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Apex Test case 40%
Can you please help me to cover for 75% .
public with sharing class Receive_Deliverables {
string tempDels{get; set;}
string[] deliArray;
public string DSId{get;set;}
public String confirmmsg{get;set;}
public List<Deliverable__c> lstdels;
boolean isUnreceive = false;
public string PrevPageUrl = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl();
public Receive_Deliverables() {
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public Receive_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
System.debug('Selected deliverables : '+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds'));
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds') != null){
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds');
deliArray = tempDels.split(',');
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
List<Deliverable__c> ConfirmedDels{get;set;}
Map<Id, Deliverable__c> InvoiceAmount;
List<Deliverable__c> UnreceiveLines{get;set;}
public string getDSId(){
return DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirmedDels() {
if(ConfirmedDels == null)
ConfirmedDels=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Invoice_Date__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Id IN : deliArray and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed' Or Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Completed')];
System.debug('Confirmed Deliverables: '+ConfirmedDels.size());
return ConfirmedDels ;
public List<Deliverable__c> getUnreceiveLines(){
if(UnreceiveLines == null )
UnreceiveLines=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Opportunity__c =:DSId and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') ];
return UnreceiveLines;
public Map<Id, Deliverable__c> getInvoiceAmount(){
if(InvoiceAmount == null){
InvoiceAmount = new Map<Id, Deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c del : getConfirmedDels()){
return InvoiceAmount ;
public void ReceiveDeliverable(){
if(ConfirmedDels.size() > 0 ){
Boolean IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = false;
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = new List<deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c deli : ConfirmedDels){
deli.Approval_Status__c = 'Deliverable Completed';
System.debug('Partial Amount: '+deli.Partial_Amount__c);
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c == 0){
deli.Partial_Amount__c = null;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c > deli.Deliverable_Amount__c){
IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = true;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c <> null ){
if(deli.Make_Partial_Payment__c == false){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Please check [Make Partial Payment?]field when you trying to do partail receive'));
List<Database.Saveresult> Dbresult;
Dbresult = Database.update(ConfirmedDels);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'You cannot receive deliverable morethan deliverable amount. Invoice Amount should be less than or equal to Deliverable amount.'));
for(Integer i =0;i< ConfirmedDels.size();i++){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
catch(Exception ex){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Unable to Submit the Record , please check the entry criteria.'));
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public void UnReceiveDeliverable(){
for(Deliverable__c del : UnreceiveLines){
if(del.IsLocked ){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c ='Not Completed';
del.Work_Approved_By__c= null;
del.Contractor_Invoice__c = null;
update UnreceiveLines;
if(UnreceiveLines.size() == 1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message( ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverable got Unreceived successfully, Please close the window'));
if(UnreceiveLines.size() >1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverables got Unreceived successfully , Please close the window'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
public PageReference goBack() {
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;//new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/apex/View_List_Of_Deliverables?id=' + id );
OppPage.getParameters().put('id', id);
return OppPage;
public PageReference RedirectToActualPage(){
PageReference OppPage_actual = new PageReference(PrevPageUrl);
return OppPage_actual;
public PageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/' + id );
return OppPage;
- mahe
- April 11, 2014
- Like
- 1
Help: Test case
I am trying to complete 75% test case for below apex calss but I only coverd 36%. Can you please anyone help on this.
public with sharing class Receive_Deliverables {
string tempDels{get; set;}
string[] deliArray;
public string DSId{get;set;}
public String confirmmsg{get;set;}
public List<Deliverable__c> lstdels;
boolean isUnreceive = false;
public string PrevPageUrl = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl();
// public Boolean refreshPage {get; set;}
public Receive_Deliverables() {
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public Receive_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
System.debug('Selected deliverables : '+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds'));
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds') != null){
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds');
deliArray = tempDels.split(',');
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
List<Deliverable__c> ConfirmedDels{get;set;}
Map<Id, Deliverable__c> InvoiceAmount;
List<Deliverable__c> UnreceiveLines{get;set;}
public string getDSId(){
return DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirmedDels() {
if(ConfirmedDels == null)
ConfirmedDels=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Invoice_Date__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Id IN : deliArray and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed' Or Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Completed')];
System.debug('Confirmed Deliverables: '+ConfirmedDels.size());
return ConfirmedDels ;
public List<Deliverable__c> getUnreceiveLines(){
if(UnreceiveLines == null )
UnreceiveLines=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Opportunity__c =:DSId and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') ];
return UnreceiveLines;
public Map<Id, Deliverable__c> getInvoiceAmount(){
if(InvoiceAmount == null){
InvoiceAmount = new Map<Id, Deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c del : getConfirmedDels()){
return InvoiceAmount ;
public void ReceiveDeliverable(){
if(ConfirmedDels.size() > 0 ){
Boolean IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = false;
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = new List<deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c deli : ConfirmedDels){
deli.Approval_Status__c = 'Deliverable Completed';
System.debug('Partial Amount: '+deli.Partial_Amount__c);
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c == 0){
deli.Partial_Amount__c = null;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c > deli.Deliverable_Amount__c){
IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = true;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c <> null ){
if(deli.Make_Partial_Payment__c == false){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Please check [Make Partial Payment?]field when you trying to do partail receive'));
List<Database.Saveresult> Dbresult;
Dbresult = Database.update(ConfirmedDels);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'You cannot receive deliverable morethan deliverable amount. Invoice Amount should be less than or equal to Deliverable amount.'));
for(Integer i =0;i< ConfirmedDels.size();i++){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
catch(Exception ex){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Unable to Submit the Record , please check the entry criteria.'));
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
//List<Deliverable__c> lstdels =getUnreceiveLines();
// if(ConfirmedDels.size() >1)
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully Received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Back to Step 1” button if you want to receive another deliverable.'));
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable. REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers).\n 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
//confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
// ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,ConfirmedDels.size() +' Deliverables got received successfully , Please close the window'));
// if(ConfirmedDels.size() == 1)
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully Received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Back to Step 1” button if you want to receive another deliverable.'));
// ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable. REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). \n 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public void UnReceiveDeliverable(){
for(Deliverable__c del : UnreceiveLines){
if(del.IsLocked ){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c ='Not Completed';
del.Work_Approved_By__c= null;
del.Contractor_Invoice__c = null;
update UnreceiveLines;
if(UnreceiveLines.size() == 1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message( ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverable got Unreceived successfully, Please close the window'));
if(UnreceiveLines.size() >1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverables got Unreceived successfully , Please close the window'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
//PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
// OppPage.getParameters().put('id', ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
// return OppPage;
public PageReference goBack() {
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;//new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/apex/View_List_Of_Deliverables?id=' + id );
OppPage.getParameters().put('id', id);
return OppPage;
public PageReference RedirectToActualPage(){
PageReference OppPage_actual = new PageReference(PrevPageUrl);
return OppPage_actual;
public PageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/' + id );
return OppPage;
- mahe
- April 10, 2014
- Like
- 1
Test case for trigger
string tempDels{get; set;}
string[] deliArray;
public string DSId{get;set;}
public String confirmmsg{get;set;}
public List<Deliverable__c> lstdels;
boolean isUnreceive = false;
public string PrevPageUrl = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl();
// public Boolean refreshPage {get; set;}
public Receive_Deliverables() {
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public Receive_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
System.debug('Selected deliverables : '+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds'));
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds') != null){
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds');
deliArray = tempDels.split(',');
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
List<Deliverable__c> ConfirmedDels{get;set;}
Map<Id, Deliverable__c> InvoiceAmount;
List<Deliverable__c> UnreceiveLines{get;set;}
public string getDSId(){
return DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirmedDels() {
if(ConfirmedDels == null)
ConfirmedDels=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Invoice_Date__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Id IN : deliArray and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed' Or Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Completed')];
System.debug('Confirmed Deliverables: '+ConfirmedDels.size());
return ConfirmedDels ;
public List<Deliverable__c> getUnreceiveLines(){
if(UnreceiveLines == null )
UnreceiveLines=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Opportunity__c =:DSId and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') ];
return UnreceiveLines;
public Map<Id, Deliverable__c> getInvoiceAmount(){
if(InvoiceAmount == null){
InvoiceAmount = new Map<Id, Deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c del : getConfirmedDels()){
return InvoiceAmount ;
public void ReceiveDeliverable(){
if(ConfirmedDels.size() > 0 ){
Boolean IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = false;
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = new List<deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c deli : ConfirmedDels){
deli.Approval_Status__c = 'Deliverable Completed';
System.debug('Partial Amount: '+deli.Partial_Amount__c);
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c == 0){
deli.Partial_Amount__c = null;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c > deli.Deliverable_Amount__c){
IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = true;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c <> null ){
if(deli.Make_Partial_Payment__c == false){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Please check [Make Partial Payment?]field when you trying to do partail receive'));
List<Database.Saveresult> Dbresult;
Dbresult = Database.update(ConfirmedDels);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'You cannot receive deliverable morethan deliverable amount. Invoice Amount should be less than or equal to Deliverable amount.'));
for(Integer i =0;i< ConfirmedDels.size();i++){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
catch(Exception ex){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Unable to Submit the Record , please check the entry criteria.'));
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
//List<Deliverable__c> lstdels =getUnreceiveLines();
// if(ConfirmedDels.size() >1)
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully Received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Back to Step 1” button if you want to receive another deliverable.'));
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable. REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers).\n 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
//confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
// ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,ConfirmedDels.size() +' Deliverables got received successfully , Please close the window'));
// if(ConfirmedDels.size() == 1)
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully Received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Back to Step 1” button if you want to receive another deliverable.'));
// ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable. REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). \n 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public void UnReceiveDeliverable(){
for(Deliverable__c del : UnreceiveLines){
if(del.IsLocked ){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c ='Not Completed';
del.Work_Approved_By__c= null;
del.Contractor_Invoice__c = null;
update UnreceiveLines;
if(UnreceiveLines.size() == 1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message( ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverable got Unreceived successfully, Please close the window'));
if(UnreceiveLines.size() >1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverables got Unreceived successfully , Please close the window'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
//PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
// OppPage.getParameters().put('id', ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
// return OppPage;
public PageReference goBack() {
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;//new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/apex/View_List_Of_Deliverables?id=' + id );
OppPage.getParameters().put('id', id);
return OppPage;
public PageReference RedirectToActualPage(){
PageReference OppPage_actual = new PageReference(PrevPageUrl);
return OppPage_actual;
public PageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/' + id );
return OppPage;
- mahe
- March 21, 2014
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- 0
member variable not visible for assignment
Hi , I was trying to fix below issue. can anyone help on this.
Save error: member variable not visible for assignment oppIds = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get( 'id');
publicString oppIds
if ( oppIds == null)
oppIds = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get( 'id');
- mahe
- December 16, 2013
- Like
- 0
Apex test case help
Hi, I was trying to write test case for below class and I was covered 40% only.
Can you please help me to cover for 75% . thanks.
withsharingclassConfirm_UnreceiveDeliverables {
Deliverable__c> Confirm_unReceiveDels{get; set;}
string[] deliverableArray;
string tempDels{
get; set;}
public string oppId='';
publicConfirm_UnreceiveDeliverables() {
oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
if(tempDels <> null){
deliverableArray = tempDels.split(
publicConfirm_UnreceiveDeliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
if(tempDels <> null){
deliverableArray = tempDels.split(
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirm_unReceiveDels() {
if(Confirm_unReceiveDels == null) Confirm_unReceiveDels = [select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c fromDeliverable__cwhere Id IN:deliverableArray ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment')returnConfirm_unReceiveDels ;
try{ List<Deliverable__c> unReceivedDels = new List<Deliverable__c>();
Integer[] k =
Integer j = 0;
for(Deliverable__cdel : Confirm_unReceiveDels){
del.Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c =
// create the new approval request to submitApproval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = newApproval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
'Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processingApproval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
'Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c =
'Not Completed';
del.Contractor_Invoice__c =
del.Invoice_Date__c =
del.Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c =
//for(Integer i : k){//if(unReceiveDels[i].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c){//unReceiveDels.remove(i);//} //}if(unReceivedDels.size() >1)
new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully UnReceived in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “UnReceive another deliverable” button if you want to unreceive another deliverable.'));
if(unReceivedDels.size() == 1)
new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully UnReceived in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “UnReceive another deliverable” button if you want to unreceive another deliverable.'));
catch(Exception e){
new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
PageReference goBack()
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
PageReference OppPage = Page.Un_Receive_Deliverables;
////PageReference('https://cs3.salesforce.com/apex/Un_Receive_Deliverables?&id=' + oppId);
'id', id);
publicPageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
PageReference OppPage =
new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/'+ oppId);
- mahe
- December 13, 2013
- Like
- 0
Code Coverage: 77%
when I click the 'Estimate your organization's code coverage'.
I got the below message .
Code Coverage: 77%Your overall code coverage is currently 77%. To deploy code to production, you must have at least 75%.
But I am not able to deploy code in production. could you please help me anyone on this.
- mahe
- October 27, 2013
- Like
- 0
Test case
Can you please help me to write teset case for below class. Thanks
withsharingclassListOf_Deliverables {
public string oppId='';
publicListOf_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
publicListOf_Deliverables() {
oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
publicvoidsetOppId(string DSId){
oppId = DSId;
string UrltoOpen {
Deliverable__c> dels{get; set;}
Deliverable__c> unReceiveDels{get; set;}
publicstring getUrltoOpen(){
if(UrltoOpen == null || UrltoOpen == ''){
UrltoOpen =
'httpss://cs13.salesforce.com/apex/Receive_Deliverables?scontrolCaching=1&id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '&DeliverablesIds=';
public List<Deliverable__c> getDels() {
if(dels == null) dels = [select id,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c fromDeliverable__cwhere ((Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed') and Extracted__c =: true) and Update__c =: 'U'and PO_Number__c <> nulland Opportunity__c =:oppId ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment')returndels ;
public List<Deliverable__c> getUnReceiveDels() {
if(unReceiveDels == null) unReceiveDels = [select id,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c fromDeliverable__cwhere (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment'and (Extracted__c =: trueOR Make_Partial_Payment__c =: true )) and Update__c =: 'U'and PO_Number__c <> nulland Opportunity__c =:oppId ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment')returnunReceiveDels ;
publicPageReference ConfirmAction(){
string Del_Id=
if(dels != null){
for(integer count=0; count< dels.size();count++)
if(dels[count].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c == true)
if(Del_Id != null){
Del_Id = Del_Id + dels[
count].Id +',';
Del_Id = dels[
count].Id +',';
if(unReceiveDels != null){
for(integer count=0; count< unReceiveDels.size();count++)
if(unReceiveDels[count].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c == true)
if(Del_Id != null){
Del_Id = Del_Id + unReceiveDels[
count].Id +',';
Del_Id = unReceiveDels[
count].Id +',';
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
UrltoOpen = UrltoOpen+Del_Id;
PageReference OppPage =
new PageReference('/apex/Receive_Deliverables?scontrolCaching=1&id=' + id + '&DeliverablesIds='+Del_Id);
publicPageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
PageReference OppPage =
new PageReference('https://cs3.salesforce.com/'+ oppId);
- mahe
- September 21, 2012
- Like
- 0
Test case
Hi I am trying to write test case for below class file. CAn any one help me ?
public with sharing class ListOf_Deliverables { public string oppId=''; public ListOf_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) { oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); //getDels(); } public ListOf_Deliverables() { oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); getDels(); } public void setOppId(string DSId){ oppId = DSId; } string UrltoOpen {get;set;} List<Deliverable__c> dels{get; set;} List<Deliverable__c> unReceiveDels{get; set;} public string getUrltoOpen(){ if(UrltoOpen == null || UrltoOpen == ''){ UrltoOpen = 'httpss://cs13.salesforce.com/apex/Receive_Deliverables?scontrolCaching=1&id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '&DeliverablesIds='; } return UrltoOpen; } public List<Deliverable__c> getDels() { if(dels == null) dels = [select id,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c from Deliverable__c where ((Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed') and Extracted__c =: true) and Update__c =: 'U' and PO_Number__c <> null and Opportunity__c =:oppId ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') return dels ; } public List<Deliverable__c> getUnReceiveDels() { if(unReceiveDels == null) unReceiveDels = [select id,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c from Deliverable__c where (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment' and (Extracted__c =: true OR Make_Partial_Payment__c =: true )) and Update__c =: 'U' and PO_Number__c <> null and Opportunity__c =:oppId ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') return unReceiveDels ; } public PageReference ConfirmAction(){ string Del_Id=null; if(dels != null){ for(integer count=0; count< dels.size();count++) { if(dels[count].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c == true) { if(Del_Id != null){ Del_Id = Del_Id + dels[count].Id +','; } else{ Del_Id = dels[count].Id +','; } } } } if(unReceiveDels != null){ for(integer count=0; count< unReceiveDels.size();count++) { if(unReceiveDels[count].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c == true) { if(Del_Id != null){ Del_Id = Del_Id + unReceiveDels[count].Id +','; } else{ Del_Id = unReceiveDels[count].Id +','; } } } } string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); UrltoOpen = UrltoOpen+Del_Id; PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/apex/Receive_Deliverables?scontrolCaching=1&id=' + id + '&DeliverablesIds='+Del_Id); OppPage.setRedirect(true); return OppPage; } public PageReference CancelAction(){ string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('https://cs3.salesforce.com/' + oppId); OppPage.setRedirect(true); return OppPage; }}
- mahe
- September 21, 2012
- Like
- 0
Javascript issues in S-control
I wanted to hide custom button in standard objects detail page. So I did by implementing s-control and I made JavaScript code changes for it. Actually I can hide the button when the page first time loading but I count hide it when the refresh same page and its getting error out as following: 'window.parent.document.getElementsByName(...).0.style' is null or not an object.
var e=window.parent.document.getElementsByName("unreceive_deliverable1");
alert(" The count of button " + e.length);
- unreceive_deliverable1 - is the button name
- I am getting count value is 1 when the page first time loading but getting 0 if I refresh the same page.
I am not sure where it is missing. Please let me know if you have any question?
I appreciate if you could help me on this.
- mahe
- August 30, 2012
- Like
- 0
- mahe
- July 18, 2012
- Like
- 0
Test CAse help
Hi, How to write test case for below class?
Adavance thanks,
public with sharing class Search_AESignatory
public List results{get;set;} // search results
public string searchString{get;set;} // search keyword
public Search_AESignatory()
// get the current search
string searchString = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('lksrch');
// performs the keyword search
public PageReference search()
{ runSearch();
return null; } // prepare the query and issue the search command
private void runSearch()
// TODO prepare query string for complex serarches & prevent injections
results = performSearch(searchString);
// run the search and return the records found.
private List performSearch(string searchString)
String soql;
List lstAgreements = [Select Id,echosign_dev1__Opportunity__c from echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c where Id =: System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('AgreementId')];
Opportunity opp = [Select Legal_Entity__c,Amount from Opportunity where Id =: lstAgreements[0].echosign_dev1__Opportunity__c limit 1];
if(opp.Amount >= 50000)
soql = 'select id, name,Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c,Signature_Authority__c from AE_Signatories__c where Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c LIKE \'%'+ opp.Legal_Entity__c + '%\' AND Signature_Authority__c =\'VP+ (above USD 50K)\''; if(searchString != '' && searchString != null) soql = soql + ' And (name LIKE \'%' + searchString +'%\' Or Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c Like \'%' + searchString +'%\') ';
soql = 'select id, name,Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c,Signature_Authority__c from AE_Signatories__c where Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c LIKE \'%'+ opp.Legal_Entity__c + '%\' '; if(searchString != '' && searchString != null) soql = soql + ' And (name LIKE \'%' + searchString +'%\' Or Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c Like \'%' + searchString +'%\') ';
soql = soql + 'Order by name ASC';
return database.query(soql);
// used by the visualforce page to send the link to the right dom element
public string getFormTag()
return System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('frm');
// used by the visualforce page to send the link to the right dom element for the text box
public string getTextBox()
return System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('txt');
- mahe
- July 18, 2012
- Like
- 0
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0065000000JfoKmAAJ; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, AutoReceiveDeliverable: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, ProjectDeliverableTrigger: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: System.Exception: Too many SOQL queries: 101
Class.DeliverableProject.ProjectApprovers: line 52, column 1
Trigger.ProjectDeliverableTrigger: line 35, column 1: []
Trigger.AutoReceiveDeliverable: line 59, column 1
Class.SyncPONumberOnDealSheet.updateDealSheetPONumber_list: line 38, column 1
- mahe
- June 15, 2012
- Like
- 0
- mahe
- June 15, 2012
- Like
- 0
Apex Test case 40%
Can you please help me to cover for 75% .
public with sharing class Receive_Deliverables {
string tempDels{get; set;}
string[] deliArray;
public string DSId{get;set;}
public String confirmmsg{get;set;}
public List<Deliverable__c> lstdels;
boolean isUnreceive = false;
public string PrevPageUrl = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl();
public Receive_Deliverables() {
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public Receive_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
System.debug('Selected deliverables : '+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds'));
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds') != null){
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds');
deliArray = tempDels.split(',');
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
List<Deliverable__c> ConfirmedDels{get;set;}
Map<Id, Deliverable__c> InvoiceAmount;
List<Deliverable__c> UnreceiveLines{get;set;}
public string getDSId(){
return DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirmedDels() {
if(ConfirmedDels == null)
ConfirmedDels=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Invoice_Date__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Id IN : deliArray and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed' Or Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Completed')];
System.debug('Confirmed Deliverables: '+ConfirmedDels.size());
return ConfirmedDels ;
public List<Deliverable__c> getUnreceiveLines(){
if(UnreceiveLines == null )
UnreceiveLines=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Opportunity__c =:DSId and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') ];
return UnreceiveLines;
public Map<Id, Deliverable__c> getInvoiceAmount(){
if(InvoiceAmount == null){
InvoiceAmount = new Map<Id, Deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c del : getConfirmedDels()){
return InvoiceAmount ;
public void ReceiveDeliverable(){
if(ConfirmedDels.size() > 0 ){
Boolean IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = false;
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = new List<deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c deli : ConfirmedDels){
deli.Approval_Status__c = 'Deliverable Completed';
System.debug('Partial Amount: '+deli.Partial_Amount__c);
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c == 0){
deli.Partial_Amount__c = null;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c > deli.Deliverable_Amount__c){
IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = true;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c <> null ){
if(deli.Make_Partial_Payment__c == false){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Please check [Make Partial Payment?]field when you trying to do partail receive'));
List<Database.Saveresult> Dbresult;
Dbresult = Database.update(ConfirmedDels);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'You cannot receive deliverable morethan deliverable amount. Invoice Amount should be less than or equal to Deliverable amount.'));
for(Integer i =0;i< ConfirmedDels.size();i++){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
catch(Exception ex){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Unable to Submit the Record , please check the entry criteria.'));
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public void UnReceiveDeliverable(){
for(Deliverable__c del : UnreceiveLines){
if(del.IsLocked ){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c ='Not Completed';
del.Work_Approved_By__c= null;
del.Contractor_Invoice__c = null;
update UnreceiveLines;
if(UnreceiveLines.size() == 1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message( ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverable got Unreceived successfully, Please close the window'));
if(UnreceiveLines.size() >1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverables got Unreceived successfully , Please close the window'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
public PageReference goBack() {
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;//new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/apex/View_List_Of_Deliverables?id=' + id );
OppPage.getParameters().put('id', id);
return OppPage;
public PageReference RedirectToActualPage(){
PageReference OppPage_actual = new PageReference(PrevPageUrl);
return OppPage_actual;
public PageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/' + id );
return OppPage;
- mahe
- April 11, 2014
- Like
- 1
Help: Test case
I am trying to complete 75% test case for below apex calss but I only coverd 36%. Can you please anyone help on this.
public with sharing class Receive_Deliverables {
string tempDels{get; set;}
string[] deliArray;
public string DSId{get;set;}
public String confirmmsg{get;set;}
public List<Deliverable__c> lstdels;
boolean isUnreceive = false;
public string PrevPageUrl = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl();
// public Boolean refreshPage {get; set;}
public Receive_Deliverables() {
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public Receive_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
System.debug('Selected deliverables : '+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds'));
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds') != null){
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds');
deliArray = tempDels.split(',');
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
List<Deliverable__c> ConfirmedDels{get;set;}
Map<Id, Deliverable__c> InvoiceAmount;
List<Deliverable__c> UnreceiveLines{get;set;}
public string getDSId(){
return DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirmedDels() {
if(ConfirmedDels == null)
ConfirmedDels=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Invoice_Date__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Id IN : deliArray and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed' Or Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Completed')];
System.debug('Confirmed Deliverables: '+ConfirmedDels.size());
return ConfirmedDels ;
public List<Deliverable__c> getUnreceiveLines(){
if(UnreceiveLines == null )
UnreceiveLines=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Opportunity__c =:DSId and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') ];
return UnreceiveLines;
public Map<Id, Deliverable__c> getInvoiceAmount(){
if(InvoiceAmount == null){
InvoiceAmount = new Map<Id, Deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c del : getConfirmedDels()){
return InvoiceAmount ;
public void ReceiveDeliverable(){
if(ConfirmedDels.size() > 0 ){
Boolean IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = false;
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = new List<deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c deli : ConfirmedDels){
deli.Approval_Status__c = 'Deliverable Completed';
System.debug('Partial Amount: '+deli.Partial_Amount__c);
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c == 0){
deli.Partial_Amount__c = null;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c > deli.Deliverable_Amount__c){
IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = true;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c <> null ){
if(deli.Make_Partial_Payment__c == false){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Please check [Make Partial Payment?]field when you trying to do partail receive'));
List<Database.Saveresult> Dbresult;
Dbresult = Database.update(ConfirmedDels);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'You cannot receive deliverable morethan deliverable amount. Invoice Amount should be less than or equal to Deliverable amount.'));
for(Integer i =0;i< ConfirmedDels.size();i++){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
catch(Exception ex){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Unable to Submit the Record , please check the entry criteria.'));
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
//List<Deliverable__c> lstdels =getUnreceiveLines();
// if(ConfirmedDels.size() >1)
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully Received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Back to Step 1” button if you want to receive another deliverable.'));
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable. REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers).\n 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
//confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
// ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,ConfirmedDels.size() +' Deliverables got received successfully , Please close the window'));
// if(ConfirmedDels.size() == 1)
//ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully Received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Back to Step 1” button if you want to receive another deliverable.'));
// ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable. REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). \n 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public void UnReceiveDeliverable(){
for(Deliverable__c del : UnreceiveLines){
if(del.IsLocked ){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c ='Not Completed';
del.Work_Approved_By__c= null;
del.Contractor_Invoice__c = null;
update UnreceiveLines;
if(UnreceiveLines.size() == 1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message( ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverable got Unreceived successfully, Please close the window'));
if(UnreceiveLines.size() >1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverables got Unreceived successfully , Please close the window'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
//PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
// OppPage.getParameters().put('id', ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
// return OppPage;
public PageReference goBack() {
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;//new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/apex/View_List_Of_Deliverables?id=' + id );
OppPage.getParameters().put('id', id);
return OppPage;
public PageReference RedirectToActualPage(){
PageReference OppPage_actual = new PageReference(PrevPageUrl);
return OppPage_actual;
public PageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/' + id );
return OppPage;
- mahe
- April 10, 2014
- Like
- 1
Apex Test case 40%
Can you please help me to cover for 75% .
public with sharing class Receive_Deliverables {
string tempDels{get; set;}
string[] deliArray;
public string DSId{get;set;}
public String confirmmsg{get;set;}
public List<Deliverable__c> lstdels;
boolean isUnreceive = false;
public string PrevPageUrl = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl();
public Receive_Deliverables() {
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public Receive_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
System.debug('Selected deliverables : '+ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds'));
if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds') != null){
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DeliverablesIds');
deliArray = tempDels.split(',');
DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
List<Deliverable__c> ConfirmedDels{get;set;}
Map<Id, Deliverable__c> InvoiceAmount;
List<Deliverable__c> UnreceiveLines{get;set;}
public string getDSId(){
return DSId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirmedDels() {
if(ConfirmedDels == null)
ConfirmedDels=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Invoice_Date__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Id IN : deliArray and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed' Or Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Completed')];
System.debug('Confirmed Deliverables: '+ConfirmedDels.size());
return ConfirmedDels ;
public List<Deliverable__c> getUnreceiveLines(){
if(UnreceiveLines == null )
UnreceiveLines=[select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,PO_Number__c from Deliverable__c where Opportunity__c =:DSId and (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') ];
return UnreceiveLines;
public Map<Id, Deliverable__c> getInvoiceAmount(){
if(InvoiceAmount == null){
InvoiceAmount = new Map<Id, Deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c del : getConfirmedDels()){
return InvoiceAmount ;
public void ReceiveDeliverable(){
if(ConfirmedDels.size() > 0 ){
Boolean IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = false;
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = new List<deliverable__c>();
for(Deliverable__c deli : ConfirmedDels){
deli.Approval_Status__c = 'Deliverable Completed';
System.debug('Partial Amount: '+deli.Partial_Amount__c);
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c == 0){
deli.Partial_Amount__c = null;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c > deli.Deliverable_Amount__c){
IsInvoiceAmountGreaterthanDeliAmount = true;
if(deli.Partial_Amount__c <> null ){
if(deli.Make_Partial_Payment__c == false){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Please check [Make Partial Payment?]field when you trying to do partail receive'));
List<Database.Saveresult> Dbresult;
Dbresult = Database.update(ConfirmedDels);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'You cannot receive deliverable morethan deliverable amount. Invoice Amount should be less than or equal to Deliverable amount.'));
for(Integer i =0;i< ConfirmedDels.size();i++){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for approval. Please approve.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
catch(Exception ex){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Unable to Submit the Record , please check the entry criteria.'));
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;
confirmmsg='You have successfully received in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “Receive another Deliverable” button if you want to receive another deliverable.';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'REMINDER: 1.When contractor sends you the invoice, label invoice with PO number '+ConfirmedDels[0].PO_Number__c+' and send to AP. Payment will not be released unless invoice is validated by AP. (Except ERS Suppliers). 2. Upload a sofy copy of the invoice to the Deliverable record (click 5 digits deliverable number auto to go into the deliverable record) for archiving purpose. Scroll down to Notes & Attachements section and click Attach File.'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
if(UnreceiveLines == null || UnreceiveLines.size() == 0){
UnreceiveLines = getUnreceiveLines();
public void UnReceiveDeliverable(){
for(Deliverable__c del : UnreceiveLines){
if(del.IsLocked ){
// create the new approval request to submit
Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
req.setComments('Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processing
Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
System.debug('Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c ='Not Completed';
del.Work_Approved_By__c= null;
del.Contractor_Invoice__c = null;
update UnreceiveLines;
if(UnreceiveLines.size() == 1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message( ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverable got Unreceived successfully, Please close the window'));
if(UnreceiveLines.size() >1)
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,UnreceiveLines.size() +' Deliverables got Unreceived successfully , Please close the window'));
catch(Exception e){
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
public PageReference goBack() {
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = Page.View_List_Of_Deliverables;//new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/apex/View_List_Of_Deliverables?id=' + id );
OppPage.getParameters().put('id', id);
return OppPage;
public PageReference RedirectToActualPage(){
PageReference OppPage_actual = new PageReference(PrevPageUrl);
return OppPage_actual;
public PageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/' + id );
return OppPage;
- mahe
- April 11, 2014
- Like
- 1
Apex test case help
Hi, I was trying to write test case for below class and I was covered 40% only.
Can you please help me to cover for 75% . thanks.
withsharingclassConfirm_UnreceiveDeliverables {
Deliverable__c> Confirm_unReceiveDels{get; set;}
string[] deliverableArray;
string tempDels{
get; set;}
public string oppId='';
publicConfirm_UnreceiveDeliverables() {
oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
if(tempDels <> null){
deliverableArray = tempDels.split(
publicConfirm_UnreceiveDeliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
tempDels= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
if(tempDels <> null){
deliverableArray = tempDels.split(
public List<Deliverable__c> getConfirm_unReceiveDels() {
if(Confirm_unReceiveDels == null) Confirm_unReceiveDels = [select id,IsLocked,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c fromDeliverable__cwhere Id IN:deliverableArray ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment')returnConfirm_unReceiveDels ;
try{ List<Deliverable__c> unReceivedDels = new List<Deliverable__c>();
Integer[] k =
Integer j = 0;
for(Deliverable__cdel : Confirm_unReceiveDels){
del.Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c =
// create the new approval request to submitApproval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = newApproval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
'Submitted for Unreceive deliverable/PO line.');
// submit the approval request for processingApproval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req);
// display if the reqeust was successful
'Submitted for approval successfully: '+result.isSuccess());
del.Approval_Status__c =
'Not Completed';
del.Contractor_Invoice__c =
del.Invoice_Date__c =
del.Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c =
//for(Integer i : k){//if(unReceiveDels[i].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c){//unReceiveDels.remove(i);//} //}if(unReceivedDels.size() >1)
new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully UnReceived in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “UnReceive another deliverable” button if you want to unreceive another deliverable.'));
if(unReceivedDels.size() == 1)
new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.confirm,'You have successfully UnReceived in Salesforce. Please click “Close” button to close this window or click “UnReceive another deliverable” button if you want to unreceive another deliverable.'));
catch(Exception e){
new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR ,'Following error occured while Receiving '+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')+ e));
PageReference goBack()
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
PageReference OppPage = Page.Un_Receive_Deliverables;
////PageReference('https://cs3.salesforce.com/apex/Un_Receive_Deliverables?&id=' + oppId);
'id', id);
publicPageReference CancelAction(){
string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().
PageReference OppPage =
new PageReference('https://na3.salesforce.com/'+ oppId);
- mahe
- December 13, 2013
- Like
- 0
Salesforce 401 certification
Hi all,
I'm a Salesforce developer with 2 years of experience. Recently i've decided to give my certification. I have found that even after 2 years of experience i find many questions in dumps difficult to answer.
Is creating the Recruitment app essential to crack the exam? I also found I need to memorise a lot of numerical data related to salesforce Limits.
My friend suggested that going through all of the dumps available is enough to crack the exam. Is it enough if i go through all the available dumps and learn the ones i couldnt answer ?
Please let me know as i'm deciding to give the exam by next week.
- SFDCJerk
- November 07, 2012
- Like
- 0
Test case
Hi I am trying to write test case for below class file. CAn any one help me ?
public with sharing class ListOf_Deliverables { public string oppId=''; public ListOf_Deliverables(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) { oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); //getDels(); } public ListOf_Deliverables() { oppId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); getDels(); } public void setOppId(string DSId){ oppId = DSId; } string UrltoOpen {get;set;} List<Deliverable__c> dels{get; set;} List<Deliverable__c> unReceiveDels{get; set;} public string getUrltoOpen(){ if(UrltoOpen == null || UrltoOpen == ''){ UrltoOpen = 'httpss://cs13.salesforce.com/apex/Receive_Deliverables?scontrolCaching=1&id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '&DeliverablesIds='; } return UrltoOpen; } public List<Deliverable__c> getDels() { if(dels == null) dels = [select id,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c from Deliverable__c where ((Approval_Status__c =: 'Not Completed') and Extracted__c =: true) and Update__c =: 'U' and PO_Number__c <> null and Opportunity__c =:oppId ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') return dels ; } public List<Deliverable__c> getUnReceiveDels() { if(unReceiveDels == null) unReceiveDels = [select id,Name,Amount_Paid__c,Balance__c,Deliverable_Number__c,Partial_Amount__c,Make_Partial_Payment__c,Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c,Work_Approved_By__c,Approved_By_Date__c,Contractor_Invoice__c, Deliverable_Amount__c,due_date__c,Approval_Status__c,Deliverable_Description__c,Opportunity__c from Deliverable__c where (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment' and (Extracted__c =: true OR Make_Partial_Payment__c =: true )) and Update__c =: 'U' and PO_Number__c <> null and Opportunity__c =:oppId ];//OR (Approval_Status__c =: 'Deliverable Approved for Payment') return unReceiveDels ; } public PageReference ConfirmAction(){ string Del_Id=null; if(dels != null){ for(integer count=0; count< dels.size();count++) { if(dels[count].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c == true) { if(Del_Id != null){ Del_Id = Del_Id + dels[count].Id +','; } else{ Del_Id = dels[count].Id +','; } } } } if(unReceiveDels != null){ for(integer count=0; count< unReceiveDels.size();count++) { if(unReceiveDels[count].Notify_DS_Owner_for_PO_TroubleShoot_Del__c == true) { if(Del_Id != null){ Del_Id = Del_Id + unReceiveDels[count].Id +','; } else{ Del_Id = unReceiveDels[count].Id +','; } } } } string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); UrltoOpen = UrltoOpen+Del_Id; PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('/apex/Receive_Deliverables?scontrolCaching=1&id=' + id + '&DeliverablesIds='+Del_Id); OppPage.setRedirect(true); return OppPage; } public PageReference CancelAction(){ string id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); PageReference OppPage = new PageReference('https://cs3.salesforce.com/' + oppId); OppPage.setRedirect(true); return OppPage; }}
- mahe
- September 21, 2012
- Like
- 0
Javascript issues in S-control
I wanted to hide custom button in standard objects detail page. So I did by implementing s-control and I made JavaScript code changes for it. Actually I can hide the button when the page first time loading but I count hide it when the refresh same page and its getting error out as following: 'window.parent.document.getElementsByName(...).0.style' is null or not an object.
var e=window.parent.document.getElementsByName("unreceive_deliverable1");
alert(" The count of button " + e.length);
- unreceive_deliverable1 - is the button name
- I am getting count value is 1 when the page first time loading but getting 0 if I refresh the same page.
I am not sure where it is missing. Please let me know if you have any question?
I appreciate if you could help me on this.
- mahe
- August 30, 2012
- Like
- 0
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0065000000JfoKmAAJ; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, AutoReceiveDeliverable: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, ProjectDeliverableTrigger: execution of BeforeUpdate
caused by: System.Exception: Too many SOQL queries: 101
Class.DeliverableProject.ProjectApprovers: line 52, column 1
Trigger.ProjectDeliverableTrigger: line 35, column 1: []
Trigger.AutoReceiveDeliverable: line 59, column 1
Class.SyncPONumberOnDealSheet.updateDealSheetPONumber_list: line 38, column 1
- mahe
- June 15, 2012
- Like
- 0
How to deal with 'BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string' error
I write a apex class to import csv file from the VF page. The 'BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string' raising.I don't how to set the csv encode. or is there any way to convert the file to UTF-8 by apex code.
Any suggestion would be appriciate.
- miku
- May 16, 2012
- Like
- 0