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i habe been trying for several days to  download     eclipes for salesforce from this link




i tried  various browsers and and different time and everytime  i got a corrupted file .when i  exctract by winrar and it says !   C:\Users\Maria Sigal\Downloads\force.com-ide-installer-win64.zip: Unexpected end of archive


from where can i download an instaltion for Force.com_IDE ?



i 'm developing flex application , from there i execute queries.  .once in a while i get  query time out. i  can run query  several  times  and get query  time out but after several executions it works fine and retrieves all the records. i guess it's because of  cash  mechanism. than another day i run the query and it happens again. i get query time out for a few executions and  after several times it starts to work. again .my query is below. is my query problematic?  how can i improve time execution ? thanks,


<query xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com" xmlns:ns1="sobject.partner.soap.sforce.com">
<queryString>Select f.Year__c, f.Month__c, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Id ,f.Id, f.Product_TowerJazz__c,
 f.Product_TowerJazz__r.NRE_Type__c,f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Name, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Stage__c,
f.IsDeleted, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Fab_Name__c, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Flow_Group__c,
 f.Product_TowerJazz__r.oppProbability__c,f.ASP__c ,f.Qty_Probable__c ,
f.Revenue_Probable__c,  f.Account__r.Sales_Region__c, f.Account__r.Name, f.Account__c,  
f.Account__r.Sales_Level_1__c, f.Account__r.Sales_Level_2__c,
f.Account__r.Sales_Level_3__c, f.Account__r.Id,
  f.Forecast_Plan_Version__c From Forecast_Product__c f
WHERE   (f.Forecast_Plan_Version__c='a08500000040hpFAAQ' OR f.Forecast_Plan_Version__c='a08500000043sv4')
AND f.IsDeleted=false AND
AND f.Includes_In_FC__r.inactive__c=0
AND f.Opportunity__c
in (select Opportunity__c from Includes_in_fc__c fc  where fc.include_in_version__c =true AND fc.IsDeleted=false AND  Forecast_Plan_version__c = 'a08500000040hpFAAQ')  
AND ( (f.Year__c&lt;2012 AND f.Year__c&gt;2011) OR
(f.Year__c=2011 AND f.Year__c&lt;2012 AND f.Month__c&gt;=12)
OR (f.Year__c=2012 AND f.Year__c&gt;2011 AND f.Month__c&lt;=12)
OR (f.Year__c=2011 AND f.Year__c=2012 AND f.Month__c&gt;=12 AND f.Month__c&lt;=12 ) )  
AND f.Account__r.Planner__c='00550000001IxyaAAC' ORDER BY f.Product_TowerJazz__c


i 'm developing flex application , from there i execute queries.  .once in a while i get  query time out. i  can run query  several  times  and get query  time out but after several executions it works fine and retrieves all the records. i guess it's because of  cash  mechanism. than another day i run the query and it happens again. i get query time out for a few executions and  after several times it starts to work. again .my query is below. is my query problematic?  how can i improve time execution ? thanks,


<query xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com" xmlns:ns1="sobject.partner.soap.sforce.com">
<queryString>Select f.Year__c, f.Month__c, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Id ,f.Id, f.Product_TowerJazz__c,
 f.Product_TowerJazz__r.NRE_Type__c,f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Name, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Stage__c,
f.IsDeleted, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Fab_Name__c, f.Product_TowerJazz__r.Flow_Group__c,
 f.Product_TowerJazz__r.oppProbability__c,f.ASP__c ,f.Qty_Probable__c ,
f.Revenue_Probable__c,  f.Account__r.Sales_Region__c, f.Account__r.Name, f.Account__c,  
f.Account__r.Sales_Level_1__c, f.Account__r.Sales_Level_2__c,
f.Account__r.Sales_Level_3__c, f.Account__r.Id,
  f.Forecast_Plan_Version__c From Forecast_Product__c f
WHERE   (f.Forecast_Plan_Version__c='a08500000040hpFAAQ' OR f.Forecast_Plan_Version__c='a08500000043sv4')
AND f.IsDeleted=false AND
AND f.Includes_In_FC__r.inactive__c=0
AND f.Opportunity__c
in (select Opportunity__c from Includes_in_fc__c fc  where fc.include_in_version__c =true AND fc.IsDeleted=false AND  Forecast_Plan_version__c = 'a08500000040hpFAAQ')  
AND ( (f.Year__c&lt;2012 AND f.Year__c&gt;2011) OR
(f.Year__c=2011 AND f.Year__c&lt;2012 AND f.Month__c&gt;=12)
OR (f.Year__c=2012 AND f.Year__c&gt;2011 AND f.Month__c&lt;=12)
OR (f.Year__c=2011 AND f.Year__c=2012 AND f.Month__c&gt;=12 AND f.Month__c&lt;=12 ) )  
AND f.Account__r.Planner__c='00550000001IxyaAAC' ORDER BY f.Product_TowerJazz__c


i'm trying  to develop android application with integration to salesforce. i downloaded salesforcesdk.jar library . i managed to retrieve some values from salesforce but i failed to save  values  that user fills in . i'm trying to insert it to follow_up_training_dog__c the only required field in this object is :

Dog Name

Edit | Del Dog_Name__cMaster-Detail(כלב) Required Filtered Lookup רפי טגליכט, 18/10/2011 11:24


it's master detail and  related to Dogs__c table


my code looks like this:

    JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
            data.put("assessment_acomp__c", mSelectionAccomponyAreaName);
            data.put("Walk_area__c", mSelectionWalkAreaName);
            data.put("Dog_Name__c", mSelectionDogName);
        }catch (JSONException e){


SFRestAPI api = SFRestAPI.getApi();
    _handlersClass = handlers;
    _model = Singeltone.getInstance();
        api.send(_model.getApplicationContenxt(),_model.getToken(), api.requestForCreateWithObjectType("follow_up_training_dog__c", data), this, null);
    } catch (SFRestException e) {

i tried to execute this request in  https://workbench.developerforce.com/restExplorer.php

and it succeeded .

in the body i wrote



i got "bad api request " error

please help , i have no idea what to do?


these are the properties of relation

Custom Field Definition Detail  
Field Information
Field LabelDog NameObject Nameמעקב אחר כלב באימון
Field NameDog_NameData TypeMaster-Detail
API NameDog_Name__c  
Help Text 
Created ByAdmin Admin, 08/08/2011 23:15Modified Byרפי טגליכט, 18/10/2011 11:24
Master-Detail Options
Related ToכלבChild Relationship NameFollow_Up_Training_Dogs
Related List Labelמעקב אחר כלבים באימון
Sharing SettingRead/Write. Allows users with at least Read/Write access to the Master record to create, edit, or delete related Detail records.
Lookup Filter
Filter Criteria
Dog Name: dog's statusEQUALSdog assessed for training, dog assessed for breeding stock, dog in further assessment, dog in training
Filter TypeRequired. The user-entered value must match filter criteria.
Error MessageValue does not exist or does not match filter criteria.
Lookup Window Text 




I it possible to retrieve values for Picklist object from SF by Android SDK / REST or SOQL?