• Milan Sanghani
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Hi, I am little bit Confused on AppExchange Application and installation it on different edition


1) Force.com Free, Force.com Enterprise ans Force.com Unlimited edition are the Edition in which we can install only AppExchange Application, Salesforce does not provide any CRM functionality, is it right??

2) Can we install application which is not listed in appExchange ?

3) If application is just a Managed package, ( Means not passed Security review and not listed in AppExchange ) can we install in force.com edition.




I am developing salesforce application to publishing in AppExchange. In this app I am integrating salesforce to one website. Once manage package done, and security review is passed. App will be listed in AppExchange. Now the question is.

1)     Can user install this app to their professional edition, if No; then what should I do? Or what should user have to do to install app in professional edition.

2)     If app contains Apex class then, then app will work in professional edition?



Milan Sanghani



For accessing salesforce data we need to set Remote Access setting, and have to pass key ans secret with http requst for generating access token, But is there any way that without set Remote setting and without Key and secret (Just passing salesforce Username and Password) we can access salesforce data?????



How do i set Restricting Login IP Ranges to allow login for any ip address?






I have a string which I am decoding using base64Decode method, then am encoding it back using base64Encode. Then ultimately I should have the initial string, but in certain case its been truncated.


Any idea, why is this happening or am I missing here something?



Hi all,


We received the following question from our developer:


When we query SalesForce we use a statement like the one beneath. However, we are afraid it can be abused to perform SQL Injection. The only alternative is not to use ‘where’ and to query the whole Salesforce database. Once we have all the data, we then can perform a search on our side on the data. However, this solution has performance issues. Can you please advise us how to use a SQL Injection free query?


var objResult = svc.query("select id, lastname, firstname, email, Email_opt_in__c from contact where Id = '003D0000013uxmpIAA'");


The salesforce support team could not really help with this question.  Anyone who has experience with this or might be able to help with this question?


Thank you in advance.



  • January 30, 2013
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I am developing salesforce application to publishing in AppExchange. In this app I am integrating salesforce to one website. Once manage package done, and security review is passed. App will be listed in AppExchange. Now the question is.

1)     Can user install this app to their professional edition, if No; then what should I do? Or what should user have to do to install app in professional edition.

2)     If app contains Apex class then, then app will work in professional edition?



Milan Sanghani



For accessing salesforce data we need to set Remote Access setting, and have to pass key ans secret with http requst for generating access token, But is there any way that without set Remote setting and without Key and secret (Just passing salesforce Username and Password) we can access salesforce data?????

Hi All;


 I have one custom Object Like  Project_ Details__c  inthat four fields are there like project Name, client Name,startdate, end date, . now  I have  crated on visualforce  page  with foour input text fields and also  pageblock Table with the same columns .  suppose i  create with one record through my vf page  , it will be saved into my object , and then  entered into page Block table,. 


 Now   What my intension is editing record thrugh  PageBlock table,  the Page Block Table is Like 


Nagesh Clientnagesh Client6/26/20126/26/2012

   at the end of the each PageBlock record I I have edit Button

 now  i click  edit   button of page block table  the record  is updated in my custom object and page block Table  any body can help



I need to get new button in lookup window for custom object.

  • November 25, 2011
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Hi all

i am having a problem and not able to get the solution even after a lot of serching


I have a picklist field with values 'yes' and 'No'


I want to show this field as radio buttons on my vf page. i.e. one radio button for yes and one for no. and at a time only one can be selected


can anybody help me how to do this...


i have tried using method on link below



but this is giving error.. please suggest alternate solution..

thanks in advance..


Can anybody please tell me what is wrong in this OnClick javacript code.


I require to get the Status__c field on the Work objects for checking something down the line.


I am getting all the record ids for object Work__c and then trying to retrieve all Work objects whose ids are present in records.

However it is not working and throwing malformed query exception.

var records = {!GetRecordIds($ObjectType.Work__c)}

var result1 = sforce.connection.query("select id, Status__c from Work_Order__c where Id IN ("+records+")") ;

Exception thrown:

A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

{faultcode:'sf:MALFORMED_QUERY', faultstring:'MALFORMED_QUERY:
from Work_Order__c where Id IN (a0wQ0000002hdyv)
ERROR at Row:1:Column:53
unexpected token: 'a0wQ0000002hdyv'', detail:{MalformedQueryFault:{exceptionCode:'MALFORMED_QUERY', exceptionMessage:'
from Work_Order__c where Id IN (a0wQ0000002hdyv)
ERROR at Row:1:Column:53
unexpected token: 'a0wQ0000002hdyv'', row:'1', column:'53', }, }, }

  • March 31, 2011
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I have a VF page that groups together lists of custom objects that the user can click on top open the page for that custom object but I have just noticed that the breadcrumb link is the last standard visualforce page I clicked on, not my custom page.


Can I set this programatically?