• YogeshArora
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Hi All,


I want to customize Follow up Task section, which appears up on the click of "New Task" button.


If I remove followup=1 from the URL, the complete "Schedule Follow up Task"section doesnt appear. But I want that some custom fields should not appear in Follow up task section however they should appear in New Task section. 


In the below screenshot, Reason for Call is a custom field. I want to remove only this field from the Schedule Follow up Task section while the remaining section is still visible.


Hi All,


I want to customize Follow up Task section, which appears up on the click of "New Task" button.


If I remove followup=1 from the URL, the complete section doesnt appear. But I want that some custom fields should not appear in Follow up task section but they should appear in New Task section. 


In the below screenshot, Reason for Call is a custom field. I want to remove only this field from the Schedule Follow up Task section while the remaining section is still visible.


Heap allocation means allocation of memory to some component, be it a class, method or variable.


I was trying to understand the WHEN of heap allocation, by reading debug log.


In debug log, the heap is allocated to a variable, before the call to the method in which it is declared. And also the scope of variable begins before the execution of the method begins. I haven't used any access modifier with the variable declaration. So, the varibale must be private.


Then how the variable has been alloacted the heap and it's scope has begun, before the method execution ?

In the below debug log, what does [EXTERNAL] signifies ?


10:03:34.041 (41777000)|EXECUTION_STARTED
10:03:34.041 (41845000)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|01q90000000VNgp|MyTrigger on Contact trigger event BeforeInsert for [new]
10:03:34.041 (41880000)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:8

Below is a small portion of a debug log.

My question is:

The value shown in brackets in timestamp, shown as (48372000)  in case of 'EXECUTION_STARTED', represents the time elapsed in nanoseconds since the start of the request.

Shouldn't this be (00000000) when EXECUTION_STARTED, since this marks the start of the request ?


How come it is showing 48372000 nanoseconds passed before the EXECUTION_STARTED ?


19:38:35.048 (48372000)|EXECUTION_STARTED
19:38:35.048 (48446000)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|01q90000000VNgp|MyTrigger on Contact trigger event BeforeInsert for [new]
19:38:35.051 (51026000)|METHOD_ENTRY|[1]|01p90000000z2mt|Abc.Abc()
19:38:35.051 (51118000)|METHOD_EXIT|[1]|Abc
19:38:35.051 (51148000)|METHOD_ENTRY|[2]|01p90000000z2mt|Abc.xyz()
19:38:35.051 (51271000)|USER_DEBUG|[5]|DEBUG|This is a log entry.
19:38:35.051 (51292000)|METHOD_EXIT|[2]|01p90000000z2mt|Abc.xyz()
19:38:35.051 (51324000)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|MyTrigger on Contact trigger event BeforeInsert for [new]
19:38:35.197 (197357000)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|TRIGGERS
19:38:35.197 (197373000)|EXECUTION_FINISHED

Hello everyone


I am very new to this force platform and I am trying to learn it on my own. In this process I got to know about standard objects, i.e. they are pre-defined objects which we can use in our custom app. I read about the various fields defined for each object, various triggers, validation rules, etc, etc for each object.


But I dont understand how they are useful ? What exactly are leads, opportuniies, contacts ? When these can be used in an app ?

Any help or any link to study material will be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


Hi All,


I want to customize Follow up Task section, which appears up on the click of "New Task" button.


If I remove followup=1 from the URL, the complete "Schedule Follow up Task"section doesnt appear. But I want that some custom fields should not appear in Follow up task section however they should appear in New Task section. 


In the below screenshot, Reason for Call is a custom field. I want to remove only this field from the Schedule Follow up Task section while the remaining section is still visible.


Hi All,


I want to customize Follow up Task section, which appears up on the click of "New Task" button.


If I remove followup=1 from the URL, the complete section doesnt appear. But I want that some custom fields should not appear in Follow up task section but they should appear in New Task section. 


In the below screenshot, Reason for Call is a custom field. I want to remove only this field from the Schedule Follow up Task section while the remaining section is still visible.


Below is a small portion of a debug log.

My question is:

The value shown in brackets in timestamp, shown as (48372000)  in case of 'EXECUTION_STARTED', represents the time elapsed in nanoseconds since the start of the request.

Shouldn't this be (00000000) when EXECUTION_STARTED, since this marks the start of the request ?


How come it is showing 48372000 nanoseconds passed before the EXECUTION_STARTED ?


19:38:35.048 (48372000)|EXECUTION_STARTED
19:38:35.048 (48446000)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|01q90000000VNgp|MyTrigger on Contact trigger event BeforeInsert for [new]
19:38:35.051 (51026000)|METHOD_ENTRY|[1]|01p90000000z2mt|Abc.Abc()
19:38:35.051 (51118000)|METHOD_EXIT|[1]|Abc
19:38:35.051 (51148000)|METHOD_ENTRY|[2]|01p90000000z2mt|Abc.xyz()
19:38:35.051 (51271000)|USER_DEBUG|[5]|DEBUG|This is a log entry.
19:38:35.051 (51292000)|METHOD_EXIT|[2]|01p90000000z2mt|Abc.xyz()
19:38:35.051 (51324000)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|MyTrigger on Contact trigger event BeforeInsert for [new]
19:38:35.197 (197357000)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|TRIGGERS
19:38:35.197 (197373000)|EXECUTION_FINISHED

I'm trying to pick through some debug logs.  I would REALLY LIKE to be able to filter the verbosity of the logs.  I tried changing the settings for everything to "Error", but I'm still seeing a lot of junk in the logs (e.g. validation rules).  See screenshot.



Why am I seeing everything, despite having set the logging levels to Error?


Note that I'm seeing this behavior in both the Developer Console in my browser AND in the Force.com IDE Apex Test Runner pane.

Hello everyone


I am very new to this force platform and I am trying to learn it on my own. In this process I got to know about standard objects, i.e. they are pre-defined objects which we can use in our custom app. I read about the various fields defined for each object, various triggers, validation rules, etc, etc for each object.


But I dont understand how they are useful ? What exactly are leads, opportuniies, contacts ? When these can be used in an app ?

Any help or any link to study material will be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


I'm sure I'm missing something simple but I've set the Filters in Setup>Monitoring>Debug Logs and some some things they seem to work.


"Some things" being like when I go to the filters page, that activity shows up in my Debug Logs. The Log begins with a line that reflects my Filter choices:



But when I run the test class that I really need to debug, the filters don't have any effect and my debug log reaches it's max. The first line reads:



which seem to indicate that my Filters aren't being applied at all.


Anyone know what I'm missing here?


is there a way to programmatically set the default LoggingLevel?


