• ecastillo
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We currently have a workflow that creates a "dummy" email address when an email address is not provided in a lead or contact record. The business requirement is for the email address to be FirstName.LastName@Company.nomail. The problem we're running into is that the email fields do not like any spaces in the email address, which is a problem for company's with multiple words in their name.. i.e. Some Burger Corp. Contact names also cause the same issue.


The workflow uses a simple formula to set the value: FirstName +"."+ LastName +"@"+ Company +"."+ "nomail"

Is there a way to remove all white spaces in a concatenation formula?


Thanks for you help.

We have a workflow that adds 7 months to our opportunity close date. The formula has been in place for a little over 2 years now. But it seems that once the resulting date is > 02/28/2014, we now get errors during conversion stating we're inserting a invalid date (I've had to turn off this workflow).


I've also created a stand alone formula field to test the formula and I'm getting the #Error! Message in the field.


Anyone else having issues with formulas that calculate past 02/28/2014 (Leap year....).


Formulas I've tried:





DATE(YEAR( Date_Created__c) , MONTH(Date_Created__c) + 7 , DAY(Date_Created__c) )








What does work is CreatedDate + 212 (or any number greater than 7 months) which gets us close, but doesn't meet the business requirement.







We currently have a Visualforce page nested in a section of a standard page layout. The VF page lists records from a custom object, it has links such as Edit, Delete, Convert for each record. These links work fine when logged in SF as yourself, but when using the admin function to "Login As", the links open up a whole new SF FV page with in the section instead of navigating to the selected action. This is currently happening in all major browsers.... IE8,9, Fireforx, Chrome...


VF Page opens in Section


Is there an attribute we're missing so that these VF pages will work correctly when logged in as another user?


Note: we not only use the admin login feature for support, but for training and demos as well....




We currently have a workflow that creates a "dummy" email address when an email address is not provided in a lead or contact record. The business requirement is for the email address to be FirstName.LastName@Company.nomail. The problem we're running into is that the email fields do not like any spaces in the email address, which is a problem for company's with multiple words in their name.. i.e. Some Burger Corp. Contact names also cause the same issue.


The workflow uses a simple formula to set the value: FirstName +"."+ LastName +"@"+ Company +"."+ "nomail"

Is there a way to remove all white spaces in a concatenation formula?


Thanks for you help.

I know you can create one formula to find whether or not a field CONTAINS any one of multiple values.
Returns TRUE if State is contains any of those values.
Is there a way to create a similar formula for SUBSTITUTE like...SUBSTITUTE (State, "California:Cal:Californai:C", "CA")?
Instead of having to rewrite the formula for each value then having multiple formulas that use precious characters.
  • September 08, 2008
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