to do this)

but I want that, Suppose Purchase Order Record (For which I want to Create Invoice),if its status field is Open then if I click on create Invoice button next to Purchase Oreder then I should Not allow to land to CreateNewInvoice Visualforce page... I should get message like "You can not create Invoice For this Purchase Order because its Status is Open"...

and if for any Purchase Oreder its status is Sent then after clicking create Invoice Button next to PO record I should land to Create New Invoice Visualforce...

How It can be Possible???

<apex:page controller="DisplayPOunderjobtabextension">

  <apex:form >
   <apex:pageBlock >
     <apex:commandButton action="{!CreatePO}" value="New Purchase Order" id="btn1"/> 
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!purchaseorder}" var="po">
    <apex:column headerValue="Action">

          <apex:commandButton value="Create Invoice" action="/apex/CreateInvoiceFromPO?id={!po.id}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="Name">
       <apex:outputLink tabindex="tab1" value="/apex/PODetailpage?id={!po.Id}">{!po.Name}</apex:outputLink>
      <apex:column headerValue="Invoice Created">
      <apex:outputField value="{!po.Invoice_Created__c}"/> 
       <apex:column headerValue="Status">
       <apex:outputField value="{!po.Status__c}"/>
      <apex:column headerValue="Total Amount">
       <apex:outputField value="{!po.Amount__c}"/>

    <apex:pageBlockSection rendered="{!purchaseorder.Size == 0}">
     <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
      No records to display.

Apex Class

public class DisplayPOunderjobtabextension
public List<Purchase_Order__c> purchaseorder{get;set;} 
//public List<Purchase_Order__c> purchaseorder1{get;set;} 
public DisplayPOunderjobtabextension()
String theID = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('id');
purchaseorder = [Select id,Name,Due_Date__c,Issue_Date__c,job__c,Status__c,Total_Amount__c,Vendor__c,Approved_By_Staff__c,Invoice_Created__c from Purchase_Order__c where Job__c =: theID Order BY Name];

 public PageReference CreatePO()
       String jobid;
       String theId=ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('id');
       Job__c job = [Select Id from Job__c where id =: theID];
      PageReference p = Page.CreateNewPurchaseOrder;
     return p;
       return null;



Hi All,


I am preparing a view where the user can select the name and get all the details on the page.


I require to present a General Overview table where i display some amounts to collect.

This amount can be negetive or positive.....


For that I require to add color to each row depending on the amount.

Amount <= 0 - Green

Amount >0 - Red


Please refer to the following image for the pageBlockTable layout of th VF page:


Layout of the page


Can this be done in VisualForce?

Please assist.



Scenario: To make components appear and hide using the 'rendered' attribute on base of a selected value in picklist. 


I have used an ouput panel around the pageblocksectionItem to be shown and hidden, and by using the id of the output panel in the 'reRender' attribute of the action support.


but by using OutputPanel the aligment is distrurbed and even the outputlabel is not coming in bold as it should be with standard functionality.


can anyone provide solution without using OutputPanel or keep the styling same as Salesforce even using OutputPanel?

In the pageBlockSection title how can I put  space after every period. It takes only one space at the moment, I want more than one space.


I tried &nbsp; however it returns the output as  Complete all requirements in this step.&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Ensure the format is correct


Is there a way to get spaces in the pageBlockSection title string? Thanks in advance. 


<apex:pageBlockSection title="Step 2. This is Step 2; Complete all requirements in this step. Ensure the format is correct" columns="1">


  • September 12, 2011
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  • 0

What I am trying to achieve is shown in the below screenshot.


URL: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/viewdate.jpg/

 what I have written is :


<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
	    <apex:outputLabel value="Created By" for="created__by"/>
	    <apex:outputLabel value="{!createdby}" id="created__by"/> 

and the extension has a createdby property which only fetches the FirstName, LastName and CreatedDate and merges them together. 


But then again the look up on the CompanyName on mouse hovering is not rendered on doing this.


Can anyone give some ideas on this?


I have a table on a visualforce page embedded in a standard view and I want to change the colour of its background dependent on the check box which is on the standard page.
I basically need to have a view open which when a check box is ticked a square turns red.
The only way i could think of doing it was as above but i cannot get the value of a custom field (the check box) to be read on the visualforce page. I can display a standard field values onto the page no problem with <apex:outputField value="{!Contact.name}"/> but not the custom fields.
If you have an easier way to achieve this effect please let me know or how to get the boolean value onto my page that will do just as well.

Thank you


A very new developer.


Hi All,


I want to create a output link  with some value and it needs to have an action method to control that link. That mean, according to the return value of action method, output link will be populate. How can  I do this?


Thanks in Advance!!