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I am facing some problem in accessing vf Pages.


The situation is that I have a table .In table first column is fetching PanelName list from PanelMaster table. In second column for each PanelName there is a lookup field from ContentMaster table.But when I am selecting any content from any row at content lookup column,always first row is getting its value.



Please suggest any solution.I want to set a content for a panel and to save it in an object .

Thanks in advance.

I'm new to salesforce.com, and looking for some guidance.


I need a way to insert a master record, and then its related detail records.


I initially though of using the following pseudo-code:


     insert master record


           insert detail record and set foriegn key = recently inserted master record

      loop until end of detail records

loop until end of master records


This won't work because I will exceed governor limits. Any adivce on how best to proceed?