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Question about Approval.unlock() and unlocking records.
trigger triggerUnlock on Opportunity (after update) { Opportunity[] oList = [SELECT Id from Opportunity Where Id IN : Trigger.new and StageName = 'Signed and Submitted for Approval']; Approval.UnlockResult[] urList = Approval.unlock(oList, false); for(Approval.UnlockResult ur : urList) { if (ur.isSuccess()) { // Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed System.debug('Successfully unlocked opportunity with ID: ' + ur.getId()); } else { // Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : ur.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Opportunity fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); } } } }Using debug logs I can tell that it is unlocking the opportunity record when it is submitted for approval. But in the UI it still has the unlock button and the record is locked. So is the "Approval.unlock()" method used specifically to unlock the record only for apex uses? Does record lock itself again after all code has ran? Is there something I can do to keep the record unlocked so a user can still edit it? Thanks
- syric
- August 25, 2016
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Help with Trigger test failing - error System.NullPointerException
Error Message System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, triggerTest: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Argument cannot be null. Trigger.triggerTest: line 294, column 1: [] Stack Trace Class.testtest.myUnitTest: line 61, column 1If I'm understanding this correctly it says its failing when it tries to insert the opportunitylineitem because when the trigger tries to do "a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice);" and it thinks No_Ordered__c or ListPrice is NULL. I get this error whether or not I use a the test product or a real product already in the system that I know works fine when I test in the UI. Please tell me what I am doing wrong. Any help is appreciated. Here is the code for the trigger and the test. I trimmed down the test to test only one product.
trigger triggerTest on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) { decimal disc; decimal sub; decimal servamt; decimal billcalc; Integer quartercalc; Integer enddate; for(OpportunityLineItem a : Trigger.New){ a.Quantity = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.Service_Duration__c); sub = (a.Quantity * a.UnitPrice); if(a.Discount != NULL){ disc = (a.Discount * .01); a.TotalPrice = (sub - (sub * disc)); }else{ a.TotalPrice = sub; } servamt = (a.Quantity / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Service_Amount__c = (a.TotalPrice / servamt); if(a.PB__c == 'Weekly'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Weekly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 13; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 26; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 52; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Monthly' || a.PB__c == 'Monthly D'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Every Other Month'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 3; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 6; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 12; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Quarterly'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 4; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 3; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Annual'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 12; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Every Other Month'){ billcalc = 6; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 4; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'One Time' || a.PB__c == 'One Time D'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); } } } }
/** * This class contains unit tests for validating the behavior of Apex classes * and triggers. * * Unit tests are class methods that verify whether a particular piece * of code is working properly. Unit test methods take no arguments, * commit no data to the database, and are flagged with the testMethod * keyword in the method definition. * * All test methods in an organization are executed whenever Apex code is deployed * to a production organization to confirm correctness, ensure code * coverage, and prevent regressions. All Apex classes are * required to have at least 75% code coverage in order to be deployed * to a production organization. In addition, all triggers must have some code coverage. * * The @isTest class annotation indicates this class only contains test * methods. Classes defined with the @isTest annotation do not count against * the organization size limit for all Apex scripts. * * See the Apex Language Reference for more information about Testing and Code Coverage. */ @isTest(SeeAllData=true) private class testtest { static testMethod void myUnitTest() { // TO DO: implement unit test Date now = date.today(); integer day = now.day(); // CREATE ACCOUNT Account newAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account', Phone='817-999-9999' ); insert newAccount; // CREATE CONTACT Contact newContact = new Contact(LastName = 'Test Contact', AccountId = newAccount.Id ); insert newContact; // CREATE OPPORTUNITY Opportunity newOpp = new Opportunity(Name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = System.today(), AccountId = newAccount.Id, Contact_Name__c = newContact.Id, StageName = 'Initial Interview' ); insert newOpp; // GET STANDARD PRICEBOOK Pricebook2 standardPb = [select id, name, isActive from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true limit 1]; // CREATE CUSTOM PRICEBOOK Pricebook2 pbk1 = new Pricebook2 (Name='Test Pricebook Entry 1',Description='Test Pricebook Entry 1', isActive=true); insert pbk1; // CREATE PRODUCT Product2 prd1 = new Product2 (Name='Test Product Entry 1',Description='Test Product Entry 1',productCode = 'ABC', isActive = true, Pricing_Basis__c = 'Annual' ); insert prd1; // CREATE PRICEBOOKENTRY PricebookEntry pbe1 = new PricebookEntry (Product2ID=prd1.id,Pricebook2ID=standardPb.id,UnitPrice=50, isActive=true); insert pbe1; // CREATE OPPORTUNITYPRODUCTS OpportunityLineItem newProdAnnual = new OpportunityLineItem (Billing_Period__c = 'Annual', OpportunityId = newOpp.Id, Service_Duration__c = 1, ServiceDate = now, End_Date__c = now, PricebookEntryId = pbe1.Id, No_Ordered__c = 1, UnitPrice = 50, Quantity = 1); insert newProdAnnual; //QUERY OpportunityLineItem a =[SELECT ID, Quantity, TotalPrice, Discount, UnitPrice, Billing_Amount__c, List_Price_Svc__c, List_Price_Bill__c, List_Price_Extd__c, Billing_Savings__c, Per_Item_Bill__c, Discount_Amount_Bill__c, Service_Savings__c, Per_Item_Svc__c, Discount_Amount_Svc__c, End_Date__c, ServiceDate from OpportunityLineItem WHERE ID =: newProdAnnual.Id ]; //VALIDATE DATA WAS UPDATED CORRECTLY //Annual System.assertEquals(a.Quantity, 1); System.assertEquals(a.TotalPrice, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount, 0); System.assertEquals(a.Billing_Amount__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Svc__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Bill__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Extd__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Billing_Savings__c, NULL); System.assertEquals(a.Per_Item_Bill__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c, 0.00); System.assertEquals(a.Service_Savings__c, NULL); System.assertEquals(a.Per_Item_Svc__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c, 0.00); System.assertEquals(a.End_Date__c, a.ServiceDate.addYears(1)); } }
- syric
- March 03, 2015
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Help increasing code coverage for controller
This is my controller:
public with sharing class CommentsController { private final Case cas; // public String MasterRecordId {get; set;} public List<Case_Comments__c> ChildRecords {get; set;} public Case MasterRecord {get; set;} //SET UP PAGE public CommentsController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { this.cas = (Case)stdController.getRecord(); MasterRecordId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); //CHECK FOR ID if(!String.isBlank(MasterRecordId)){ //GET PARENT MasterRecord = [ SELECT Id, CaseNumber FROM Case WHERE Id = :MasterRecordId ]; //GET CHILD RECORDS ChildRecords = [ SELECT Name, Id, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.Id, CreatedBy.Name, Time_Spent__c, Comment__c, ParentId__c FROM Case_Comments__c WHERE ParentId__c = :MasterRecordId order by CreatedDate desc ]; } } }
This is my test class:
@isTest public class testCommentsController { static testMethod void testFirstTest() { // CREATE ACCOUNT Account newAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account', Phone='817-999-9999'); insert newAccount; // CREATE CONTACT Contact newContact = new Contact(LastName = 'Test Contact', AccountId = newAccount.Id); insert newContact; // CREATE CASE Case newCase = new Case(Subject = 'Case Subject', Description = 'Case Description', ContactId = newContact.Id, AccountId = newAccount.Id); insert newCase; // CREATE CASE COMMENT Case_Comments__c newComment = new Case_Comments__c(ParentId__c = newCase.Id, Comment__c = 'Test Comment Body', Time_Spent__c = .5); insert newComment; ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(newCase); CommentsController cc = new CommentsController (sc); PageReference pageRef = Page.Comments; pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(newCase.Id)); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); } }
I can tell from the test coverage highlights that the case "MasterRecord" and the list "ChildRecords" from the controller are not covered. I assume that I would need to assert that MasterRecord = the case, and that ChildRecords ParentId__c = MasterRecord Id. I do not know how to do that. I do not know how to reference them in my test class or if that is right. Any help would be appreciated.
- syric
- August 14, 2014
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Trigger Help-- Exception: Too many script statements
I'm new and learning Apex. I'm having an issue with a trigger I wrote. It hits the script statements govenor and causes the error "System.LimitException: Too many script statements: 200001". It works with single updates. The error was caused when I tested it by updating 2,000 opportunity records and started after 937 were succesfully updated.
There are three revenue fields on Opportunity (Monthly, Prorated, Membership). When an opportunity is updated, the trigger searchs through its products and determines which field the revenue belongs to using the product description.
trigger Test2 on Opportunity (before insert, before update) { // CREATE PRODUCT LIST FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES List<OpportunityLineItem> prodList = [select ID, OpportunityId, Description, TotalPrice from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in: Trigger.new]; // DEFINE STRINGS USED TO DETERMINE TYPE OF PRODUCT String Prorated = 'Prorated'; String Membership = 'Membership'; // LOOP THROUGH OPPORTUNITIES, RESET 3 REVENUE FIELDS TO 0 for(Opportunity a : Trigger.new){ a.Prorated_Total__c = 0; a.Membership_Total__c = 0; a.Monthly_Total__c = 0; // LOOP THROUGH PRODUCT LIST TO GET REVENUE TYPE AND TOTAL FOR CURRENT OPPORTUNITY for(OpportunityLineItem b : prodList){ // MAKE SURE PRODUCTS BELONG TO CURRENT OPPORTUNITY if(a.Id == b.OpportunityId){ // DETERMINES PRODUCT TYPE FROM DESCRIPTION AND ADDS PRICE TO THE CORRESPONDING FIELD ON THE CURRENT OPPORTUNITY if(b.Description.contains(Prorated)){ a.Prorated_Total__c += b.TotalPrice; }else if(b.Description.contains (Membership)){ a.Membership_Total__c += b.TotalPrice; }else{ a.Monthly_Total__c += b.TotalPrice; } } } } }
After looking up the error, I'm sure the issue is with the nested loop. Everything else I tried failed and I'm struggling. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
- syric
- January 07, 2013
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Validation Rule Help - Fire when fields are anything but specific values.
I have a validation rule:
AND(OR(BillingCountry = "CAN", BillingCountry = "USA"), VLOOKUP( $ObjectType.Zip_Code__c.Fields.City__c , $ObjectType.Zip_Code__c.Fields.Name , BillingPostalCode) <> BillingCity)
I want it work when BillingCountry is anything besides CAN or USA. Is there a way to do this without doing BillingCountry = "" for every other country in the world?
I tried this and it did not work correctly:
AND(OR(NOT(BillingCountry = "CAN"), NOT(BillingCountry = "USA")), VLOOKUP( $ObjectType.Zip_Code__c.Fields.City__c , $ObjectType.Zip_Code__c.Fields.Name , BillingPostalCode) <> BillingCity)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
- syric
- December 11, 2012
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Trigger Bulkify Help - Hitting limits with SOQL query and For Loop.
I need help with a trigger I wrote. It works fine with one record updates but it hits the govenor limits when a batch is procesesd. I understand that it is because I have the SOQL query in a for loop which is causing the query to fire multiple times when a batch is processed. The issue is I am not sure how to write it where the Query is outside the loop and the trigger will still work and how to "Bulkify" the portion where I am updating BillingCity and BillingZip to handle the mutiple records in the query. I'm a beginner/learning and any help would be appreciated.
trigger triggerAccountCityState on Account (before insert, before update) {
for(Account acct:Trigger.new){
if(acct.BillingPostalCode != null && acct.BillingCountry != 'FOR'){
string zipcode = acct.BillingPostalCode;
string zipcity;
string zipstate;
List <Zip_Code__c> zipList = [select Name, City__c, State__c from Zip_Code__c where Name = :zipcode];
for(Zip_Code__c z : zipList){
zipcity = z.City__c;
zipstate = z.State__c;
acct.BillingCity = zipcity;
acct.BillingState = zipstate;
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {
if (Trigger.new[i].BillingCity == null){
Trigger.new[i].addError('The Zip Code you have entered is not valid.');
- syric
- October 04, 2012
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Apex Trigger - Trouble with saving an updated list
Hello, I am new to apex. I'm trying to make a trigger that updates the unit price on an opportunity's products marked with a specific discount when it is set to a certain stage. For testing purposes I have made a trigger that tries to update the marked prices anytime the opportunity is updated.
The problem I am running into is that I can't get the updated prices to save. I put debug statements in so I could see what was happening and everything looks ok to me. I have posted my trigger code and the debug log results below. Any help would be appreciated.
trigger DEVProrateTrigger on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
Date now = date.today();
integer day = now.day();
integer month = 30;
integer pricediv = month - day;
List<OpportunityLineItem> prodList = [select ID, OpportunityId, Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c, UnitPrice from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in: Trigger.new];
for(OpportunityLineItem a : prodList){
if(a.Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c == 'PI = Prorated Item'){
a.UnitPrice = (a.UnitPrice / pricediv);
Database.Saveresult[] results =Database.update(prodList);
#1 - 13:45:16.176 (176394000)|USER_DEBUG|[10]|DEBUG|(OpportunityLineItem:{Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c=PI = Prorated Item, OpportunityId=006W0000002VguoIAC, Id=00kW0000002zs2iIAA, UnitPrice=50.00}) -This statement shows the correct data was pulled.
#2 - 13:45:16.177 (177312000)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|DEBUG|(OpportunityLineItem:{Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c=PI = Prorated Item, OpportunityId=006W0000002VguoIAC, Id=00kW0000002zs2iIAA, UnitPrice=2.38095238095238095238095238095238}) -This statement shows that the unitprice in the list was updated from the loop.
#3 - 13:45:16.347 (347895000)|USER_DEBUG|[20]|DEBUG|(Database.SaveResult[getErrors=();getId=00kW0000002zs2iIAA;isSuccess=true;]) -This shows that the updated list with the updated price was saved to the database correctly.
- syric
- June 13, 2012
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Question about Approval.unlock() and unlocking records.
trigger triggerUnlock on Opportunity (after update) { Opportunity[] oList = [SELECT Id from Opportunity Where Id IN : Trigger.new and StageName = 'Signed and Submitted for Approval']; Approval.UnlockResult[] urList = Approval.unlock(oList, false); for(Approval.UnlockResult ur : urList) { if (ur.isSuccess()) { // Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed System.debug('Successfully unlocked opportunity with ID: ' + ur.getId()); } else { // Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : ur.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Opportunity fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); } } } }Using debug logs I can tell that it is unlocking the opportunity record when it is submitted for approval. But in the UI it still has the unlock button and the record is locked. So is the "Approval.unlock()" method used specifically to unlock the record only for apex uses? Does record lock itself again after all code has ran? Is there something I can do to keep the record unlocked so a user can still edit it? Thanks
- syric
- August 25, 2016
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Help with Trigger test failing - error System.NullPointerException
Error Message System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, triggerTest: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Argument cannot be null. Trigger.triggerTest: line 294, column 1: [] Stack Trace Class.testtest.myUnitTest: line 61, column 1If I'm understanding this correctly it says its failing when it tries to insert the opportunitylineitem because when the trigger tries to do "a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice);" and it thinks No_Ordered__c or ListPrice is NULL. I get this error whether or not I use a the test product or a real product already in the system that I know works fine when I test in the UI. Please tell me what I am doing wrong. Any help is appreciated. Here is the code for the trigger and the test. I trimmed down the test to test only one product.
trigger triggerTest on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) { decimal disc; decimal sub; decimal servamt; decimal billcalc; Integer quartercalc; Integer enddate; for(OpportunityLineItem a : Trigger.New){ a.Quantity = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.Service_Duration__c); sub = (a.Quantity * a.UnitPrice); if(a.Discount != NULL){ disc = (a.Discount * .01); a.TotalPrice = (sub - (sub * disc)); }else{ a.TotalPrice = sub; } servamt = (a.Quantity / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Service_Amount__c = (a.TotalPrice / servamt); if(a.PB__c == 'Weekly'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Weekly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 13; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 26; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 52; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Monthly' || a.PB__c == 'Monthly D'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Every Other Month'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 3; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 6; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 12; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Quarterly'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 4; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 3; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Annual'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 12; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Every Other Month'){ billcalc = 6; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 4; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'One Time' || a.PB__c == 'One Time D'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); } } } }
/** * This class contains unit tests for validating the behavior of Apex classes * and triggers. * * Unit tests are class methods that verify whether a particular piece * of code is working properly. Unit test methods take no arguments, * commit no data to the database, and are flagged with the testMethod * keyword in the method definition. * * All test methods in an organization are executed whenever Apex code is deployed * to a production organization to confirm correctness, ensure code * coverage, and prevent regressions. All Apex classes are * required to have at least 75% code coverage in order to be deployed * to a production organization. In addition, all triggers must have some code coverage. * * The @isTest class annotation indicates this class only contains test * methods. Classes defined with the @isTest annotation do not count against * the organization size limit for all Apex scripts. * * See the Apex Language Reference for more information about Testing and Code Coverage. */ @isTest(SeeAllData=true) private class testtest { static testMethod void myUnitTest() { // TO DO: implement unit test Date now = date.today(); integer day = now.day(); // CREATE ACCOUNT Account newAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account', Phone='817-999-9999' ); insert newAccount; // CREATE CONTACT Contact newContact = new Contact(LastName = 'Test Contact', AccountId = newAccount.Id ); insert newContact; // CREATE OPPORTUNITY Opportunity newOpp = new Opportunity(Name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = System.today(), AccountId = newAccount.Id, Contact_Name__c = newContact.Id, StageName = 'Initial Interview' ); insert newOpp; // GET STANDARD PRICEBOOK Pricebook2 standardPb = [select id, name, isActive from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true limit 1]; // CREATE CUSTOM PRICEBOOK Pricebook2 pbk1 = new Pricebook2 (Name='Test Pricebook Entry 1',Description='Test Pricebook Entry 1', isActive=true); insert pbk1; // CREATE PRODUCT Product2 prd1 = new Product2 (Name='Test Product Entry 1',Description='Test Product Entry 1',productCode = 'ABC', isActive = true, Pricing_Basis__c = 'Annual' ); insert prd1; // CREATE PRICEBOOKENTRY PricebookEntry pbe1 = new PricebookEntry (Product2ID=prd1.id,Pricebook2ID=standardPb.id,UnitPrice=50, isActive=true); insert pbe1; // CREATE OPPORTUNITYPRODUCTS OpportunityLineItem newProdAnnual = new OpportunityLineItem (Billing_Period__c = 'Annual', OpportunityId = newOpp.Id, Service_Duration__c = 1, ServiceDate = now, End_Date__c = now, PricebookEntryId = pbe1.Id, No_Ordered__c = 1, UnitPrice = 50, Quantity = 1); insert newProdAnnual; //QUERY OpportunityLineItem a =[SELECT ID, Quantity, TotalPrice, Discount, UnitPrice, Billing_Amount__c, List_Price_Svc__c, List_Price_Bill__c, List_Price_Extd__c, Billing_Savings__c, Per_Item_Bill__c, Discount_Amount_Bill__c, Service_Savings__c, Per_Item_Svc__c, Discount_Amount_Svc__c, End_Date__c, ServiceDate from OpportunityLineItem WHERE ID =: newProdAnnual.Id ]; //VALIDATE DATA WAS UPDATED CORRECTLY //Annual System.assertEquals(a.Quantity, 1); System.assertEquals(a.TotalPrice, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount, 0); System.assertEquals(a.Billing_Amount__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Svc__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Bill__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Extd__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Billing_Savings__c, NULL); System.assertEquals(a.Per_Item_Bill__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c, 0.00); System.assertEquals(a.Service_Savings__c, NULL); System.assertEquals(a.Per_Item_Svc__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c, 0.00); System.assertEquals(a.End_Date__c, a.ServiceDate.addYears(1)); } }
- syric
- March 03, 2015
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Help with Trigger test failing - error System.NullPointerException
Error Message System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, triggerTest: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Argument cannot be null. Trigger.triggerTest: line 294, column 1: [] Stack Trace Class.testtest.myUnitTest: line 61, column 1If I'm understanding this correctly it says its failing when it tries to insert the opportunitylineitem because when the trigger tries to do "a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice);" and it thinks No_Ordered__c or ListPrice is NULL. I get this error whether or not I use a the test product or a real product already in the system that I know works fine when I test in the UI. Please tell me what I am doing wrong. Any help is appreciated. Here is the code for the trigger and the test. I trimmed down the test to test only one product.
trigger triggerTest on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) { decimal disc; decimal sub; decimal servamt; decimal billcalc; Integer quartercalc; Integer enddate; for(OpportunityLineItem a : Trigger.New){ a.Quantity = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.Service_Duration__c); sub = (a.Quantity * a.UnitPrice); if(a.Discount != NULL){ disc = (a.Discount * .01); a.TotalPrice = (sub - (sub * disc)); }else{ a.TotalPrice = sub; } servamt = (a.Quantity / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Service_Amount__c = (a.TotalPrice / servamt); if(a.PB__c == 'Weekly'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Weekly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 13; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 26; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 52; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 7); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Monthly' || a.PB__c == 'Monthly D'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Every Other Month'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 3; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 6; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 12; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Quarterly'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 4; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 3; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 3); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addMonths(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'Annual'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Annual'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 12; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Every Other Month'){ billcalc = 6; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Quarterly'){ billcalc = 4; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); }else if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Semi-Annual'){ billcalc = 2; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice / billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c / billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addYears(enddate); } }else if(a.PB__c == 'One Time' || a.PB__c == 'One Time D'){ if(a.Billing_Period__c == 'Monthly'){ billcalc = 1; a.Billing_Amount__c = (a.Service_Amount__c * billcalc); a.List_Price_Svc__c = (a.No_Ordered__c * a.ListPrice); a.List_Price_Bill__c = (a.ListPrice * billcalc); a.List_Price_Extd__c = (a.List_Price_Svc__c * billcalc); a.Billing_Savings__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Extd__c); if(a.Billing_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Billing_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Bill__c = (a.Billing_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c = (a.List_Price_Bill__c - a.Per_Item_Bill__c); a.Service_Savings__c = (a.Service_Amount__c - a.List_Price_Svc__c); if(a.Service_Savings__c >= 0){ a.Service_Savings__c = NULL; } a.Per_Item_Svc__c = (a.Service_Amount__c / a.No_Ordered__c); a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c = (a.ListPrice - a.Per_Item_Svc__c); enddate = (a.Service_Duration__c.intValue() * 1); a.End_Date__c = a.ServiceDate.addDays(enddate); } } } }
/** * This class contains unit tests for validating the behavior of Apex classes * and triggers. * * Unit tests are class methods that verify whether a particular piece * of code is working properly. Unit test methods take no arguments, * commit no data to the database, and are flagged with the testMethod * keyword in the method definition. * * All test methods in an organization are executed whenever Apex code is deployed * to a production organization to confirm correctness, ensure code * coverage, and prevent regressions. All Apex classes are * required to have at least 75% code coverage in order to be deployed * to a production organization. In addition, all triggers must have some code coverage. * * The @isTest class annotation indicates this class only contains test * methods. Classes defined with the @isTest annotation do not count against * the organization size limit for all Apex scripts. * * See the Apex Language Reference for more information about Testing and Code Coverage. */ @isTest(SeeAllData=true) private class testtest { static testMethod void myUnitTest() { // TO DO: implement unit test Date now = date.today(); integer day = now.day(); // CREATE ACCOUNT Account newAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account', Phone='817-999-9999' ); insert newAccount; // CREATE CONTACT Contact newContact = new Contact(LastName = 'Test Contact', AccountId = newAccount.Id ); insert newContact; // CREATE OPPORTUNITY Opportunity newOpp = new Opportunity(Name = 'Test Opportunity', CloseDate = System.today(), AccountId = newAccount.Id, Contact_Name__c = newContact.Id, StageName = 'Initial Interview' ); insert newOpp; // GET STANDARD PRICEBOOK Pricebook2 standardPb = [select id, name, isActive from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true limit 1]; // CREATE CUSTOM PRICEBOOK Pricebook2 pbk1 = new Pricebook2 (Name='Test Pricebook Entry 1',Description='Test Pricebook Entry 1', isActive=true); insert pbk1; // CREATE PRODUCT Product2 prd1 = new Product2 (Name='Test Product Entry 1',Description='Test Product Entry 1',productCode = 'ABC', isActive = true, Pricing_Basis__c = 'Annual' ); insert prd1; // CREATE PRICEBOOKENTRY PricebookEntry pbe1 = new PricebookEntry (Product2ID=prd1.id,Pricebook2ID=standardPb.id,UnitPrice=50, isActive=true); insert pbe1; // CREATE OPPORTUNITYPRODUCTS OpportunityLineItem newProdAnnual = new OpportunityLineItem (Billing_Period__c = 'Annual', OpportunityId = newOpp.Id, Service_Duration__c = 1, ServiceDate = now, End_Date__c = now, PricebookEntryId = pbe1.Id, No_Ordered__c = 1, UnitPrice = 50, Quantity = 1); insert newProdAnnual; //QUERY OpportunityLineItem a =[SELECT ID, Quantity, TotalPrice, Discount, UnitPrice, Billing_Amount__c, List_Price_Svc__c, List_Price_Bill__c, List_Price_Extd__c, Billing_Savings__c, Per_Item_Bill__c, Discount_Amount_Bill__c, Service_Savings__c, Per_Item_Svc__c, Discount_Amount_Svc__c, End_Date__c, ServiceDate from OpportunityLineItem WHERE ID =: newProdAnnual.Id ]; //VALIDATE DATA WAS UPDATED CORRECTLY //Annual System.assertEquals(a.Quantity, 1); System.assertEquals(a.TotalPrice, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount, 0); System.assertEquals(a.Billing_Amount__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Svc__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Bill__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.List_Price_Extd__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Billing_Savings__c, NULL); System.assertEquals(a.Per_Item_Bill__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount_Amount_Bill__c, 0.00); System.assertEquals(a.Service_Savings__c, NULL); System.assertEquals(a.Per_Item_Svc__c, 50.00); System.assertEquals(a.Discount_Amount_Svc__c, 0.00); System.assertEquals(a.End_Date__c, a.ServiceDate.addYears(1)); } }
- syric
- March 03, 2015
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Help increasing code coverage for controller
This is my controller:
public with sharing class CommentsController { private final Case cas; // public String MasterRecordId {get; set;} public List<Case_Comments__c> ChildRecords {get; set;} public Case MasterRecord {get; set;} //SET UP PAGE public CommentsController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { this.cas = (Case)stdController.getRecord(); MasterRecordId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); //CHECK FOR ID if(!String.isBlank(MasterRecordId)){ //GET PARENT MasterRecord = [ SELECT Id, CaseNumber FROM Case WHERE Id = :MasterRecordId ]; //GET CHILD RECORDS ChildRecords = [ SELECT Name, Id, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.Id, CreatedBy.Name, Time_Spent__c, Comment__c, ParentId__c FROM Case_Comments__c WHERE ParentId__c = :MasterRecordId order by CreatedDate desc ]; } } }
This is my test class:
@isTest public class testCommentsController { static testMethod void testFirstTest() { // CREATE ACCOUNT Account newAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account', Phone='817-999-9999'); insert newAccount; // CREATE CONTACT Contact newContact = new Contact(LastName = 'Test Contact', AccountId = newAccount.Id); insert newContact; // CREATE CASE Case newCase = new Case(Subject = 'Case Subject', Description = 'Case Description', ContactId = newContact.Id, AccountId = newAccount.Id); insert newCase; // CREATE CASE COMMENT Case_Comments__c newComment = new Case_Comments__c(ParentId__c = newCase.Id, Comment__c = 'Test Comment Body', Time_Spent__c = .5); insert newComment; ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(newCase); CommentsController cc = new CommentsController (sc); PageReference pageRef = Page.Comments; pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(newCase.Id)); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); } }
I can tell from the test coverage highlights that the case "MasterRecord" and the list "ChildRecords" from the controller are not covered. I assume that I would need to assert that MasterRecord = the case, and that ChildRecords ParentId__c = MasterRecord Id. I do not know how to do that. I do not know how to reference them in my test class or if that is right. Any help would be appreciated.
- syric
- August 14, 2014
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Trigger Help-- Exception: Too many script statements
I'm new and learning Apex. I'm having an issue with a trigger I wrote. It hits the script statements govenor and causes the error "System.LimitException: Too many script statements: 200001". It works with single updates. The error was caused when I tested it by updating 2,000 opportunity records and started after 937 were succesfully updated.
There are three revenue fields on Opportunity (Monthly, Prorated, Membership). When an opportunity is updated, the trigger searchs through its products and determines which field the revenue belongs to using the product description.
trigger Test2 on Opportunity (before insert, before update) { // CREATE PRODUCT LIST FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES List<OpportunityLineItem> prodList = [select ID, OpportunityId, Description, TotalPrice from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in: Trigger.new]; // DEFINE STRINGS USED TO DETERMINE TYPE OF PRODUCT String Prorated = 'Prorated'; String Membership = 'Membership'; // LOOP THROUGH OPPORTUNITIES, RESET 3 REVENUE FIELDS TO 0 for(Opportunity a : Trigger.new){ a.Prorated_Total__c = 0; a.Membership_Total__c = 0; a.Monthly_Total__c = 0; // LOOP THROUGH PRODUCT LIST TO GET REVENUE TYPE AND TOTAL FOR CURRENT OPPORTUNITY for(OpportunityLineItem b : prodList){ // MAKE SURE PRODUCTS BELONG TO CURRENT OPPORTUNITY if(a.Id == b.OpportunityId){ // DETERMINES PRODUCT TYPE FROM DESCRIPTION AND ADDS PRICE TO THE CORRESPONDING FIELD ON THE CURRENT OPPORTUNITY if(b.Description.contains(Prorated)){ a.Prorated_Total__c += b.TotalPrice; }else if(b.Description.contains (Membership)){ a.Membership_Total__c += b.TotalPrice; }else{ a.Monthly_Total__c += b.TotalPrice; } } } } }
After looking up the error, I'm sure the issue is with the nested loop. Everything else I tried failed and I'm struggling. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
- syric
- January 07, 2013
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Trigger Bulkify Help - Hitting limits with SOQL query and For Loop.
I need help with a trigger I wrote. It works fine with one record updates but it hits the govenor limits when a batch is procesesd. I understand that it is because I have the SOQL query in a for loop which is causing the query to fire multiple times when a batch is processed. The issue is I am not sure how to write it where the Query is outside the loop and the trigger will still work and how to "Bulkify" the portion where I am updating BillingCity and BillingZip to handle the mutiple records in the query. I'm a beginner/learning and any help would be appreciated.
trigger triggerAccountCityState on Account (before insert, before update) {
for(Account acct:Trigger.new){
if(acct.BillingPostalCode != null && acct.BillingCountry != 'FOR'){
string zipcode = acct.BillingPostalCode;
string zipcity;
string zipstate;
List <Zip_Code__c> zipList = [select Name, City__c, State__c from Zip_Code__c where Name = :zipcode];
for(Zip_Code__c z : zipList){
zipcity = z.City__c;
zipstate = z.State__c;
acct.BillingCity = zipcity;
acct.BillingState = zipstate;
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {
if (Trigger.new[i].BillingCity == null){
Trigger.new[i].addError('The Zip Code you have entered is not valid.');
- syric
- October 04, 2012
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Apex Trigger - Trouble with saving an updated list
Hello, I am new to apex. I'm trying to make a trigger that updates the unit price on an opportunity's products marked with a specific discount when it is set to a certain stage. For testing purposes I have made a trigger that tries to update the marked prices anytime the opportunity is updated.
The problem I am running into is that I can't get the updated prices to save. I put debug statements in so I could see what was happening and everything looks ok to me. I have posted my trigger code and the debug log results below. Any help would be appreciated.
trigger DEVProrateTrigger on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
Date now = date.today();
integer day = now.day();
integer month = 30;
integer pricediv = month - day;
List<OpportunityLineItem> prodList = [select ID, OpportunityId, Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c, UnitPrice from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in: Trigger.new];
for(OpportunityLineItem a : prodList){
if(a.Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c == 'PI = Prorated Item'){
a.UnitPrice = (a.UnitPrice / pricediv);
Database.Saveresult[] results =Database.update(prodList);
#1 - 13:45:16.176 (176394000)|USER_DEBUG|[10]|DEBUG|(OpportunityLineItem:{Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c=PI = Prorated Item, OpportunityId=006W0000002VguoIAC, Id=00kW0000002zs2iIAA, UnitPrice=50.00}) -This statement shows the correct data was pulled.
#2 - 13:45:16.177 (177312000)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|DEBUG|(OpportunityLineItem:{Price_Adjustment_Reason_Code__c=PI = Prorated Item, OpportunityId=006W0000002VguoIAC, Id=00kW0000002zs2iIAA, UnitPrice=2.38095238095238095238095238095238}) -This statement shows that the unitprice in the list was updated from the loop.
#3 - 13:45:16.347 (347895000)|USER_DEBUG|[20]|DEBUG|(Database.SaveResult[getErrors=();getId=00kW0000002zs2iIAA;isSuccess=true;]) -This shows that the updated list with the updated price was saved to the database correctly.
- syric
- June 13, 2012
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