• Ernie82
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How does one do it?

Adding \n or \r does not work.


Object.Long_Text_Field__c = 'xyz' + '\n'  + 'abc'



I have a need to display a document for users that give them full detail on how/why to populate a given field.  The help text does not provide enough detail.

Ideally I would like to create a Static Resource that is a PDF that has a hyperlink in the Help Text so the user can view the detail if needed as they are creating/editing a new record.


I have a solution where I put reference the Static Resource in the Quick Links, I can then direct them to the Quick Link in the Help Text, but would rather it somehow be embedded in the create/edit page directly since the Quick Links show up all the time to all users.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



We have installed the Sales Coach app with no problem, and we have the option of either using the "Sales Coach" button, or using the VF Page that has the Saasy image on it, but for some reason the Saasy image VF doesn't actually do anyhing other than take me to the bottom of the page.


I can't find anything in the VF page that looks incorrect - any help would be great


I have not modified anything after the installation, so I know it's not anything I stepped on at this point.





  • September 22, 2011
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I have an opportunity with a number of product line items.

I want to find the name of a product in a given line item (oldProdList[i] is an OpportunityLineItem).


I use the following query:


String ProdName = [SELECT Name FROM Product2 WHERE (id = :[SELECT Product2Id FROM PriceBookEntry WHERE ID = :oldProdList[i].PricebookEntryId].Id)];

 I get the error: Illegal assignment from LIST<Product2> to String .


I have the following questions:


1. Name is defined as a string field in Product2. Why am I getting this error?

2. Is it the right query structure for obtaining the product name?





How does one do it?

Adding \n or \r does not work.


Object.Long_Text_Field__c = 'xyz' + '\n'  + 'abc'