• Fabio Milheiro
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I had a user who created a record (admin) but the other user couldn't (custom user profile created from standard user) - not even the ones that it creates.


I have set the permissions to do it all (read, create, etc.)


I have now changed the profile of my second user and it still can't see any item in the list. I am using a Visual Force Page with the following code (tried with and without the list id):


<apex:page showHeader="true" tabstyle="Project__c">
<apex:enhancedList type="Project__c" customizable="false" rowsPerPage="100" height="730" listId="00BE00000031MuO" />



I have a developer account and have created another user to test writing records with the same parent.


The problem is that each user can't access any of the other's records.


I went to the sharing settings to the profile of my second user and set the custom object permissions to checked but to no avail.


But I am not sure if the problem is here because my admin user can't also access the second user records. Any help please?


I am building a time records app that records time spent in projects by our users.


No we have to develop a feature to check if a certain person is getting close to the maximum time for a specific project so that Salesforce can inform the project manager.


At first I was thinknig of pooling that info from an external information but... If there is a way to execute a certain task every hour in salesforce then that would probably be the best solution.


Any way to do this?

We have a Project and Time Entry custom objects. A project can have zero or more time entries.


I am supposed to create a button in the project time entries related table a Start/Stop button (right next to the New button).


I have created a custom button (Display Type = List Button) in Time Entry custom object to execute the following JavaScript onclick event:



var url = parent.location.href;
var records = {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Time__c )};
var updateRecords = [];

function getCurrentSalesForceTime(){
    var currentDateTime = sforce.connection.getServerTimestamp();
    currentDateTime = setStringToDateTime(currentDateTime.timestamp);
    return currentDateTime;

function create() {
  var timeEntryName = prompt("Please enter for the time entry:", "New time entry");
  var newTimeEntry = new sforce.SObject("Time__c");
  newTimeEntry.Project__c = "{!Product2.Id}";
  newTimeEntry.Name = timeEntryName;
  newTimeEntry.Start = getCurrentSalesForceTime();

if (records.length == 0) {
else {
  var lastTimeEntry = records[records.length-1];
  if (lastTimeEntry.Stop < lastTimeEntry.Start) {
    lastTimeEntry.Stop = getCurrentSalesForceTime();
  else {



Then, I have edited the Project custom object page layout to add the button to the Time Entries related list.


The button now appears next to the New button in related table Time Entries in the Project details page.


But when I click it I get the following message:


"Unable to find a form for this button"


What am I doing wrong? Any ideas about what I can do to narrow the problem?



The company needs to know how much time each worker spends on each part of each project part.

The following resembles some custom objects that were defined for this app:

  • Custom Project
  • Custom Project Part
  • Custom Time Entry

Now we need to customize our salesforce app in such a way that a worker can open the project part and click "Start..." and later "Stop...".

These buttons would create a time entry with a start date and update the time entry with a stop date respectively.


Is this possible to do in the custom objects themselves? (ideal)


Ant other alternative?