• tesi
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With standard pages concurrent editing of the same record are detected and responded with following message: "The record you were editing was modified by <user> during your edit session." This is not true for Visualforce page or web service API request (this makes sense):


How do you solve this situation when concurrency is required? Of course, we can leverage standard patterns like versioning...but this would require validation rules/workflow rules or triggers for each object we leverage in Visualforce...I cannot believe there is no standard way, isn't it?


Example how to simulate this:

1. Standard Pages

User A loads one record, like https://na12.salesforce.com/001U0000003MZzI

User B loads the same record in standard page like https://na12.salesforce.com/001U0000003MZzI

User A changes the record and saves.

User B changes as well and tries to save: "The record you were editing was modified by User A during your edit session." CORRECT!


2. Standard Page -> VF Page

User A loads one record in standard page like https://na12.salesforce.com/001U0000003MZzI

User B loads the same record in a VF page like  https://na12.salesforce.com/apex/TransactionTest?id=001U0000003MZzI

User A changes the record and saves.

User B changes the record as well and saves. Record get's saved without any error message! WRONG!

Any ideas appreciated...


Best regards,

  • September 04, 2011
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