• john hope
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Hello there,


I am new in salesforce and im doing an outbound message that will perform if some record of custom objects was edited or added. It is running but the problem is that when i edit some data the outbound message will arrived at the outbound message listener for at least 3 minutes. Can you please tell me what happen ? And how to fix this one ?


Kind regards,



Hello there,


Im having trouble on how to create a listener of salesforce outbound message. Do you have a step-by-step lesson on how to create a salesforce outbound listener ? specially in java and php language ? Please help me.


Kind Regards,



Hello there,


Im having trouble on how to create a listener of salesforce outbound message. Do you have a step-by-step lesson on how to create a salesforce outbound listener ? specially in java and php language ? Please help me.


Kind Regards,



Hello there,


Im having trouble on how to create a listener of salesforce outbound message. Do you have a step-by-step lesson on how to create a salesforce outbound listener ? specially in java and php language ? Please help me.


Kind Regards,

