• srosner
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I am setting up custom VF templates to display our SF Knowledge articles. I have included the VF component knowledge:articleCaseToolbar and set up the parameters for caseID and articleID. The component renders correctly with the case information but the "Attach" and "Attach and Return Case" toolbar is not being rendered.


I am using the given template from the VF documentation and have tried a variety of IDs associated with the article:


<knowledge:articleCaseToolbar rendered="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.caseId != null}" caseId="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.caseId}" articleId="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.id}"/><br/>


Page is a standard controller for article type "Solution__kav" and I have a articleRendererToolBar on the page that renders fine with the Solution__kav.KnowledgeArticleid as the "articleID" parameter.


I have tried setting "articleID" to:


  • $CurrentPage.parameters.id
  • Solution__kav.KnowledgeArticleid
  • Solution__kav.MasterVersionID

I even tried passing in a static article ID to no avail.


Does anyone have any information on setting up this tag, if the Attach buttons are even standard functionality as part of this VF tag, or if I am going something wrong with my setup?
