• saranggani
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Currently, I am working on a POV for one of my customer.

I have a webservice hosted by a third party provider and I try to invoke this web service. So I have loaded the WSDL into Force.com (including SOAP Headers and SOAP Faults) and the APEX calsses has been created. This is working fine as long as I do not recieved a SOAP fault.


When the Web Service is returning a SOAP Fault, a callout exception is generated. I try to find a way to get that SOAP fault in the associated object genereted automatically but I cannot find how.


Is there a way to get the SOAP Fault into the SOAP Fault object generated when importing the WSDL? If not is there at least a way to retrieve to full SOAP message that was recieved?



Karolinski Stéphane


I have a Web Service that is expecting it as a part of SOAP header. How do I send it?












<actual callout method here>



The only documentation I see is for inputHttpHeaders_x which can send http header and can send username password as part of 'Authorization' Header.






Message Edited by GoForceGo on 07-14-2009 05:03 PM
Message Edited by GoForceGo on 07-14-2009 05:03 PM
Message Edited by GoForceGo on 07-14-2009 05:05 PM
 Unable to fetch organization details   and reached maximum nuber call outs waht this error using eclipse
  • April 06, 2009
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I have an internal web service that I am invoking from an apex callout.
It currently works fine, but before we go into production I want to implement some security.
I am looking for a way to authenticate that the request is actually coming from salesforce and if possible, coming from a user in our org.

Any suggestions on how to do this?



ps: If there are any prior posts or existing documentation, please point me to them.
  • November 19, 2008
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