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UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record
Please someone help on how to resolve this error. What's the best practice on handling it? Appreciate response. Thanks
Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 005U0000000NmC0/00DU0000000KA1N
trac_Attachment: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00QU0000005c15jMAA; first error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record: []
Trigger.trac_Attachment: line 112, column 1
trigger trac_Attachment on Attachment (before delete, after insert, after update) { String BASE_URL = Url.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file='; String OWNER1 = 'Owner1_Sign.png'; String OWNER2 = 'Owner2_Sign.png'; String PG1 = 'Owner1_PG_Sign.png'; String PG2 = 'Owner2_PG_Sign.png'; Map<Id,Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>(); Set<Id> touchedLeadIds = new Set<Id>(); for (Attachment lp : trigger.isdelete ? trigger.old : trigger.new) { touchedLeadIds.add(lp.parentId); } leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT IsConverted, DirtyFlag__c, Conga_Owner1_PG_Sign_URL__c, Conga_Owner2_PG_Sign_URL__c, Conga_Owner1_Sign_URL__c, Conga_Owner2_Sign_URL__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :touchedLeadIds]); for(Lead i : leadMap.values()){ if(i.IsConverted == false && i.DirtyFlag__c == true) i.DirtyFlag__c = false; else if(i.IsConverted == false) i.DirtyFlag__c = true; } // find relevant opp ids Set<Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> leadIds = new Set<Id>(); for(Attachment a : trigger.isdelete ? trigger.old : trigger.new) { if (a.name == OWNER1 || a.name == OWNER2 || a.name == PG1 || a.name == PG2) { if (((String)a.parentId).startsWith('006')) { oppIds.add(a.parentId); } else if (((String)a.parentId).startsWith('00Q')) { leadIds.add(a.parentId); } } } if ((oppIds.size() + leadIds.size()) > 0) { // get opps and leads Map<Id,Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<Id,Opportunity>([SELECT Conga_Owner1_PG_Sign_URL__c, Conga_Owner2_PG_Sign_URL__c, Conga_Owner1_Sign_URL__c, Conga_Owner2_Sign_URL__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id IN :oppIds]); Boolean isLead; for(Attachment a : trigger.isdelete ? trigger.old : trigger.new) { if (((String)a.parentId).startsWith('00Q') || ((String)a.parentId).startsWith('006')) { isLead = ((String)a.parentId).startsWith('00Q'); system.debug('isLead is: ' + isLead + ', a.name is: ' + a.name); } // end parentid if } // end for update oppMap.values(); } update leadMap.values(); }
- willj
- May 19, 2012
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Too many SOL queries even with no queries in loop - please help
Getting too many soql queries 101 even though no queries in loop. how do I overcome this? very frustrating.
code is long so divided into two posts.
trigger trac_Lead on Lead (before insert, before update, after insert, after update) { /***************** * Before Insert * *****************/ if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isBefore) { // Perform SIC mappings for(Lead l : trigger.new) { if (l.sic_lookup__c != null) { l.Industry = l.sic_description__c; } } // Query campaigns and rates List<Campaign> campaignList = new List<Campaign>(); for(Campaign i : DBHelper.getCampaignListQuery()){ if(i.IsActive==true){ campaignList.add(i); } } List<User> userList = DBHelper.getUserDetailQuery(); for (Lead l : trigger.new) { for(User u : userList){ if(u.Id == UserInfo.getUserId()){ if(u.Account_ID__c != null) { for(Account a : DBHelper.getAccountQuery()){ //check if accountid on user detail is valid if(a.Id == u.Account_ID__c){ l.Payment_Advisor__c = u.Account_ID__c; } } } } } // Inject default rates to app from campaign if (l.Campaign__c != null && l.Product_Group__c != null && l.Processor__c != null) { Campaign matchingCampaign; for(Campaign c : campaignList){ if(c.Id==l.Campaign__c) { matchingCampaign = c; break; } } Id selectedRate; if(l.Processor__c == 'FD') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'Chase') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'PsiGate') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Online_Rate__c; } for(Rate__c r : DBHelper.getRateListQuery()){ if(r.Id==selectedRate) { l.Account_Setup_Fee__c = r.Account_Setup_Fee__c; l.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c = r.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c; l.Annual_Fee__c = r.Annual_Fee__c; l.Chargeback__c = r.Chargeback_del__c; l.Cross_Border_Fee__c = r.Cross_Border_Fee__c; l.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c = r.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c; l.Discover_Rate__c = r.Discover_Rate__c; l.Discover_Rate_Amount__c = r.Discover_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Interac_Fee__c = r.Interac_Fee__c; l.MC_VISA_Authorization__c = r.MC_VISA_Authorization__c; l.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c = r.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c; l.MasterCard_Rate__c = r.MasterCard_Rate__c; l.MasterCard_Rate_Amount__c = r.MasterCard_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Account_Fee__c = r.Monthly_Account_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Minimums__c = r.Monthly_Minimums__c; l.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c = r.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c; l.Other_Monthly_Fees__c = r.Other_Monthly_Fees__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate__c = r.VISA_Debit_Rate__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Debit_Transaction_Fee__c; l.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c = r.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c; l.Visa_Rate__c = r.VISA_Rate__c; l.VISA_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Voice_Authorization__c = r.Voice_Authorization__c; l.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c = r.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c; break; } } } } } /**************** * After Insert * ****************/ if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isAfter) { // add campaign mappings List<CampaignMember> newCMs = new List<CampaignMember>(); List<Web_Profile__c> newWPs = new List<Web_Profile__c>(); for (Lead l : trigger.new) { if(UserInfo.getUserId() != '005U0000000NmC0'){ newWPs.add(new Web_Profile__c(Applicant__c = l.id, Email__c = l.Email)); } newCMs.add(new CampaignMember(leadid = l.id, campaignid = l.campaign__c)); } insert newCMs; try { insert newWPs; } catch (DmlException de) { for (Lead l : trigger.new) { l.addError('Duplicate Email with an existing lead.'); } } } /***************** * Before Update * *****************/ if(trigger.isUpdate && trigger.isBefore) { Set<Id> leadIds = new Set<Id>(); for (Lead lp : trigger.new) { leadIds.add(lp.id); } List<Lead_Product__c> leadProductQuery = null; leadProductQuery = [SELECT lead__c, product__r.isActive, Card_Types__c, Doing_Business_As_DBA__c, Quantity__c, Term__c, Product__c, product__r.purchase_price__c, product__r.rental_price__c, product__r.lease_price__c, Batch_Processing__c, Customer_Profile_Management__c, Recurring_Billing__c, Shopping_Cart_Option__c, Virtual_Terminal__c, Auto_Close_Hour__c, Auto_Close_Minute__c, Auto_Close__c, Cash_Back_Enabled__c, Invoice_Number__c, QSR_Flag__c, Server_Clerk_ID__c, Tip_Option__c, Connection_Type__c, DNS1__c, DNS2__c, Gateway_Address__c, IP_Address__c, Request_Type__c, Service_Option__c, Special_Instructions__c, Subnet_Mask__c, Add_to_Existing_NetConnect__c, Application_Type__c, Existing_NetConnect_ID__c, Software_Name_Version__c, TID_s__c, VAR_Comm_Method__c, VAR_Name__c, Rental_Cost__c, Rental_Price__c, Lease_Price__c, Purchase_Price__c, Buy_Rate__c FROM Lead_Product__c WHERE lead__c IN :leadIds]; Id LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED; Id LEAD_RT_MANUAL; for(RecordType rt : DBHelper.getRecordTypes()) { if(rt.SobjectType=='Lead' && rt.name=='Unclaimed Lead'){ LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED = rt.id; } if(rt.SobjectType=='Lead' && rt.name=='Manually Entered'){ LEAD_RT_MANUAL = rt.id; } } List<CampaignMember> newCMs = new List<CampaignMember>(); Set<String> delCMKeys = new Set<String>(); List<Lead_Product__c> lps = new List<Lead_Product__c>(); for(Lead_Product__c i : leadProductQuery){ if(leadIds.contains((Id)i.lead__c)){ lps.add(i); } } // check that lead has products Set<Id> leadsWithProducts = new Set<Id>(); for(Lead_Product__c i : lps) { if(!leadsWithProducts.contains((Id)i.lead__c)){ leadsWithProducts.add((Id)i.lead__c); } } // check for lead products that have inactive products Set<Id> leadsWithInactiveProducts = new Set<Id>(); for(Lead_Product__c i : lps) { if(!leadsWithInactiveProducts.contains((Id)i.lead__c) && i.product__r.isActive == false){ leadsWithInactiveProducts.add((Id)i.lead__c); } } // Query campaigns and rates List<Campaign> campaignList = new List<Campaign>(); for(Campaign i : DBHelper.getCampaignListQuery()){ if(i.IsActive==true){ campaignList.add(i); } } for (Lead l : trigger.new) { // assign record type based on whether owner is queue or a user if(((String)l.ownerid).startsWith('00G')) { // queue l.recordtypeid = LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED; } else if (l.recordtypeid == LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED){ // user, needs RT update l.recordtypeid = LEAD_RT_MANUAL; } // lead is about to be converted if (l.isConverted && !trigger.oldMap.get(l.id).isConverted) { if(!leadsWithProducts.contains(l.id)) { l.addError(system.label.noLeadProducts); } else if(leadsWithInactiveProducts.contains(l.id)) { l.addError(system.label.leadProductWithInactiveProduct); } l.status_date_review_and_sign__c = Datetime.now(); } if (l.sic_lookup__c != null) { l.Industry = l.sic_description__c; } // Find leads where the campaign has been changed if(l.campaign__c != trigger.oldMap.get(l.id).campaign__c) { newCMs.add(new CampaignMember(leadid = l.id, campaignid = l.campaign__c)); if (trigger.oldmap.get(l.id).campaign__c != null) { delCMKeys.add(((String)trigger.oldmap.get(l.id).campaign__c).substring(0,15) + ((String)l.id).substring(0,15)); } } // Update rates if campaign, processor, or product group changed Lead oldLead = Trigger.oldMap.get(l.ID); if (l.Campaign__c != oldLead.Campaign__c || l.Product_Group__c != oldLead.Product_Group__c || l.Processor__c != oldLead.Processor__c) { Campaign matchingCampaign; for(Campaign c : campaignList){ if(c.Id==l.Campaign__c) { matchingCampaign = c; break; } } Id selectedRate; if(l.Processor__c == 'FD') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'Chase') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'PsiGate') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Online_Rate__c; } for(Rate__c r : DBHelper.getRateListQuery()){ if(r.Id==selectedRate) { l.Account_Setup_Fee__c = r.Account_Setup_Fee__c; l.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c = r.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c; l.Annual_Fee__c = r.Annual_Fee__c; l.Chargeback__c = r.Chargeback_del__c; l.Cross_Border_Fee__c = r.Cross_Border_Fee__c; l.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c = r.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c; l.Discover_Rate__c = r.Discover_Rate__c; l.Discover_Rate_Amount__c = r.Discover_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Interac_Fee__c = r.Interac_Fee__c; l.MC_VISA_Authorization__c = r.MC_VISA_Authorization__c; l.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c = r.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c; l.MasterCard_Rate__c = r.MasterCard_Rate__c; l.MasterCard_Rate_Amount__c = r.MasterCard_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Account_Fee__c = r.Monthly_Account_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Minimums__c = r.Monthly_Minimums__c; l.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c = r.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c; l.Other_Monthly_Fees__c = r.Other_Monthly_Fees__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate__c = r.VISA_Debit_Rate__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Debit_Transaction_Fee__c; l.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c = r.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c; l.Visa_Rate__c = r.VISA_Rate__c; l.VISA_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Voice_Authorization__c = r.Voice_Authorization__c; l.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c = r.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c; break; } } } } // add new campaign members try { insert newCMs; } catch (DmlException de) { // existing member... } // delete old campaign members List<CampaignMember> oldCMs = [SELECT id FROM CampaignMember WHERE key__c IN :delCMKeys]; if (oldCMs.size() > 0) { delete oldCMs; } }
- willj
- May 18, 2012
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Batchable instance is too big
Hi! I'm looking for some info about "Batchable instance is too big" exception and I couldn't find nothing... Anyone have a clue about why this exception is triggered?
Thanks a lot!
- Juan Spagnoli
- October 31, 2012
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Too many SOL queries even with no queries in loop - please help
Getting too many soql queries 101 even though no queries in loop. how do I overcome this? very frustrating.
code is long so divided into two posts.
trigger trac_Lead on Lead (before insert, before update, after insert, after update) { /***************** * Before Insert * *****************/ if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isBefore) { // Perform SIC mappings for(Lead l : trigger.new) { if (l.sic_lookup__c != null) { l.Industry = l.sic_description__c; } } // Query campaigns and rates List<Campaign> campaignList = new List<Campaign>(); for(Campaign i : DBHelper.getCampaignListQuery()){ if(i.IsActive==true){ campaignList.add(i); } } List<User> userList = DBHelper.getUserDetailQuery(); for (Lead l : trigger.new) { for(User u : userList){ if(u.Id == UserInfo.getUserId()){ if(u.Account_ID__c != null) { for(Account a : DBHelper.getAccountQuery()){ //check if accountid on user detail is valid if(a.Id == u.Account_ID__c){ l.Payment_Advisor__c = u.Account_ID__c; } } } } } // Inject default rates to app from campaign if (l.Campaign__c != null && l.Product_Group__c != null && l.Processor__c != null) { Campaign matchingCampaign; for(Campaign c : campaignList){ if(c.Id==l.Campaign__c) { matchingCampaign = c; break; } } Id selectedRate; if(l.Processor__c == 'FD') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'Chase') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'PsiGate') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Online_Rate__c; } for(Rate__c r : DBHelper.getRateListQuery()){ if(r.Id==selectedRate) { l.Account_Setup_Fee__c = r.Account_Setup_Fee__c; l.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c = r.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c; l.Annual_Fee__c = r.Annual_Fee__c; l.Chargeback__c = r.Chargeback_del__c; l.Cross_Border_Fee__c = r.Cross_Border_Fee__c; l.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c = r.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c; l.Discover_Rate__c = r.Discover_Rate__c; l.Discover_Rate_Amount__c = r.Discover_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Interac_Fee__c = r.Interac_Fee__c; l.MC_VISA_Authorization__c = r.MC_VISA_Authorization__c; l.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c = r.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c; l.MasterCard_Rate__c = r.MasterCard_Rate__c; l.MasterCard_Rate_Amount__c = r.MasterCard_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Account_Fee__c = r.Monthly_Account_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Minimums__c = r.Monthly_Minimums__c; l.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c = r.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c; l.Other_Monthly_Fees__c = r.Other_Monthly_Fees__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate__c = r.VISA_Debit_Rate__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Debit_Transaction_Fee__c; l.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c = r.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c; l.Visa_Rate__c = r.VISA_Rate__c; l.VISA_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Voice_Authorization__c = r.Voice_Authorization__c; l.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c = r.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c; break; } } } } } /**************** * After Insert * ****************/ if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isAfter) { // add campaign mappings List<CampaignMember> newCMs = new List<CampaignMember>(); List<Web_Profile__c> newWPs = new List<Web_Profile__c>(); for (Lead l : trigger.new) { if(UserInfo.getUserId() != '005U0000000NmC0'){ newWPs.add(new Web_Profile__c(Applicant__c = l.id, Email__c = l.Email)); } newCMs.add(new CampaignMember(leadid = l.id, campaignid = l.campaign__c)); } insert newCMs; try { insert newWPs; } catch (DmlException de) { for (Lead l : trigger.new) { l.addError('Duplicate Email with an existing lead.'); } } } /***************** * Before Update * *****************/ if(trigger.isUpdate && trigger.isBefore) { Set<Id> leadIds = new Set<Id>(); for (Lead lp : trigger.new) { leadIds.add(lp.id); } List<Lead_Product__c> leadProductQuery = null; leadProductQuery = [SELECT lead__c, product__r.isActive, Card_Types__c, Doing_Business_As_DBA__c, Quantity__c, Term__c, Product__c, product__r.purchase_price__c, product__r.rental_price__c, product__r.lease_price__c, Batch_Processing__c, Customer_Profile_Management__c, Recurring_Billing__c, Shopping_Cart_Option__c, Virtual_Terminal__c, Auto_Close_Hour__c, Auto_Close_Minute__c, Auto_Close__c, Cash_Back_Enabled__c, Invoice_Number__c, QSR_Flag__c, Server_Clerk_ID__c, Tip_Option__c, Connection_Type__c, DNS1__c, DNS2__c, Gateway_Address__c, IP_Address__c, Request_Type__c, Service_Option__c, Special_Instructions__c, Subnet_Mask__c, Add_to_Existing_NetConnect__c, Application_Type__c, Existing_NetConnect_ID__c, Software_Name_Version__c, TID_s__c, VAR_Comm_Method__c, VAR_Name__c, Rental_Cost__c, Rental_Price__c, Lease_Price__c, Purchase_Price__c, Buy_Rate__c FROM Lead_Product__c WHERE lead__c IN :leadIds]; Id LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED; Id LEAD_RT_MANUAL; for(RecordType rt : DBHelper.getRecordTypes()) { if(rt.SobjectType=='Lead' && rt.name=='Unclaimed Lead'){ LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED = rt.id; } if(rt.SobjectType=='Lead' && rt.name=='Manually Entered'){ LEAD_RT_MANUAL = rt.id; } } List<CampaignMember> newCMs = new List<CampaignMember>(); Set<String> delCMKeys = new Set<String>(); List<Lead_Product__c> lps = new List<Lead_Product__c>(); for(Lead_Product__c i : leadProductQuery){ if(leadIds.contains((Id)i.lead__c)){ lps.add(i); } } // check that lead has products Set<Id> leadsWithProducts = new Set<Id>(); for(Lead_Product__c i : lps) { if(!leadsWithProducts.contains((Id)i.lead__c)){ leadsWithProducts.add((Id)i.lead__c); } } // check for lead products that have inactive products Set<Id> leadsWithInactiveProducts = new Set<Id>(); for(Lead_Product__c i : lps) { if(!leadsWithInactiveProducts.contains((Id)i.lead__c) && i.product__r.isActive == false){ leadsWithInactiveProducts.add((Id)i.lead__c); } } // Query campaigns and rates List<Campaign> campaignList = new List<Campaign>(); for(Campaign i : DBHelper.getCampaignListQuery()){ if(i.IsActive==true){ campaignList.add(i); } } for (Lead l : trigger.new) { // assign record type based on whether owner is queue or a user if(((String)l.ownerid).startsWith('00G')) { // queue l.recordtypeid = LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED; } else if (l.recordtypeid == LEAD_RT_UNCLAIMED){ // user, needs RT update l.recordtypeid = LEAD_RT_MANUAL; } // lead is about to be converted if (l.isConverted && !trigger.oldMap.get(l.id).isConverted) { if(!leadsWithProducts.contains(l.id)) { l.addError(system.label.noLeadProducts); } else if(leadsWithInactiveProducts.contains(l.id)) { l.addError(system.label.leadProductWithInactiveProduct); } l.status_date_review_and_sign__c = Datetime.now(); } if (l.sic_lookup__c != null) { l.Industry = l.sic_description__c; } // Find leads where the campaign has been changed if(l.campaign__c != trigger.oldMap.get(l.id).campaign__c) { newCMs.add(new CampaignMember(leadid = l.id, campaignid = l.campaign__c)); if (trigger.oldmap.get(l.id).campaign__c != null) { delCMKeys.add(((String)trigger.oldmap.get(l.id).campaign__c).substring(0,15) + ((String)l.id).substring(0,15)); } } // Update rates if campaign, processor, or product group changed Lead oldLead = Trigger.oldMap.get(l.ID); if (l.Campaign__c != oldLead.Campaign__c || l.Product_Group__c != oldLead.Product_Group__c || l.Processor__c != oldLead.Processor__c) { Campaign matchingCampaign; for(Campaign c : campaignList){ if(c.Id==l.Campaign__c) { matchingCampaign = c; break; } } Id selectedRate; if(l.Processor__c == 'FD') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.FD_Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'Chase') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.Online_Rate__c; } else if(l.Processor__c == 'PsiGate') { if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Mobile') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Mobile_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'In-Store') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Instore_Rate__c; else if(l.Product_Group__c == 'Online') selectedRate = matchingCampaign.PsiGate_Online_Rate__c; } for(Rate__c r : DBHelper.getRateListQuery()){ if(r.Id==selectedRate) { l.Account_Setup_Fee__c = r.Account_Setup_Fee__c; l.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c = r.Amex_JCB_Fee_del__c; l.Annual_Fee__c = r.Annual_Fee__c; l.Chargeback__c = r.Chargeback_del__c; l.Cross_Border_Fee__c = r.Cross_Border_Fee__c; l.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c = r.Deconversion_Cancellation_Fee_per_loc__c; l.Discover_Rate__c = r.Discover_Rate__c; l.Discover_Rate_Amount__c = r.Discover_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Interac_Fee__c = r.Interac_Fee__c; l.MC_VISA_Authorization__c = r.MC_VISA_Authorization__c; l.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c = r.MasterCard_Cross_Border_Transaction_Fee__c; l.MasterCard_Rate__c = r.MasterCard_Rate__c; l.MasterCard_Rate_Amount__c = r.MasterCard_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Account_Fee__c = r.Monthly_Account_Fee__c; l.Monthly_Minimums__c = r.Monthly_Minimums__c; l.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c = r.Non_Qualifying_Surcharge_Fee__c; l.Other_Monthly_Fees__c = r.Other_Monthly_Fees__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate__c = r.VISA_Debit_Rate__c; l.VISA_Debit_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Debit_Transaction_Fee__c; l.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c = r.VISA_MasterCard_Card_Brand_Fee__c; l.Visa_Rate__c = r.VISA_Rate__c; l.VISA_Rate_Amount__c = r.VISA_Transaction_Fee__c; l.Voice_Authorization__c = r.Voice_Authorization__c; l.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c = r.Wireless_Terminal_Setup_Fee__c; break; } } } } // add new campaign members try { insert newCMs; } catch (DmlException de) { // existing member... } // delete old campaign members List<CampaignMember> oldCMs = [SELECT id FROM CampaignMember WHERE key__c IN :delCMKeys]; if (oldCMs.size() > 0) { delete oldCMs; } }
- willj
- May 18, 2012
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