• srinivasan14
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Hi All,


We have ebaled Account team for our organisation. For some of the Accounts in the Account Team Related list only "Add" button is visible and for some records all buttons "Add", "Add Default Team", "Access", "Delete all" are visible. I need to know the reason why it is performing like this ??? Can anyone tell me how all buttons are visible for some accounts and only Add button for some accounts..


Thanks in advance...




Hi All,


I have a custom object, its OWD is Private and Grant Access using hirarchies is Checked. when i tried to change the Ownership it is throughing me the Error "Unable to grant sharing access due to following exception: Operation performed with inactive user". I have made the User Active and tried to change the Ownership of the Record, then also i am receiving the same error.


Please anyone help me to solve this issue.


Thanks in Advance.




Hi All,


        I have a Report with count of 1lakh50thousand Records and more. I exported the report in .csv format, but the records in the excel is only around 35thousand.


        I need to export all the records in the Report. Please provide me the suggestions.


        Thanks in Advance....


Thanks & Regards,


Hi All,


        I have a Report with count of 1lakh50thousand Records and more. I exported the report in .csv format, but the records in the excel is only around 35thousand.


        I need to export all the records in the Report. Please provide me the suggestions.


        Thanks in Advance....


Thanks & Regards,


In my detail page i have a custom button called submit, when the submit button is clicked the order staus is changing from pending to confirmed.After that the user cannot be able to edit the order.please help me out.how to make the edit button disable after the order is confirmed.

Is there any way to remove the Edit|Del option in the related list?

In My visualforce force page,i have used lastmodifiedby field.

I want the date and time when it is modified.

How can i do this?

Hi All,


        I have a Report with count of 1lakh50thousand Records and more. I exported the report in .csv format, but the records in the excel is only around 35thousand.


        I need to export all the records in the Report. Please provide me the suggestions.


        Thanks in Advance....


Thanks & Regards,


Hi All,


        I have a Report with count of 1lakh50thousand Records and more. I exported the report in .csv format, but the records in the excel is only around 35thousand.


        I need to export all the records in the Report. Please provide me the suggestions.


        Thanks in Advance....


Thanks & Regards,


In My visualforce force page,i have used lastmodifiedby field.

I want the date and time when it is modified.

How can i do this?