• SergeyG
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Is there any way to change or delete a Scheduled Job ?  I am able to create one easily enough, but once it is made I can only look at the values in the CronTrigger object, but not update them.  Also, it seems I cannot delete them.  I also looked at the System.AbortJob method, but that seems to only stop a job that is already running - I get an error if I try it on a Queued job.


The reason I am doing this is to try to create a 'sliding' job.  So, when a trigger is fired the job will run in 5 minutes.  But if the trigger is fired again before that 5 minutes is up, it will find the old job and either delete it and make a new one for 5 minutes out, or update the old one so the next scheduled time is in 5 minutes.


Any ideas are welcome!

