• Andrew S.ax1373
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I was using version .92, before my teammate installed beatbox 20.0 on another computer where we were going to work on our API further.

I think the demo.py code that even comes with 20.0 still calls:

svc = beatbox.Client()

From: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/beatbox/20.0

I had not read the above page as of yet, so I didn't see where you/they mentioned the two different calls:

        The original beatbox version of the client which returns xmltramp objects.
        Marshalls the returned objects into proper Python data types. e.g. integer fields return integers.

So, we were getting:

>>> svc = beatbox.Client
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Client'

I was thinking you might want to update the demo code in the 20. so that if we just run it, it won't cause run-time errors.


Also, it may catch some folks off-guard  to include the reset password call in the demo run... but I can only blame myself.


~ Andrew



I'm using beatbox to access Force API.  I connect fine.  For my companys enterprise account, most of beatboxes demo functions work fine.  But, I'm needing to modify the code to accomplish my objective of course.


sid = 00D7000000086I1!ARAAQKW7VAXR2utITdpPTpfz_5V0sUzxXkr0AeU3U5VBhAd4JIwwovCMiCz31n0aVJdMdXBs6DOL1E_2Lu0NTL9FtlwlEcH3
welcome Andrew Stanton

getServerTimestamp 2012-06-14T19:30:20.781Z


My objective is to be able to find the case records in a queue.  I'm guessing that first I need to get the ID for the Queue using query.  Then, use retrieve to get the specific fields I want.


    def query(self):
        print "\nquery"            
        qr = svc.query("select Id, Name from Account")

 Above is the demo code provided by beatbox.  I think that the string for the query controls what records we get.  I thought perhaps if I did the following I would get a list of the queues and their IDs.  However, the command did not work.


"select Id, Name from QueueSobject"


Python returned:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#32>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Python27\superfell-Beatbox-aaa0a4b\demo.py", line 48, in query
    qr = svc.query("select Id, Name from QueueSobject")
  File "C:\Python27\superfell-Beatbox-aaa0a4b\beatbox.py", line 68, in query
    return QueryRequest(self.__serverUrl, self.sessionId, self.batchSize, soql).post(self.__conn)
  File "C:\Python27\superfell-Beatbox-aaa0a4b\beatbox.py", line 307, in post
    raise SoapFaultError(faultCode, faultString)
SoapFaultError: 'INVALID_FIELD' "INVALID_FIELD: select Id, Name from QueueSobject ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:12 No such column 'Name' on entity 'QueueSobject'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."


Is it perhap Customer Portal users can't access this object? My research indicates customer portal users would be customers of my company who access case data through the portal we provide.  I am an employee, so I don't think it applies to me.


I will continue to sift through documentation to understand the API better, but any help would be appreciated.



~ Andrew S



I'm using beatbox to access Force API.  I connect fine.  For my companys enterprise account, most of beatboxes demo functions work fine.  But, I'm needing to modify the code to accomplish my objective of course.


sid = 00D7000000086I1!ARAAQKW7VAXR2utITdpPTpfz_5V0sUzxXkr0AeU3U5VBhAd4JIwwovCMiCz31n0aVJdMdXBs6DOL1E_2Lu0NTL9FtlwlEcH3
welcome Andrew Stanton

getServerTimestamp 2012-06-14T19:30:20.781Z


My objective is to be able to find the case records in a queue.  I'm guessing that first I need to get the ID for the Queue using query.  Then, use retrieve to get the specific fields I want.


    def query(self):
        print "\nquery"            
        qr = svc.query("select Id, Name from Account")

 Above is the demo code provided by beatbox.  I think that the string for the query controls what records we get.  I thought perhaps if I did the following I would get a list of the queues and their IDs.  However, the command did not work.


"select Id, Name from QueueSobject"


Python returned:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#32>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Python27\superfell-Beatbox-aaa0a4b\demo.py", line 48, in query
    qr = svc.query("select Id, Name from QueueSobject")
  File "C:\Python27\superfell-Beatbox-aaa0a4b\beatbox.py", line 68, in query
    return QueryRequest(self.__serverUrl, self.sessionId, self.batchSize, soql).post(self.__conn)
  File "C:\Python27\superfell-Beatbox-aaa0a4b\beatbox.py", line 307, in post
    raise SoapFaultError(faultCode, faultString)
SoapFaultError: 'INVALID_FIELD' "INVALID_FIELD: select Id, Name from QueueSobject ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:12 No such column 'Name' on entity 'QueueSobject'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."


Is it perhap Customer Portal users can't access this object? My research indicates customer portal users would be customers of my company who access case data through the portal we provide.  I am an employee, so I don't think it applies to me.


I will continue to sift through documentation to understand the API better, but any help would be appreciated.



~ Andrew S