• suresh goud
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    I am writing VF page. I wanted to display LastModifiedDate in PageBlockSection header along with title.



Can any one please help me to do this functionality.





Hi ,


   I am writing visualforce page. i would like to draw a table which is having 10 rows and 3 columns with header for each.

When user enter data it has to store data as a record.


I have tried with dataTable tag .....check my code below..


<apex:page standardController="Account">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageblock title="Foreign exchange information">
<apex:pageblockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"  title="Save" />
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"  title="Cancel"/>

 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Special pricing agreements">
  <apex:dataTable align="right" value="{!Account}"  rows="10" columns="3" var="a" rendered="true" id="theTable" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header"> Client Name</apex:facet>
<apex:inputtext value="{!a.test__c}"/>

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Account</apex:facet>
<apex:inputtext value="{!a.name}"/>

<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Notes</apex:facet>
<apex:inputtext value="{!a.test2__c}"/>




But it is able to display only 1 row and 3 columns but not 10 rows.


Please help me to do this functionality.



Suresh Goud



I have Created a Radio Button with options 'YES' & 'NO' .   and created a Multi select picklist field below.

Now my requirement is
1. In Radio button, If YES is selected then picklist values on below has to be enable and give choice to select from the  multi picklist
2. In radio Button, If NO is selected then Picklist values has to be disable. 

Can any one help me to do this functionality. If so it would be helpfull to me.

Suresh Goud


I have Created a Radio Button with options 'YES' & 'NO' .   and created a Multi select picklist field below.

Now my requirement is
1. In Radio button, If YES is selected then picklist values on below has to be enable and give choice to select from the  multi picklist
2. In radio Button, If NO is selected then Picklist values has to be disable. 

Can any one help me to do this functionality. If so it would be helpfull to me.

Suresh Goud




We are a technology partner in salesforce. Currently looking for a senior resource for Salesforce developement and implementation.


candidate should be strong in visualforce, Apex, java script, Apex trigger, S- controls, implementation, customize and troubleshoot Salesforce.com application in a real production environment, AppExchange, Reports and Dashboards, Salesforce API.


The work location is in Bangalore. If inetersted pls send your profile to binay.p@avankia.com


It is very urgent requirement , so forward your profile. if you have any friends who is interested pls ask them to send their profile with contact number.


Thanks and Regards
