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Hi everyone.


I am trying to implement SFDCFox's twistSection code that I have found in multiple places.

Every variation that I can find on Force.com is not working, so I suspect that I have done something terribly wrong.  Could someone please help me out ?

I have a pageBlock with multiple pageBlockSections.  I want to be able to toggle the sections open or closed onClick of the triangle img from salesforce.

Here is a small piece of my page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="Opportunity" tabStyle="Opportunity" extensions="getAllRecords">
<apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" mode="detail" rendered="true">
<apex:tabPanel selectedTab="FIRST TAB" id="theTabPanel" tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab" width="100%">
<apex:tab label="FIRST TAB" name="firstOne" labelWidth="250px" id="one">
<apex:pageBlockSection id="underFive" title="Within 5 Days or Past Due.." columns="1" collapsible="true">
<apex:PageBlockTable value="{!DuePastDue}" var="records" rowClasses="brightRed1,brightRed2" >
<!--I have multiple columns here-->
<apex:column value="{!records.Account_Name__c}" headerValue="Account Name" width="19%" /> </apex:pageBlockTable>

 I cut almost all the extra bits for brevity.

I have also tried:






For all of them, when i run it, the twistSection does not work.  It does append the alt's "Hide Details" name, so I know it is recognizing the image at least.


And, finally, when I use the Firefox debugger tool, here is the id I get for my global component reference:

div id="j_id0:block1:underFive"

 What am I doing wrong?


Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks!


***** 12/27/2012 UPDATE:  when i remove the tabPanel and tab tags from the VF page, the twistSection works fine.
  So how do I keep the <apex:tab> and <apex:tabPanel> portions of the page AND use the twistSection?



  I am writing a trigger (or trying to ...) that will create X amount of child records on a parent. 

Parent - Custom Object: Finance__c

Child   - Custom Object: Finance_Payment__c


On the parent is a field called Number_of_payments__c


I want the trigger to (after parent insert) create the same number of children records as indicated in the field Number_of_payments__c.

The only field on the child record that needs to be populated on the initial insert is the payment_number__c (which starts at 1 and ends at :Number_of_payments).


Can someone help me fill in the blanks (and correct mistakes). 

I am very new to triggers.  Thanks!


trigger Payments on Finance_Payment__c (after insert){
    // collect parent id ?
id[] finIds = new Id[0];
// collect number of payments data
Finance__c[] parent;
parent = [SELECT Number_of_payments__c FROM Finance__c WHERE Finance__C IN (ParentID?)];
// iterate through to create child records.
for (Finance_Payment__c f : tigger.new){
// create records using number of payments
insert ?;



Hello Everyone,


My question is more App-Administrative than anything else.

All of our clients use our Partner Portal, so they are not salesforce users.  They cannot log in to leave a review for us in the AppExchange Marketplace.

Does anyone have any idea how we can allow our clients to share their thoughts on our App without signing up for a SF account??


Thanks in advance!

Jeff Douglas wrote a wonderful chunk of code ( http://blog.jeffdouglas.com/2010/07/13/building-a-dynamic-search-page-in-visualforce/ )

And I am working on applying it to my org.  I have it in my sandbox and it works awesome!  But I am having trouble getting anything over 50% code coverage.


Can someone help me to figure out the last little bit?  Thanks in advance!


Here is my test so far:


private with sharing class TestOpportunitySearchController 
    static testMethod void myTest()
        date testdate = System.today().addDays(+1);
        Account testaccount = new Account(Name = 'test', Trident_Contract_Manager__c = 'test');
        insert testaccount;
        Opportunity testrenewal =  new Opportunity(accountId = testaccount.Id, Amount = 100.00, Closedate = testdate, Description = 'test', Name = 'test', Stagename = 'Baseline', Probability = 100, OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId(), 
                                                   Coverage_Start_Date__c = System.today().addDays(-15), Coverage_End_Date__c = System.today().addDays(100));
        insert testrenewal;                 

        ApexPages.StandardController sc1 = new ApexPages.StandardController(testrenewal);
        OpportunitySearchController controller1 = new OpportunitySearchController(sc1);           


 Here is my missing coverage (red indicates not covered):  I cant figure out how to call the 'stages' and 'managers' methods.


 line	 source
 1	  public with sharing class OpportunitySearchController {
 2	   public OpportunitySearchController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { soql = 'select name, account.name, Trident_Contract_Manager2__c, stagename from opportunity where name != null'; runQuery(); }
 3	   private String soql {get;set;}
 4	   public List<Opportunity> renewals {get;set;}
 5	   public String sortDir { get { if (sortDir == null) { sortDir = 'asc'; } return sortDir; } set; }
 6	   public String sortField { get { if (sortField == null) {sortField = 'name'; } return sortField; } set; }
 7	   public String debugSoql { get { return soql + ' order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' limit 40'; } set; }
 9	   public void toggleSort() { sortDir = sortDir.equals('asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc'; runQuery(); }
 10	   public void runQuery() {
 11	   try { renewals = Database.query(soql + ' order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' limit 40'); } catch (Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Ooops!')); } }
 12	   public PageReference runSearch() {
 13	   String name = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('name');
 14	   String account = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('account');
 15	   String manager = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('manager');
 16	   String stage = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('stage');
 17	   soql = 'select name, account.name, Trident_Contract_Manager2__c, stagename from opportunity where name != null';
 18	   if (!name.equals('')) soql += ' and name LIKE \''+String.escapeSingleQuotes(Name)+'%\'';
 19	   if (!account.equals('')) soql += ' and account.name LIKE \''+String.escapeSingleQuotes(account)+'%\'';
 20	   if (!manager.equals('')) soql += ' and Trident_Contract_Manager2__c LIKE \''+manager+'\'';
 21	   if (!stage.equals('')) soql += ' and stagename LIKE \''+stage+'\'';
 22	   runQuery();
 23	   return null;
 24	   }
 27	   public List<String> stages {
 28	   get { if (stages == null) { stages = new List<String>();
 29	   Schema.DescribeFieldResult field = Opportunity.stagename.getDescribe();
 30	   for (Schema.PicklistEntry f : field.getPicklistValues()) stages.add(f.getLabel()); }
 31	   return stages;
 32	   }
 33	   set;
 34	   }
 35	   public List<String> managers {
 36	   get { if (managers == null) { managers = new List<String>();
 37	   Schema.DescribeFieldResult field = Account.Trident_Contract_Manager__c.getDescribe();
 38	   for (Schema.PicklistEntry f : field.getPicklistValues()) managers .add(f.getLabel());
 39	   }
 40	   return managers;
 41	   }
 42	   set;
 43	   }
 44	  }




 Thank you!

In my quest to find a way to report on rolling months in custom object, I decided to brainiack this approach.

I set a field to todays date.  Then I add a month.  So, this formula works somewhat (returns wrong month right now):

IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 1 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 1)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 1 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))


But if I want to calculate the following months based on today (for example):

IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 3 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 3)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 3 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 4 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 4)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 4 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 5 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 5)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 5 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 6 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 6)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 6 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 7 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 7)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 7 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))

 these all return the same date (1/1/2013).


AND if I try to use the first rolling date calculated like this:

IF(MONTH(DATEVALUE(Rolling_Months_1__c)) + 2 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2))  & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(DATEVALUE(Rolling_Months_1__c)) + 2 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))

 I do not get any syntax errors, BUT my field displays this -->   #error   <--  instead of a date.


I should point out that ALL my formula fields are set to return values as text.


Anyone have any ideas on this?








Hi everyone.  I am trying to understand how to use the get; set; methods.  Here is my block of code:


public class LogoImage {

    public LogoImage(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        get{  return image;  }
        set{  image = value; }

    // get a company logo: based on user log in, strip spaces, return image name
    public String getImageName(){     
       String file = [SELECT Name 
                        FROM Account 
                       WHERE Id IN 
                            (SELECT AccountId 
                               FROM user 
                              WHERE username=:UserInfo.getUsername()
                       LIMIT 1
       file = file.replace(' ', '');  
       String foldername = 'Logos/';
       String extension = '.jpg';
       String fullImageName = foldername + file + extension;
       return fullImageName;

 I am trying to understand what the Apex Developer's Guide means and I obviously don't (so say my error messages :)  )  ... Could someone please show me (in code, not links to more reading material) an example of how I would want to use the get set method?


I should also point out that without the get/set this works on my visualforce pages.  My partner portal users get a logo image on their page of their company when they log in.  But I want to understand gets and sets so I can write pages and classes that are ... well, not crappy.





I am going crazy.


Here is my VF snippet:

<!-- --------------------------------------- -->
<!-- ---------------- UPLOAD --------------- -->
<!-- --------------------------------------- -->      
<apex:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
<apex:pageMessages />
        <apex:pageBlock id="buttons">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton styleclass="button1" action="{!upload}" value="Upload Document"/>
<apex:outputLabel value="File Name" for="fileName"/><apex:inputFile value="{!attachment.body}" filename="{!attachment.name}" id="file"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!attachment.name}" id="fileName"/><apex:outputLabel value="File Name" for="file"/>
<!-- --------------------------------------- -->
<!-- ------------ END UPLOAD --------------- -->
<!-- --------------------------------------- -->

 Here is my VF view:


It looks so painfully ugly.  I know.  I have tried everything I can think of in my styles.

Here are some that have yielded poor results:

 .pbHeader {clear:both!important; text-align: left!important; background-color: #FFFFFF!important;}
    .pbTitle {width: 50%!important}
    .bPageBlock {background-color:#FFFFFF!important; clear:both!important; text-align:left!important; padding: 0px!important; margin: 0px!important; }
    .button1 {background-color:#FFFFFF; clear:both!important; text-align:left!important; padding: 0px!important; margin: 0px!important; }

 What I am looking to do is to justify left my page buttons block of code.  But I can't seem to get down to the heart of css code.

Any thoughts?

I have a class that stores data from a custom object into a List.  The class sorts the list and does all the things it needs to do, but now I want to pass the data back to my visualforce page.


But!  I dont want to use pageblock or tabledata to render the values.  Everytime I reference my class, it errors out on me.  Here is some code:

First method in my class that is getting the data:

public class getOnboarding {
    public getOnboarding(ApexPages.StandardController Controller){   
    public SFDC_Acct_Plan__c[] getPlanInfo(){
        List<SFDC_Acct_Plan__c> fields = new List<SFDC_Acct_Plan__c>();
             fields = [SELECT Planning_Year__c,
                         FROM SFDC_Acct_Plan__c
                        WHERE Account__c IN 
                                (SELECT AccountId 
                                   FROM AccountShare 
                                  WHERE UserOrGroupId=:Userinfo.getUserId())
                          AND (Plan_Status__c = 'Draft')
        return fields;

 and I want to pass it to my VF page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="SFDC_Acct_Plan__c" extensions="getOnboarding">
  <!-- --------------------------------------- -->
  <!-- ------------START OF STYLES------------ -->
  <!-- --------------------------------------- -->  
            #onboardingStages {text-align: center; width:95%}
            .pbheader {background-color:#000000!important; color:#FF4D4D!important;}
            .pbsubheader {background-color:#FFFF85!important; color:#5a5a5a!important;}        
  <!-- --------------------------------------- -->
  <!-- ------------ END OF STYLES ------------ -->
  <!-- --------------------------------------- --> 
  <h1>Welcome Back {!$User.FirstName}</h1><br/>
  <h2>Date: {!MONTH(TODAY())}/{!DAY(TODAY())}/{!YEAR(TODAY())}</h2> 
  <div id="onboardingStages">
    <apex:variable var="stage" value="{!StageImage}"/>
    <apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Stages, stage)}" />    

 But I want to put the data into my own table.

If I reference my method {!PlanInfo.Plan_Status__c} it will not allow me to use the data (unless its in a pageBlock).  I have also tried using variables for this.

I basically want to pass it to an HTML table cell that I define later.

Anyone come across this before?  I know its something easy and silly ... but I cant get it.

Thank you,



I have been working on creating some new visualforce pages and I thought I was doing ok.  But now I stumbled across some of this code:





etc, when it comes to using styles!  I have searched the internet, but cannot find any reference material that will give me a list of all these available classes for use in CSS on my visualforce pages.  I had no idea they even existed!!  But try as I might, I cannot get mine to work quite right.  Does anyone have a great reference page they can point out for me?  I appreciate any and all tips.


Also, if anyone has some suggestions on how to best use !important that would be great too.

Hello everyone.

   I am pretty sure that what I need to do is write a trigger to accomplish my goal, but I have not written one before and need some help with the code.  I will try to outline this as best I can, and any help is appreciated.


I have a parent Custom Object called Job__c

I have a child Custom Object called Bid__c

   On Bid__c I have a field called Status__c that is a picklist with the values "Awarded" and "Lost"


One Job__c can have 1 to many Bid__c


When one Bid__c Status__c is changed to "Awarded" I need for all remaining Bid__c Status__c to change from "Pending" to "Lost"


I have absolutely no idea how to accomplish this.  I have read through some of the posts about triggers in here, but I have never done anything with one before, and I am pretty lost.


Here is what I have so far, which is nothing, and I am already not sure if its right.  (I can't wait to get beat up on a Test Class) 


trigger updateBids on Bid__c(after update){
     for(Bid__c c : trigger.old) {




Can someone please help me to fill in the missing blanks?

Thank you!

Hello Everyone,

   I have two custom objects tied by Master-Detail.  But in my child object, in edit mode, I cannot see the Master-Detail field (not even as a read only).  I do not want to edit the Master Detail field, I just want to be able to show the Parent field.


     Parent Object

          Name field

          Date field

          Currency FIeld, etc.

     Child Object

            Name (Master Detail from Parent) field

            Date field

            Location field, etc.


When I am editing my child object, I just want to see which Parent it belongs to.  There are too many occassions where the wrong record is being updated since the user is losing track of what Parent / Child records they are really working in!!  This is very frustrating.


I am not opposed to VF, Apex, or Trigger workarounds, although shame on Salesforce for making that necessary.  I have tried using various formulas and field updates, but each time I am not able to access the Parent's Master-Detail field.


Any thoughts?


Hi everyone.


I am trying to implement SFDCFox's twistSection code that I have found in multiple places.

Every variation that I can find on Force.com is not working, so I suspect that I have done something terribly wrong.  Could someone please help me out ?

I have a pageBlock with multiple pageBlockSections.  I want to be able to toggle the sections open or closed onClick of the triangle img from salesforce.

Here is a small piece of my page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="Opportunity" tabStyle="Opportunity" extensions="getAllRecords">
<apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" mode="detail" rendered="true">
<apex:tabPanel selectedTab="FIRST TAB" id="theTabPanel" tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab" width="100%">
<apex:tab label="FIRST TAB" name="firstOne" labelWidth="250px" id="one">
<apex:pageBlockSection id="underFive" title="Within 5 Days or Past Due.." columns="1" collapsible="true">
<apex:PageBlockTable value="{!DuePastDue}" var="records" rowClasses="brightRed1,brightRed2" >
<!--I have multiple columns here-->
<apex:column value="{!records.Account_Name__c}" headerValue="Account Name" width="19%" /> </apex:pageBlockTable>

 I cut almost all the extra bits for brevity.

I have also tried:






For all of them, when i run it, the twistSection does not work.  It does append the alt's "Hide Details" name, so I know it is recognizing the image at least.


And, finally, when I use the Firefox debugger tool, here is the id I get for my global component reference:

div id="j_id0:block1:underFive"

 What am I doing wrong?


Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks!


***** 12/27/2012 UPDATE:  when i remove the tabPanel and tab tags from the VF page, the twistSection works fine.
  So how do I keep the <apex:tab> and <apex:tabPanel> portions of the page AND use the twistSection?



  I am writing a trigger (or trying to ...) that will create X amount of child records on a parent. 

Parent - Custom Object: Finance__c

Child   - Custom Object: Finance_Payment__c


On the parent is a field called Number_of_payments__c


I want the trigger to (after parent insert) create the same number of children records as indicated in the field Number_of_payments__c.

The only field on the child record that needs to be populated on the initial insert is the payment_number__c (which starts at 1 and ends at :Number_of_payments).


Can someone help me fill in the blanks (and correct mistakes). 

I am very new to triggers.  Thanks!


trigger Payments on Finance_Payment__c (after insert){
    // collect parent id ?
id[] finIds = new Id[0];
// collect number of payments data
Finance__c[] parent;
parent = [SELECT Number_of_payments__c FROM Finance__c WHERE Finance__C IN (ParentID?)];
// iterate through to create child records.
for (Finance_Payment__c f : tigger.new){
// create records using number of payments
insert ?;



Jeff Douglas wrote a wonderful chunk of code ( http://blog.jeffdouglas.com/2010/07/13/building-a-dynamic-search-page-in-visualforce/ )

And I am working on applying it to my org.  I have it in my sandbox and it works awesome!  But I am having trouble getting anything over 50% code coverage.


Can someone help me to figure out the last little bit?  Thanks in advance!


Here is my test so far:


private with sharing class TestOpportunitySearchController 
    static testMethod void myTest()
        date testdate = System.today().addDays(+1);
        Account testaccount = new Account(Name = 'test', Trident_Contract_Manager__c = 'test');
        insert testaccount;
        Opportunity testrenewal =  new Opportunity(accountId = testaccount.Id, Amount = 100.00, Closedate = testdate, Description = 'test', Name = 'test', Stagename = 'Baseline', Probability = 100, OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId(), 
                                                   Coverage_Start_Date__c = System.today().addDays(-15), Coverage_End_Date__c = System.today().addDays(100));
        insert testrenewal;                 

        ApexPages.StandardController sc1 = new ApexPages.StandardController(testrenewal);
        OpportunitySearchController controller1 = new OpportunitySearchController(sc1);           


 Here is my missing coverage (red indicates not covered):  I cant figure out how to call the 'stages' and 'managers' methods.


 line	 source
 1	  public with sharing class OpportunitySearchController {
 2	   public OpportunitySearchController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { soql = 'select name, account.name, Trident_Contract_Manager2__c, stagename from opportunity where name != null'; runQuery(); }
 3	   private String soql {get;set;}
 4	   public List<Opportunity> renewals {get;set;}
 5	   public String sortDir { get { if (sortDir == null) { sortDir = 'asc'; } return sortDir; } set; }
 6	   public String sortField { get { if (sortField == null) {sortField = 'name'; } return sortField; } set; }
 7	   public String debugSoql { get { return soql + ' order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' limit 40'; } set; }
 9	   public void toggleSort() { sortDir = sortDir.equals('asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc'; runQuery(); }
 10	   public void runQuery() {
 11	   try { renewals = Database.query(soql + ' order by ' + sortField + ' ' + sortDir + ' limit 40'); } catch (Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Ooops!')); } }
 12	   public PageReference runSearch() {
 13	   String name = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('name');
 14	   String account = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('account');
 15	   String manager = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('manager');
 16	   String stage = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('stage');
 17	   soql = 'select name, account.name, Trident_Contract_Manager2__c, stagename from opportunity where name != null';
 18	   if (!name.equals('')) soql += ' and name LIKE \''+String.escapeSingleQuotes(Name)+'%\'';
 19	   if (!account.equals('')) soql += ' and account.name LIKE \''+String.escapeSingleQuotes(account)+'%\'';
 20	   if (!manager.equals('')) soql += ' and Trident_Contract_Manager2__c LIKE \''+manager+'\'';
 21	   if (!stage.equals('')) soql += ' and stagename LIKE \''+stage+'\'';
 22	   runQuery();
 23	   return null;
 24	   }
 27	   public List<String> stages {
 28	   get { if (stages == null) { stages = new List<String>();
 29	   Schema.DescribeFieldResult field = Opportunity.stagename.getDescribe();
 30	   for (Schema.PicklistEntry f : field.getPicklistValues()) stages.add(f.getLabel()); }
 31	   return stages;
 32	   }
 33	   set;
 34	   }
 35	   public List<String> managers {
 36	   get { if (managers == null) { managers = new List<String>();
 37	   Schema.DescribeFieldResult field = Account.Trident_Contract_Manager__c.getDescribe();
 38	   for (Schema.PicklistEntry f : field.getPicklistValues()) managers .add(f.getLabel());
 39	   }
 40	   return managers;
 41	   }
 42	   set;
 43	   }
 44	  }




 Thank you!

In my quest to find a way to report on rolling months in custom object, I decided to brainiack this approach.

I set a field to todays date.  Then I add a month.  So, this formula works somewhat (returns wrong month right now):

IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 1 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 1)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 1 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))


But if I want to calculate the following months based on today (for example):

IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 3 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 3)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 3 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 4 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 4)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 4 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 5 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 5)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 5 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 6 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 6)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 6 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))
IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 7 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 7)) & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(TODAY()) + 7 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))

 these all return the same date (1/1/2013).


AND if I try to use the first rolling date calculated like this:

IF(MONTH(DATEVALUE(Rolling_Months_1__c)) + 2 >= 12, "1", TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()) + 2))  & "/1/" & IF(MONTH(DATEVALUE(Rolling_Months_1__c)) + 2 >= 12, TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()) +1), TEXT(YEAR(TODAY())))

 I do not get any syntax errors, BUT my field displays this -->   #error   <--  instead of a date.


I should point out that ALL my formula fields are set to return values as text.


Anyone have any ideas on this?








Hi everyone.  I am trying to understand how to use the get; set; methods.  Here is my block of code:


public class LogoImage {

    public LogoImage(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        get{  return image;  }
        set{  image = value; }

    // get a company logo: based on user log in, strip spaces, return image name
    public String getImageName(){     
       String file = [SELECT Name 
                        FROM Account 
                       WHERE Id IN 
                            (SELECT AccountId 
                               FROM user 
                              WHERE username=:UserInfo.getUsername()
                       LIMIT 1
       file = file.replace(' ', '');  
       String foldername = 'Logos/';
       String extension = '.jpg';
       String fullImageName = foldername + file + extension;
       return fullImageName;

 I am trying to understand what the Apex Developer's Guide means and I obviously don't (so say my error messages :)  )  ... Could someone please show me (in code, not links to more reading material) an example of how I would want to use the get set method?


I should also point out that without the get/set this works on my visualforce pages.  My partner portal users get a logo image on their page of their company when they log in.  But I want to understand gets and sets so I can write pages and classes that are ... well, not crappy.





I am going crazy.


Here is my VF snippet:

<!-- --------------------------------------- -->
<!-- ---------------- UPLOAD --------------- -->
<!-- --------------------------------------- -->      
<apex:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
<apex:pageMessages />
        <apex:pageBlock id="buttons">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton styleclass="button1" action="{!upload}" value="Upload Document"/>
<apex:outputLabel value="File Name" for="fileName"/><apex:inputFile value="{!attachment.body}" filename="{!attachment.name}" id="file"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!attachment.name}" id="fileName"/><apex:outputLabel value="File Name" for="file"/>
<!-- --------------------------------------- -->
<!-- ------------ END UPLOAD --------------- -->
<!-- --------------------------------------- -->

 Here is my VF view:


It looks so painfully ugly.  I know.  I have tried everything I can think of in my styles.

Here are some that have yielded poor results:

 .pbHeader {clear:both!important; text-align: left!important; background-color: #FFFFFF!important;}
    .pbTitle {width: 50%!important}
    .bPageBlock {background-color:#FFFFFF!important; clear:both!important; text-align:left!important; padding: 0px!important; margin: 0px!important; }
    .button1 {background-color:#FFFFFF; clear:both!important; text-align:left!important; padding: 0px!important; margin: 0px!important; }

 What I am looking to do is to justify left my page buttons block of code.  But I can't seem to get down to the heart of css code.

Any thoughts?

I have a class that stores data from a custom object into a List.  The class sorts the list and does all the things it needs to do, but now I want to pass the data back to my visualforce page.


But!  I dont want to use pageblock or tabledata to render the values.  Everytime I reference my class, it errors out on me.  Here is some code:

First method in my class that is getting the data:

public class getOnboarding {
    public getOnboarding(ApexPages.StandardController Controller){   
    public SFDC_Acct_Plan__c[] getPlanInfo(){
        List<SFDC_Acct_Plan__c> fields = new List<SFDC_Acct_Plan__c>();
             fields = [SELECT Planning_Year__c,
                         FROM SFDC_Acct_Plan__c
                        WHERE Account__c IN 
                                (SELECT AccountId 
                                   FROM AccountShare 
                                  WHERE UserOrGroupId=:Userinfo.getUserId())
                          AND (Plan_Status__c = 'Draft')
        return fields;

 and I want to pass it to my VF page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="SFDC_Acct_Plan__c" extensions="getOnboarding">
  <!-- --------------------------------------- -->
  <!-- ------------START OF STYLES------------ -->
  <!-- --------------------------------------- -->  
            #onboardingStages {text-align: center; width:95%}
            .pbheader {background-color:#000000!important; color:#FF4D4D!important;}
            .pbsubheader {background-color:#FFFF85!important; color:#5a5a5a!important;}        
  <!-- --------------------------------------- -->
  <!-- ------------ END OF STYLES ------------ -->
  <!-- --------------------------------------- --> 
  <h1>Welcome Back {!$User.FirstName}</h1><br/>
  <h2>Date: {!MONTH(TODAY())}/{!DAY(TODAY())}/{!YEAR(TODAY())}</h2> 
  <div id="onboardingStages">
    <apex:variable var="stage" value="{!StageImage}"/>
    <apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Stages, stage)}" />    

 But I want to put the data into my own table.

If I reference my method {!PlanInfo.Plan_Status__c} it will not allow me to use the data (unless its in a pageBlock).  I have also tried using variables for this.

I basically want to pass it to an HTML table cell that I define later.

Anyone come across this before?  I know its something easy and silly ... but I cant get it.

Thank you,



Tyring to create a Time-Dependent Workflow Formula but what i created does not work. 


(Organization_Type__c  = business/company || photography/art) AND (OwnerId  = 00530000007jMIb) AND (Lead: Lead StatusEQUALSWorking - Contacted) AND (Lead: Last Modified ByEQUALSToday()+14)



Anyone know how to get this to work? when i check Syntax is says extra AND and when i remove the AND its says extea "(" To be honest im not sure whats right or wrong....=(









  • November 15, 2012
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I have been working on creating some new visualforce pages and I thought I was doing ok.  But now I stumbled across some of this code:





etc, when it comes to using styles!  I have searched the internet, but cannot find any reference material that will give me a list of all these available classes for use in CSS on my visualforce pages.  I had no idea they even existed!!  But try as I might, I cannot get mine to work quite right.  Does anyone have a great reference page they can point out for me?  I appreciate any and all tips.


Also, if anyone has some suggestions on how to best use !important that would be great too.

Hello everyone.

   I am pretty sure that what I need to do is write a trigger to accomplish my goal, but I have not written one before and need some help with the code.  I will try to outline this as best I can, and any help is appreciated.


I have a parent Custom Object called Job__c

I have a child Custom Object called Bid__c

   On Bid__c I have a field called Status__c that is a picklist with the values "Awarded" and "Lost"


One Job__c can have 1 to many Bid__c


When one Bid__c Status__c is changed to "Awarded" I need for all remaining Bid__c Status__c to change from "Pending" to "Lost"


I have absolutely no idea how to accomplish this.  I have read through some of the posts about triggers in here, but I have never done anything with one before, and I am pretty lost.


Here is what I have so far, which is nothing, and I am already not sure if its right.  (I can't wait to get beat up on a Test Class) 


trigger updateBids on Bid__c(after update){
     for(Bid__c c : trigger.old) {




Can someone please help me to fill in the missing blanks?

Thank you!

Hello Everyone,

   I have two custom objects tied by Master-Detail.  But in my child object, in edit mode, I cannot see the Master-Detail field (not even as a read only).  I do not want to edit the Master Detail field, I just want to be able to show the Parent field.


     Parent Object

          Name field

          Date field

          Currency FIeld, etc.

     Child Object

            Name (Master Detail from Parent) field

            Date field

            Location field, etc.


When I am editing my child object, I just want to see which Parent it belongs to.  There are too many occassions where the wrong record is being updated since the user is losing track of what Parent / Child records they are really working in!!  This is very frustrating.


I am not opposed to VF, Apex, or Trigger workarounds, although shame on Salesforce for making that necessary.  I have tried using various formulas and field updates, but each time I am not able to access the Parent's Master-Detail field.


Any thoughts?
