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I want to add the ability of voting into my knowledge articles. i am using knowledge:articlererendertoolbar. but it has a lot of limitations. it will allow me to vote on articles using star rating. But average rating will not render at the same time.


Anybody have any solution.???

Hi all,


I am using knowledge:articleRerenderToolbar like:


<knowledge:articleRendererToolBar  canVote="true" articleId="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.id}"/>

It works fine but i have an issue realted to its article rating. This component provide us voting stars ability and shows us average rating on the article. i have an issue with article rating. Article rating section is updated only after page is reloaded. but i want to show the average rating section updated at the same time. i trie d to reload the page after this componet but its not working. 


I am stucking on this. can you please help me with this.



Hey guys,


can anybody please help me in uploading images in the textarea instead of just giving a link.


