• Leyadk Devel
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Hi all,


I'm trying to create a validation rule where if the site classification picklist value = mobilised, then unless the pipeline divestment stage filed is left blank, the validation error should fire.


AND(ISPICKVAL(Site_Classification__c, Mobilised)), NOT(ISNULL(Pipeline_Divestment_Stage__c))


Please can you tell me what I am doing wrong here?


Many thanks,




I was wondering whether someone could help with conditional formatting on reports.


I have a number of reports where I would like to use CF on different columns.


I can see that it works on summary and matrix reports. I can also see that for it to work, the report has to show some form of total (i.e. Sum, Min, Max etc)


However, the report then conditionally formats the grand total. Is there any way of avoiding this?


Many thanks,




Please could you tell me:

- Which Windows Op Systems the EC runs on

- Which versions of Excel the EC runs on


Many thanks,


Hi guys,


I need to write a couple of formulas. I have two currency fields which I would like to make the value for into formulas:


1. Total Value of Savings Suggested

2. Total Value of Savings Implemented


I have 5 currency fields:


Value of Saving Initiative 1

Value of Saving Initiative 2

Value of Saving Initiative 3

Value of Saving Initiative 4

Value of Saving Initiative 5


Each has a corresponding checkbox - initiative implemented? If ticked, the saving has been implemented and if not it is suggested.


Thus I need to make my formulas dependent upon each of the checkboxes.


Please could anyone help with the writing of these formulas?


Many thanks,


Please can someone help me with the below formula? I'm trying to create a formula which will return text into it depending on what range a number falls into.


IF(AND(Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c >=0, Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c <=0.99)),"Unacceptable Supplier",

IF(AND(Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c >=1, Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c <=1.99)), "Unsatisfactory Supplier",

IF(AND(Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c >=2, Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c <=2.99)), "Acceptable Supplier",

IF(AND(Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c >=3, Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c <=3.99)), "Clear Over-Performance",

IF(AND(Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c >=4, Aggregate_Monthly_KPI_OPS_Score__c <=4.99)), "Clear Over-Performance", “Null”