• hiteshghia
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I want to acceot some parameters like the object, on insert / on update etc and then I want to create a new trigger in my salesforce application, can someone please give me some pointers on how to start going about this? 

Thanks a lot in advance, any advice will be really helpful!

- Hitesh 

Hi ,

First question is which code coverage percentage is the most accurate and correct, the one we get when we run all tests from Force.com IDE, the one we get when we go to Setup -> Apex Classes -> Run All Tests or the one we get when we go toSetup -> Apex Classes -> Calculate your organizations Code Coverage. I get different percentage's when I get the code coverage in the three mentioned above ways. Also when I see the actual lines covered a lot of code comments, System.debugs and white spaces are marked red. Some help here will be great , I am completely lost as to what is happening.

Also since yesterday when I run tests with : Setup -> Apex Classes -> Run All Tests, I am not seeing any result , i.e it doesnt show the individual classes code coverge nor does it show the summary result, its all blank??


Please help!



- Hitesh

I want to acceot some parameters like the object, on insert / on update etc and then I want to create a new trigger in my salesforce application, can someone please give me some pointers on how to start going about this? 

Thanks a lot in advance, any advice will be really helpful!

- Hitesh 

Hi ,

First question is which code coverage percentage is the most accurate and correct, the one we get when we run all tests from Force.com IDE, the one we get when we go to Setup -> Apex Classes -> Run All Tests or the one we get when we go toSetup -> Apex Classes -> Calculate your organizations Code Coverage. I get different percentage's when I get the code coverage in the three mentioned above ways. Also when I see the actual lines covered a lot of code comments, System.debugs and white spaces are marked red. Some help here will be great , I am completely lost as to what is happening.

Also since yesterday when I run tests with : Setup -> Apex Classes -> Run All Tests, I am not seeing any result , i.e it doesnt show the individual classes code coverge nor does it show the summary result, its all blank??


Please help!



- Hitesh