• faceroy123
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I have the page below, which upon 'save & edit' I want to display the accountid lookup field.

At the moment the lookup field is not displaying when I rerender the page using the quick save (save & edit) button in the page.


Also, is there a way to show this field only if the string of the account number begins with '700'?

i.e. the accountid only needs to show if the account number starts with '700'.




<apex:page standardController="Case">
        <apex:form >
            <apex:pageBlock title="Rich Contact Details">
                <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                    <apex:commandButton action="{!QuickSave}" value="Save & Edit" rerender="theFields,theCode" oncomplete="RefreshText();"/>
                    <apex:commandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save & Close"/>

                <apex:outputPanel layout="none" id="theFields">
                    <apex:pageMessages />
                    <apex:pageBlockSection >
                        <apex:inputField value="{!Case.subject}"/>
                        <apex:inputField value="{!Case.casenumber}"/>

<apex:outputPanel layout="none" id="theCode" > 
 <apex:inputField value="{!case.accountid}" required="true"  rendered="{!if(case.Account_Number__c!=null, TRUE, FALSE)}">
           </apex:inputField>    </apex:outputPanel>     
                <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
                    <apex:inputField value="{!Case.Account_Number__c}"/>




I need to render 2 different fields based on the input in a text field.

I can work out how to diplay fields / sections based on a checkbox but is this doable based on text input?

Here's my page code so far (which doesn't work).

I want to render the account id lookup if the account number begins with '700'


Any help appreciated.


<apex:page standardController="Case">
<apex:form >
<apex:sectionHeader title="Case" subtitle="{!Case.CaseNumber}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Case">
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!Cancel}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="New Section" columns="2"><apex:inputField value="{!Case.Account_Number__c}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection id="theBlock">
   <apex:inputfield value="{!case.Account_Number__c}">
      <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="theBlock"/>

   <apex:inputText value="{!case.accountid}" disabled="false" rendered="{(String)case.account_number__c).substring(0,3) == '700')}"/>
   <apex:inputText value="{!case.accountid}" disabled="true" rendered="{(String)case.account_number__c).substring(0,3) == '700')}"/>




would anyone be able to assist me in writing a test class for a regex trigger:


It searches the subject field on a case and updates a field if it finds a match.




rigger Case_ConsNumber1 on Case (before update) {
    for(Case c:Trigger.new)
      if(c.subject!=null && c.Tracking_Job_Number__c == null) {  
string subject = c.subject;
Pattern p = Pattern.compile('[A-Z]{2}\\d{6}|[a-z]{2}\\d{6}]|[A-Z]{3}\\d{5}|[a-z]{3}\\d{5}]');
Matcher m = p.matcher(c.subject);

if (m.find()) 
 if (c.origin=='Email'){





Im getting the error message when I update a case record:


Error: Invalid Data.

Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger Case_CopyConsignmentNumber caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Case_CopyConsignmentNumber: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Script-thrown exception: (System Code)


I'm trying to search the description field for a unique text string (2 letters followed by 6 letters) and populate the Tracking_job_number__c field with this unique string if this is found.



trigger Case_CopyConsignmentNumber on Case (before delete, before insert) {
    for(Case c:Trigger.new){
        if(c.Description!= null && c.Tracking_Job_Number__c == null){
            // First, instantiate a new Pattern object
            Pattern MyPattern = Pattern.compile('[A-Z]{2}\\d{6}|[a-z]{2}\\d{6}]');
            //return a string that contains only numeric values from 0-9 from my original input
            String ConsignmentNumber = MyPattern.matcher(c.Tracking_Job_Number__c).replaceAll('');
                System.debug('>> found'+ConsignmentNumber);




We are using SFDC email to case.

Is there a way to search a text area (body of the email) for a unique number and populate this to a field within the case object?


The unique number always follows this format e.g FY554077

(2 letters followed by 6 numbers).


Many thanks





I have a custom process for converting leads in our org.

I have added some more fields to this to map over to opportunities that are created upon conversion.


However upon testing the class i'm getting this error: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

"Class.CustomLeadConverterController.<init>: line 81, column 1
Class.CustomLeadConverterControllerTest.myUnitTest: line 81, column 1"



Here is the test:



I need to deploy these changes but unsure what that message means and what I need to amend in order to fix.



trigger volumes on case (before Insert, before Update) {
        for(case x : Trigger.New){        

       if (x.region__c == 'South West'){   
           x.consignments_volumes__c = Volumes__c.getinstance('1. January 2012 SW').Id__c; 

       if (x.region__c == 'North West'){   
           x.consignments_volumes__c = Volumes__c.getinstance('2. February 2012').Id__c;

Hi, relatively new to this so I appreciate any help!


Can anyone advise why this trigger does not work? it's referencing a custom setting.


If I remove the 'if' line, then it seems to work. Any ideas?


Thank you





I have this trigger. I want to expand, so that upon insert or update a case will automatically populate a lookup field to a custom object:

trigger volumes on case (before Insert, before Update) {
        for(case x : Trigger.New){        
        if (x.region__c == 'south west' & x.financial_period__c == '1. January 2012'){   
       x.Cons__c = 'a0iM0000001cI6F';                                     

 How can i avoid hard coding the record ids, so that when I deploy to another environment the trigger will work?

 I understand I could use custom settings but I have never used these before.









Is the following possible?


I have create a new custom object (let's call it custom__c).

This holds records that I want a case to be related to, if the case meets a certain criteria. I want to automatically populate the look up field on the case. Is this possible? and how would I do this without hardcoding the record id's?




if case_region__c = 'x'

& case__date__c = 'y'

custom__r /custom__c = record id of parent record to relate.


Many thanks, as always.





I have a trigger that send an email when a checkbox is set to true on a task. The check box is set to true via a time based workflow.

However where 2 or 3 tasks are updated at the same time the email trigger is failing with this error message:


System.Que​ryExceptio​n: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject Trigger.Wo​rkflowEmai​l: line 5, column 1


Any ideas how I modify to handle more than 1 record at a time?








I have a trigger that sends an email once a field is updated (by a time based workflow).

Problem I have is that as time based workflows are processed in batches, this is only able to handle one update.


I guess I need to bulkify this trigger?! if so, how do I do that to the snippet below?




trigger WorkflowEmailFromOwner on Task (before update) { 
                if (trigger.new[0].escalated__c ==True && trigger.new[0].RecordTypeID =='012M00000008bZY' && trigger.new[0].number_of_updates__c ==0 ||(trigger.new[0].number_of_updates__c ==1)){
                Task tas = [select id, t.Owner.Email, t.initial_assigned_to__c, t.title__c, t.description, t.subject, t.consignment_number__c, t.Owner.Name, t.whatid, t.number_of_updates__c  from Task t where id = :trigger.new];
                messaging.Singleemailmessage mail=new 
      //Save the Email in Activity History 




I have managed to get a button onto the record edit page via a hack using 'home page components'. (see below)

Currently, this opens an external page.


I need this button to validate a field (e.g. Checkbox__c = true) and then alert the user if the checkbox is ticked or not.

Does anyone know how I'd achieve that?


<script type="text/javascript">
var url = window.location.href;
window.onload = function () {
if(url.indexOf('/500')!=-1 && url.indexOf('/e')!=-1) 	
	document.getElementById('topButtonRow').innerHTML = 
					document.getElementById('topButtonRow').innerHTML + 
					'<a class="btn" style="padding: 4px 3px;margin: 0 2px;text-decoration: none;" target="_blank" href="http://www.google.com">Google.com</a>';


 I want to stay away from VF as there are multiple record types etc.


Thanks :-)


Hi there,


In short, I need a custom button (in edit mode). to validate one field.

I have managed to get a button onto the record edit page via a hack using 'home page components'.



I want to stay away from VF as there are multiple record types etc.


However I don't know how to get this button to validate a field on the record.


can anyone suggest how i'd modify this? At the moment it just opens Google.com.


•<script type="text/javascript">
var url = window.location.href;
window.onload = function () {
if(url.indexOf('/500')!=-1 && url.indexOf('/e')!=-1) 	
	document.getElementById('topButtonRow').innerHTML = 
					document.getElementById('topButtonRow').innerHTML + 
					'<a class="btn" style="padding: 4px 3px;margin: 0 2px;text-decoration: none;" target="_blank" href="http://www.google.com">Google.com</a>';






I have the following code that I would like to populate a date / time field to 2 hours after task creation date (in business hours).


This works fine if i set this to after or before update. but i need it to work upon insert of a new task.

currently it fires this error:


"Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger calcBusinessHours caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: calcBusinessHours: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.MathException: null: (System Code)"


trigger calcBusinessHours on Task (before insert) {

BusinessHours stdBusinessHours = [select id from businesshours where id = '01m20000000LPVT'];

for (Task ta : Trigger.new) {
if ((ta.recordtypeid == '012M00000008bZY') && ta.status != 'completed' ){
// CL works 10 hours / day (8:00 AM - 18:00 PM, M-F). Our task SLA is 2 hours (2 business hours)
ta.SLA_Due_Date__c = BusinessHours.addGmt (stdBusinessHours.id, ta.createddate, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000L);




As I understand, email workflows are not permitted in SFDC.


I need to email a task owners manager (Task Owner > Manager) if a checkbox on the task = True.


Is there anyway to achieve this via apex?







I have a custom field on the opportunity object named 'contact__c'. This is a simple lookup field.

If populated I want a trigger that creates an Opportunity contact role for that same contact.


Any ideas?


I can update the contact__c field based on the primary contact role but I need this work the other way round.


Any ideas?







I'm trying to pull through some details relating to a case owner.

I have workflows that fire if a case is owned by a queue that work fine.

I now just want to fire back a text field from the related user (a custom relationship field) but it doesn't seem to populate:


There are no errors on the code it just doesn't populate even though the field is populated on the user record.




trigger region on case (before Insert, before Update) {

for(case x : Trigger.New){

if(x.User__c == null)
x.case_owner_region__c = x.RCCM_region__c ;}
else if(x.User__c!= null)
x.case_owner_region__c = x.user__r.region__c ;





We are using SFDC email to case.

Is there a way to search a text area (body of the email) for a unique number and populate this to a field within the case object?


The unique number always follows this format e.g FY554077

(2 letters followed by 6 numbers).


Many thanks



trigger volumes on case (before Insert, before Update) {
        for(case x : Trigger.New){        

       if (x.region__c == 'South West'){   
           x.consignments_volumes__c = Volumes__c.getinstance('1. January 2012 SW').Id__c; 

       if (x.region__c == 'North West'){   
           x.consignments_volumes__c = Volumes__c.getinstance('2. February 2012').Id__c;

Hi, relatively new to this so I appreciate any help!


Can anyone advise why this trigger does not work? it's referencing a custom setting.


If I remove the 'if' line, then it seems to work. Any ideas?


Thank you





I have this trigger. I want to expand, so that upon insert or update a case will automatically populate a lookup field to a custom object:

trigger volumes on case (before Insert, before Update) {
        for(case x : Trigger.New){        
        if (x.region__c == 'south west' & x.financial_period__c == '1. January 2012'){   
       x.Cons__c = 'a0iM0000001cI6F';                                     

 How can i avoid hard coding the record ids, so that when I deploy to another environment the trigger will work?

 I understand I could use custom settings but I have never used these before.









Is the following possible?


I have create a new custom object (let's call it custom__c).

This holds records that I want a case to be related to, if the case meets a certain criteria. I want to automatically populate the look up field on the case. Is this possible? and how would I do this without hardcoding the record id's?




if case_region__c = 'x'

& case__date__c = 'y'

custom__r /custom__c = record id of parent record to relate.


Many thanks, as always.





I have a trigger that send an email when a checkbox is set to true on a task. The check box is set to true via a time based workflow.

However where 2 or 3 tasks are updated at the same time the email trigger is failing with this error message:


System.Que​ryExceptio​n: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject Trigger.Wo​rkflowEmai​l: line 5, column 1


Any ideas how I modify to handle more than 1 record at a time?








I have the following code that I would like to populate a date / time field to 2 hours after task creation date (in business hours).


This works fine if i set this to after or before update. but i need it to work upon insert of a new task.

currently it fires this error:


"Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger calcBusinessHours caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: calcBusinessHours: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.MathException: null: (System Code)"


trigger calcBusinessHours on Task (before insert) {

BusinessHours stdBusinessHours = [select id from businesshours where id = '01m20000000LPVT'];

for (Task ta : Trigger.new) {
if ((ta.recordtypeid == '012M00000008bZY') && ta.status != 'completed' ){
// CL works 10 hours / day (8:00 AM - 18:00 PM, M-F). Our task SLA is 2 hours (2 business hours)
ta.SLA_Due_Date__c = BusinessHours.addGmt (stdBusinessHours.id, ta.createddate, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000L);




As I understand, email workflows are not permitted in SFDC.


I need to email a task owners manager (Task Owner > Manager) if a checkbox on the task = True.


Is there anyway to achieve this via apex?







I have a custom field on the opportunity object named 'contact__c'. This is a simple lookup field.

If populated I want a trigger that creates an Opportunity contact role for that same contact.


Any ideas?


I can update the contact__c field based on the primary contact role but I need this work the other way round.


Any ideas?







I'm trying to pull through some details relating to a case owner.

I have workflows that fire if a case is owned by a queue that work fine.

I now just want to fire back a text field from the related user (a custom relationship field) but it doesn't seem to populate:


There are no errors on the code it just doesn't populate even though the field is populated on the user record.




trigger region on case (before Insert, before Update) {

for(case x : Trigger.New){

if(x.User__c == null)
x.case_owner_region__c = x.RCCM_region__c ;}
else if(x.User__c!= null)
x.case_owner_region__c = x.user__r.region__c ;



I want to add a button on edit page of a record (say button which opens an external URL in a new window, may be a a url for reference). How do I achieve so?

There's always option of overriding with visualforce page, but there's lot of pitfalls around that approach (say a new recordtype or field is added, you need to create new visualforcce page or update the page respectively etc)

Any idea on how to achieve this? 



I am trying to create a trigger that will fire off a email to a user when the assign to person completes their activity.


how do i add a email template to this trigger below?


trigger Trigger_Request_CompletedAfterInsertAfterUpdate on Task (after insert, after update)
   Task[] completedTasks = Trigger.new;
   for(Task t : completedTasks){
      if(t.RecordTypeId == '01270000000UGMe' && t.Status=='Completed'){
         Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });


  • July 22, 2011
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