• GaryM_83
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Hi all...my question will probably indicate such; however I am new to Apex.  I am using the XMLStreamWriter class but am having difficulty getting the xml to form properly.


I think my issue is that I cannot apply arguments to writeEndElement.




Above is the xml that i need to build but I cant get the tags to close properly in order.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am having a love hate relationship with the extensive SFDC documentation.  I love there is sooo much documentation, I hate there is sooo much documentation.  Here is my issue....


My boss just walked into my office and said you administer the Accounting solution right??, ok, we need data to get into the accounting system from SFDC. Take care of it. :)


Well...I have never used salesforce, apex, and don't know where to start......


Here is what I want to do.  I have built a custom object with 10 fields on it. When the user hits save, I need to construct an http post request to a non-sfdc address that contains structured XML for the accounting solution gateway and contains the values of my 10 fields.


I was hoping someone could just point me in the right direction where to start.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Triggers? Apex? Workflow? Outbound message?