• user123.ax1086
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I have a scenario where i need to use <apex:tabPanel>..

I have 4 tabs  in which navigation should be from "Tab1" to "Tab4" but shouldn't  work when directly click on Tab2 or Tab3 or Tab4... Navigation from "Tab1" to "Tab2" should happen only when all the required fields in Tab1 are not empty also need to make the remaining tabs inactive.


I have got a solution to validate the required fields in "Tab1" and then navigate to "Tab2".


But the issue now i got struck is that all the "Tabs" are appearing in the same colour. i.e all r luking like "Active Tabs" but only one "Tab" should be "Active" and remaining are "Inactive".


can anyone please help me....






I am accessing the salesforce account as Admin.Now i want to crete a User who should have a field "customer_key" along with  the fields mentioned in Salesforce.com to create a User.

 Inorder to make the custom field available in Salesforce.com  create user page, the custom field need to be added to the existing User object.Is my guess correct?

Also anyone please suggest me on how to add a "Custom Field" to the existing Object in Salesforce.com.







I am developing <apex:pages>.Now i need to integrate the <apex:page> with the BackEnd coding.For that REST Api have to be invoked.

 Can anyone please suggest me  on how to Invoke REST Api from <apex:page>.



I am able to get PopUp using apex coding as explained in the below link.




But page include is not working.i.e the page which is included in the PopUp using <apex:pageInclude>. Can any one please guide how to include page in the PopUp








Hi All,


I have created a custom site in force.com by using the default SiteLogin pages. Now i am unable to login showing that "Authorization Required" also  new user is not being created showing an error msg "The site is not enabled for registration." can any one please assist me to resolve this issue.




Hi All,


Can any one please assist me on how to host .war file in force.com and run my application.I have deployed my application as .war file in JBOSS at my local machine.

Hi All,

           I have heard that if you have a j2ee application developed on spring 2.0 . You can deploy your war file at unmanaged package and can access your application instantly from force.com . But I didn't found such a thing .Someone suggest me to convert our struts based application into spring framework and then deploying the war file . can We deploy war file as unmanaged package ?

every help will be appreciated .........
