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      I extended the Article Type object and Added a Field of type File. Filed name is Files_to_attach__c. I trield to Access the Field in SOQL as Follows 

Select b.Files_to_attach__c,b.Author__c,b.ArticleNumber,b.Title,b.status__c from Book__kav b
                                where PublishStatus = 'Online' and Id =:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; 


But I got an Error :

ErrorError: ArticleDetailsController Compile Error: No such column 'Files_to_attach__c' on entity 'Book__kav'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 101 column 31. 


After that I found the File Field has subfields Files_to_attach__Name__s (type is Text)

Files_to_attach__ContentType__s (type is picklist)

Files_to_attach__Length__s (type Number 9,0)

Files_to_attach__Body__s (type Text area).


     SOQL allowing to query the subfields . I want to know How to retrieve the File id for the Field Files_to_attach__Name__s so that when Im clicking on the File name I can down load the File.


Please share with me if any other approaches are available.


Thanks in Advance.





I have created a Visual Flow screen with 3 Text fields, But I have to add a Look up Field in the screen. In order to add a Look up I added a Record Look up. I added the required fields in the Record Look up. But  the Look up Field is not visible in visual flow Screen while running the Flow. Please provide a Soulution to this Issue. Please share some Sample Screen shots and steps if possible.


