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I'm building a Visualforce Email Template consisting of a component, custom controller and a Visualforce email template. See here for details: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Visualforce-Development/Visualforce-email-template-issue/m-p/440361/highlight/true#M50419


Now, I have everything working except for one little thing - and that is the recepientType.


For some reason, I cannot seem to access that field/value without getting an error back.


I've tried accessing the field like this: {!recipient.name} but then I'm told that there is no such variable in my controller (which is correct).


My assumption was then, that because I have a custom controller to go with the component, I would need to fetch the contact (recipientType) in the controller. However, when I passing recipientType to my controller my template stops working (I get the "list has no rows" error which I assume is a related issue but not the real one).


I've tried passing recipientType to my controller as {!recipient}, {!recipientType} and {!recipientType.Id}. None of which seem to be working for me.


Any clues?


/Søren Nødskov Hansen

Hi all,


I have a Visualforce email template which includes a component which has it's own custom controller. I use this setup in order to be able to retrieve related objects which I want to display in the email going out to a contact.


However, for some reason, nothing gets displayed in my email templates and I haven't found a way of debugging it in order to be able to track when/where it goes wrong. However, I'm fairly certain that it is the opportunity ID that does not get passed from the template/component to the controller.


I've searched for an answer but haven't been able to find one. I've seen similar posts (e.g.. http://forums.sforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Custom-Controller-in-Email-Template-not-passing-values-to-Class/m-p/134744) but for some reason I still haven't been able to make it work in my own org.


Here is my component:


<apex:component id="cmpOrderForm" controller="OrderFormDomainOppComponentController" access="global">
	<apex:attribute name="paramOppId" description="Passes the ID of the opportunity to the custom controller" type="Id" assignTo="{!oppId}"/>
	<apex:outputText value="{!oppId}"/>
				<apex:repeat value="{!links}" var="lnk">
						<td>Domain Name</td>

 Here is my template:

<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Opportunity" subject="Order Form" replyTo="soren.nodskov@capgemini.com">
    <messaging:htmlEmailBody >
    	<c:OrderFormDomainOppComponent paramOppId="{!relatedTo.Id}"/>

 Here is my controller:

public without sharing class OrderFormDomainOppComponentController {
	private final List<DomainOppLink__c> links;

	public Id oppId {get; set;}

	public OrderFormDomainOppComponentController() {
		// oppId = '006W0000002VDzZ';
		links = [SELECT Domain__r.Name FROM DomainOppLink__c WHERE Opportunity__c = :oppId];

	public List<DomainOppLink__c> getLinks() {
		return links;

 In the template I output the Opportunity ID just for debugging purposes and that works fine. It shows the ID correctly when testing the template from within the SF GUI (Setup --> Communication Templates --> Email Templates).


However, the DomainOppLink objects retrieved in the controller is not shown. If I hard code the opportunity ID in my controller (commented out in the code above), it all works fine. I.e.. I get an email with all the DomainOppLink objects.


So, the big WHY is: WHY doesn't it work when I am NOT hard coding the opportunity ID but using the ID passed on from my component/template?!


I feel like I'm SO close, and that I just cannot seen the forrest for all the trees.


All help is greatly appreciated.




/Søren Nødskov Hansen

Hi all,


I have a Visualforce email template which includes a component which has it's own custom controller. I use this setup in order to be able to retrieve related objects which I want to display in the email going out to a contact.


However, for some reason, nothing gets displayed in my email templates and I haven't found a way of debugging it in order to be able to track when/where it goes wrong. However, I'm fairly certain that it is the opportunity ID that does not get passed from the template/component to the controller.


I've searched for an answer but haven't been able to find one. I've seen similar posts (e.g.. http://forums.sforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Custom-Controller-in-Email-Template-not-passing-values-to-Class/m-p/134744) but for some reason I still haven't been able to make it work in my own org.


Here is my component:


<apex:component id="cmpOrderForm" controller="OrderFormDomainOppComponentController" access="global">
	<apex:attribute name="paramOppId" description="Passes the ID of the opportunity to the custom controller" type="Id" assignTo="{!oppId}"/>
	<apex:outputText value="{!oppId}"/>
				<apex:repeat value="{!links}" var="lnk">
						<td>Domain Name</td>

 Here is my template:

<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Opportunity" subject="Order Form" replyTo="soren.nodskov@capgemini.com">
    <messaging:htmlEmailBody >
    	<c:OrderFormDomainOppComponent paramOppId="{!relatedTo.Id}"/>

 Here is my controller:

public without sharing class OrderFormDomainOppComponentController {
	private final List<DomainOppLink__c> links;

	public Id oppId {get; set;}

	public OrderFormDomainOppComponentController() {
		// oppId = '006W0000002VDzZ';
		links = [SELECT Domain__r.Name FROM DomainOppLink__c WHERE Opportunity__c = :oppId];

	public List<DomainOppLink__c> getLinks() {
		return links;

 In the template I output the Opportunity ID just for debugging purposes and that works fine. It shows the ID correctly when testing the template from within the SF GUI (Setup --> Communication Templates --> Email Templates).


However, the DomainOppLink objects retrieved in the controller is not shown. If I hard code the opportunity ID in my controller (commented out in the code above), it all works fine. I.e.. I get an email with all the DomainOppLink objects.


So, the big WHY is: WHY doesn't it work when I am NOT hard coding the opportunity ID but using the ID passed on from my component/template?!


I feel like I'm SO close, and that I just cannot seen the forrest for all the trees.


All help is greatly appreciated.




/Søren Nødskov Hansen