• tjanusz
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We are currently running numerous soql queries via the rest api.


The issue we see is that sporadically throughout the day we will receive


"message"=>"Your query request was running for too long.", "errorCode"=>"QUERY_TIMEOUT"


errors.  The same queries will run fine at diffferent times during the day as well..


So my quesiton is what are the limits/timeout settings using the REST API.  In the documentation I don't see anything about how to set a time out or any limit settings, like we could do in the SOAP API..  We think it appears to be timing out around 1 minute.


Any help is appreciated..

Hi all,


We're currently using Force.com IDE version 20.0 on Mac OSX

and upon closing the IDE the Eclipse "compact history" process is taking forever to end. 


I changed my local settings to only store local history for a day but I can see the IDE is still create an enormous amount of files (1K++) for my project.  Its almost like whenever I save locally or push to my dev org it's creating backups of all my files.  For example, I can see some of the "modified" files in the org.eclipse.core.resources.history folder are images, xml, etc. which I'm not modifying locally at all.  I even tried cleaning them all out this morning (260K different files!) and by this afternoon I can see they're back.


Anyone have any ideas?


Thanks in advance...

We are currently running numerous soql queries via the rest api.


The issue we see is that sporadically throughout the day we will receive


"message"=>"Your query request was running for too long.", "errorCode"=>"QUERY_TIMEOUT"


errors.  The same queries will run fine at diffferent times during the day as well..


So my quesiton is what are the limits/timeout settings using the REST API.  In the documentation I don't see anything about how to set a time out or any limit settings, like we could do in the SOAP API..  We think it appears to be timing out around 1 minute.


Any help is appreciated..