• TryForce.ax1449
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I want to remove all(say 100) classes from my org using ant. So i can not specify the name of individual class in destructiveChanges.xml file. Hence i tried to create it like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">


But i am getting error "No ApexClass Named: * found"


can someone please help me on this?


Thanks in Advance!!!!



I want to remove all(say 100) classes from my org using ant. So i can not specify the name of individual class in destructiveChanges.xml file. Hence i tried to create it like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">


But i am getting error "No ApexClass Named: * found"


can someone please help me on this?


Thanks in Advance!!!!

How to check that particular Vf page is accessible to current User/Profile or not , using apex?


Thanks in advance....

  • September 13, 2011
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Does anyone know if the Ant migration tool supports the new purgeOnDelete (introduced in summer 11) attribute of the deploy metadata command. I have downloaded the latest ant-salesforce.jar from my DE and run a deploy command and I get the following error.


 sf:deploy doesn't support the "purgeOnDelete" attribute


purgeOnDeletebooleanIf true, the deleted components in the destructiveChanges.xml manifest file aren't stored in the Recycle Bin. Instead, they become immediately eligible for deletion.

This field is available in API version 22.0 and later.

This option only works in Developer Edition or sandbox organizations; it doesn't work in production organizations.

In a pageblock table I want to render more than one records returned by statndardcontroller or extension controoler.

How can I specify the recordId or the record index in pageblock table?



sr no.                   name                  age              city

1)                          tom                   22               boston

2)                           jim                       33              ny

3)                         shaun                     34               LA


I can retrieve name,aga and city.. but my controller can not get record index

i.e 1 for Tom

2 for Jim

3 for shaun etc.

Is there any way to render dynamically in visualforce?

Is there a way to check if the current running user has permission to access a specific visualforce page?


Does anyone know if the Ant migration tool supports the new purgeOnDelete (introduced in summer 11) attribute of the deploy metadata command. I have downloaded the latest ant-salesforce.jar from my DE and run a deploy command and I get the following error.


 sf:deploy doesn't support the "purgeOnDelete" attribute


purgeOnDeletebooleanIf true, the deleted components in the destructiveChanges.xml manifest file aren't stored in the Recycle Bin. Instead, they become immediately eligible for deletion.

This field is available in API version 22.0 and later.

This option only works in Developer Edition or sandbox organizations; it doesn't work in production organizations.